Germination time of tomatoes in days - Accelerate germination

Germination time of tomatoes in days - Accelerate germination
Germination time of tomatoes in days - Accelerate germination

No store-bought tomato tastes as delicious as one from your own garden. At least that is the opinion of many hobby gardeners. With little effort they can achieve a large harvest, often over several months. What is important is not only the correct care during the ripening period but also the time of sowing and good conditions during the germination period.

How long does it take to germinate tomatoes?

The germination time of tomatoes depends on various factors. Under optimal conditions, modern varieties germinate after approx. 10 days, but old varieties only germinate afterat least 28 daysAccordingly, old tomato varieties should be sown earlier if the desired harvest start is the same.

How important is the timing of sowing?

The time of sowing plays a minor role in the germination period itself, because you can influence the conditions (temperature or humidity) using various means. However, if you would like to plant your tomatoes outdoors, then this should only be done after the Ice Saints, when the temperatures no longer fall near freezing point, even at night. However, if the small plants stay in the warm apartment for too long, they easily rot. When planted outdoors, these tomatoes die easily. Your tomato plants should be planted out about six to eight weeks after germination. Sowing should be planned accordingly.


Don't sow your tomatoes too early, otherwise you risk so-called horny shoots. The plants grow quickly, but remain powerless and weak.

What does the germination time depend on?

Tomato seeds - accelerate germination
Tomato seeds - accelerate germination

The germination time of your tomatoes depends on various factors, especially:

  • of the selected tomato variety
  • the age of the seeds
  • the climate (especially when sowing outdoors)/the temperature
  • the air and soil moisture at the germination site
  • the lighting conditions
  • the depth of sowing

Age of seeds

If possible, only use fresh tomato seeds, their ability to germinate decreases with age. Seeds from the previous year may no longer germinate as well. Also pay attention to the best-before date on the seed packet. After expiry, you should only use these seeds if you are not dependent on the harvest, for example in addition to fresh seeds.


Sowing outdoors is only recommended if the night temperatures are at least 15 °C. Since it will still be a few months before the harvest, this sowing is hardly recommended here. Things are different if you own a greenhouse. You can usually sow there from March if the winter is not too long. The optimal germination temperature of modern tomato varieties is between 20 °C and 24 °C, old varieties tolerate up to 30 °C. However, the tomato does not like major fluctuations. If the temperature during sowing and germination is below the optimal values, germination is prolonged. Even a degree less can delay the germination time by several days. It is therefore important to ensure consistent heat.

Air and soil moisture

The tomato seeds need consistent moisture in the air and soil in order to germinate and grow reliably. If the heating air is dry, they die very quickly or do not germinate at all. Too much moisture or even waterlogging causes the seedlings or seeds to rot or causes mold to form. With a small mini greenhouse on the windowsill or over the growing pot, film can be used to control both the temperature and the air and soil moisture. Gently spray the seeds and/or seedlings with lukewarm or room temperature water, preferably stale. Ventilate your room daily to prevent mold from forming. During this time, the window should not be opened to avoid drafts.

Light conditions/sowing depth

Tomato germination time
Tomato germination time

Tomatoes are one of the so-called light germinators, meaning the seeds need a minimum amount of light in order to be able to germinate. If they are sown too deeply, they will germinate later or not at all. But the blazing sun also damages the tender seedlings. Therefore, tomatoes should not be grown in direct sunlight. For cultivation in the apartment, window sills facing east or west are recommended; it is bright enough there, but shaded during midday. When growing in the greenhouse, make sure there is light shading during midday.

Can I speed up germination?

Despite good planning for the gardening year, it can sometimes happen that the “perfect” time for sowing the tomatoes is missed. If it's just a few days, it's no big deal. You can speed up germination a little with a few simple measures. Also pay attention to optimal growing conditions. If it is a longer period, then you have to expect a later and possibly shortened harvest time. A lukewarm bath can shorten the germination time of your tomatoes a little. To do this, place the seeds in lukewarm water, chamomile tea or a garlic broth for at least a few hours, preferably overnight. The garlic also has an antibacterial effect. Ideally, you should keep the bath constantly lukewarm throughout. You can achieve this by placing the bath vessel on a heater or filling it into a thermos. Then sow seeds as usual.
