Plants 2024, September

Is the olive tree hardy/winterproof? It can withstand so much cold

Is the olive tree hardy/winterproof? It can withstand so much cold

How much can your olive tree withstand? We'll show you what you need to pay attention to. Winter cold zones and other tips can be found here

Tulips don't bloom and only put out leaves: what to do?

Tulips don't bloom and only put out leaves: what to do?

If tulips only sprout leaves but no flowers, there can be various reasons for this. We show you how to get tulips to bloom

Black cherry, Prunus padus: care, cut, propagate &

Black cherry, Prunus padus: care, cut, propagate &

Hobby gardeners know different bird cherries. In this article we give care tips for Prunus padus: known as the common bird cherry

Cutting bamboo - When and how to prune bamboo?

Cutting bamboo - When and how to prune bamboo?

Bamboo is easy to cut. There are four types of pruning care. We will introduce you to all of them and give you tips on when and how to proceed

Elf Flower, Epimedium: 12 tips for care & Cutting

Elf Flower, Epimedium: 12 tips for care & Cutting

Fairy Flower, Epimedium: Find out everything you need to know about caring for the plant and receive valuable tips on pruning and overwintering

Avocado Leaves Turn Brown: 8 Common Causes

Avocado Leaves Turn Brown: 8 Common Causes

Pulling an avocado from a pit seems to be a “national sport”. We show what causes brown leaves and offer remedies

Indoor bamboo: 13 tips for care

Indoor bamboo: 13 tips for care

Find out everything about the indoor bamboo, lucky bamboo called Pogonatherum paniceum - Here you can find tips on care, cutting & overwintering

Holly, Ilex: care from A to Z

Holly, Ilex: care from A to Z

There are numerous tips for the holly (Ilex) here. With us you will find all the information about care, cutting, propagation and much more

Dwarf palm, Chamaerops humilis: care instructions

Dwarf palm, Chamaerops humilis: care instructions

The dwarf palm (Chamaerops humilis) is the only palm that is also native to Europe. There are extensive care instructions here

Dwarf date palm, Phoenix roebelenii: care from A-Z

Dwarf date palm, Phoenix roebelenii: care from A-Z

The dwarf date palm appeals to many because of its Mediterranean style. We show you how to properly care for the Phoenix roebelenii. Tips and information on care:

Mussel cypress, Chamaecyparis obtusa: 10 care tips

Mussel cypress, Chamaecyparis obtusa: 10 care tips

The mussel cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) is also known as Hinoki cypress. There are extensive care instructions with lots of tips here:

Liver balm, Ageratum: 10 tips for care

Liver balm, Ageratum: 10 tips for care

The liver balsam, also known as blue cap, is an undemanding, annual plant. It is one of the daisy family. Learn more about caring for them

Madonna lily, Lilium candidum: 9 care tips

Madonna lily, Lilium candidum: 9 care tips

The Madonna lily (Lilium candidum) is considered a Marian plant because of its pure white flowers and this is also where it gets its name. Here are tips for care:

Pfaffenhütchen (Euonymus): Care from A to Z

Pfaffenhütchen (Euonymus): Care from A to Z

The Pfaffenhütchen belongs to the spindle tree family. It grows as a shrub or tree. This is what you should know about care:

Dwarf lilac: 9 tips for care and cutting

Dwarf lilac: 9 tips for care and cutting

All gardeners who value splendor of flowers and a beautiful scent will enjoy dwarf lilacs. Our tips for caring for tall dwarf lilacs

Send plants - 7 tips for sending flowers

Send plants - 7 tips for sending flowers

Send or ship flowers and plants safely. We show you what you should pay attention to so that the plants survive it well

Blood maple: 9 tips for care, cutting & Overwintering

Blood maple: 9 tips for care, cutting & Overwintering

The blood maple or Norway maple (Acer platanoides) is a beautiful tree and there are extensive care instructions here

Midday gold, Gazania: proper care and overwintering

Midday gold, Gazania: proper care and overwintering

Midday gold (Gazania) delights with yellow-orange inflorescences. How do you care for them properly? Here you can find tips on care, propagation and overwintering

Water houseplants properly - 15 tips for potted plants

Water houseplants properly - 15 tips for potted plants

Not all potted plants want to be watered from above. We show what options there are for properly watering houseplants

Coleus, Coleus blumei: 21 tips for red nettle

Coleus, Coleus blumei: 21 tips for red nettle

The coleus comes from tropical areas & is often referred to as ornamental nettle or flame nettle. There are extensive care instructions here

Spider flower, Cleome hassleriana: care instructions

Spider flower, Cleome hassleriana: care instructions

Here you will find useful tips and information about caring for spider flowers (Cleome hassleriana)

Ground cover roses: care from A - Z

Ground cover roses: care from A - Z

As flowering plants, ground cover roses are relatively easy to care for. A few precautions are enough to celebrate success. We show what has to be considered

11 tips for cutting grass - Tools & Co

11 tips for cutting grass - Tools & Co

Do you have ornamental grasses in your garden? Then we will give you tips for pruning and cleaning out: When? How? And with what tools?

Bee friend, Phacelia: 8 tips for care

Bee friend, Phacelia: 8 tips for care

Bee friend, as the name suggests, they are important bee pastures. Learn more about annual plants and how to care for them

Caring for, overwintering and cutting asters - Instructions

Caring for, overwintering and cutting asters - Instructions

The aster is robust and insensitive, but some care measures are necessary in order to enjoy it for a long time. Here are the tips

How do I care for a gentian tree? Lycianthes rantonnetii

How do I care for a gentian tree? Lycianthes rantonnetii

Blue like the gentian: Some people only know the potato tree as the gentian tree because of its flowers. Learn more:

Ivy plant, Epipremnum aureum: care from A - Z

Ivy plant, Epipremnum aureum: care from A - Z

Whether as a houseplant, hanging basket or with a trellis: the ivy cuts a good figure. Get to know the tropical plant with us:

Ornamental asparagus, Asparagus densiflorus: care from A - Z

Ornamental asparagus, Asparagus densiflorus: care from A - Z

Ornamental asparagus is a suitable house & garden plant, especially for inexperienced hobby gardeners. It is easy to care for. Just keep in mind the following:

Properly propagate ornamental asparagus - Tips for Asparagus densiflorus

Properly propagate ornamental asparagus - Tips for Asparagus densiflorus

Ornamental asparagus (Asparagus densiflorus) is a houseplant that can also be grown outdoors. There are tips on propagation and repotting here

Crescent knotweed, Fallopia baldschuanica: care from A - Z

Crescent knotweed, Fallopia baldschuanica: care from A - Z

As a climbing plant with enormous growth power, creeper knotweed is very popular for quickly greening large areas. Here are the care tips

Magnificent Spiere, Astilbe: Care instructions from A - Z

Magnificent Spiere, Astilbe: Care instructions from A - Z

Astilbe is a robust, adaptable and easy-care plant. All other tips for care, cutting and wintering can be found here

Easy-care office plants - 18 plants for the office

Easy-care office plants - 18 plants for the office

The better the atmosphere in the office, the better the people who work in that space feel. So here are the best plants for offices

Abalie, Abelia grandiflora: 14 tips for proper care

Abalie, Abelia grandiflora: 14 tips for proper care

Learn everything about caring for the Abelia, Abelia Grandiflora - sowing, planting and cutting

30 office plants for a better indoor climate

30 office plants for a better indoor climate

Office plants - What are the best plants / green plants for the office? - We give examples and also explain the benefits of office plants

Is Gazania hardy? 6 tips for the winter

Is Gazania hardy? 6 tips for the winter

Midday gold is a member of the daisy family and is also known as gazania, but is it actually hardy? We clarify this question here

Christmas cactus loses buds: 6 reasons & solutions

Christmas cactus loses buds: 6 reasons & solutions

When the Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera) loses its buds, it is very annoying. We show reasons and solutions for this and help

Datura in the garden: 6 information about reporting requirements and toxicity

Datura in the garden: 6 information about reporting requirements and toxicity

A datura is an annual nightshade plant. All information about reporting requirements and toxicity can be found here

Male faithful, lobelias: care instructions from A - Z

Male faithful, lobelias: care instructions from A - Z

Lobelia erinus is better known as the male faithful. The plants belong to the bellflower family and decorate beds such as balcony boxes

Lady's bellflower, Campanula medium: care instructions

Lady's bellflower, Campanula medium: care instructions

Lady's bellflower, Campanula medium. We have tips and information about care for you

Daylilies, Hemerocallis: Care from A - Z

Daylilies, Hemerocallis: Care from A - Z

Instructions for caring for daylilies (Hemerocallis): location, planting and transplanting, cutting, propagating and overwintering. Here you can find all the tips & information