Vegetable garden 2024, September

Timing: when and until when do you plant potatoes?

Timing: when and until when do you plant potatoes?

Potatoes are considered a typically “German” vegetable. Here you can find all the information about the time & -room in which potatoes are planted

Storing cauliflower correctly - 6 storage tips

Storing cauliflower correctly - 6 storage tips

Cauliflower tastes best fresh, but it can also be stored. We show what options you can use

Grow your own peppers from seeds: instructions

Grow your own peppers from seeds: instructions

You can buy peppers as plants or grow them yourself from seeds. We give instructions on how to grow peppers yourself from seeds

Rhubarb: Harvest time - When is rhubarb ripe? - Rhubarb harvest

Rhubarb: Harvest time - When is rhubarb ripe? - Rhubarb harvest

Everything about harvesting rhubarb correctly. When is the best harvest time and how do you harvest the popular vegetable?

The ideal harvest time for wild garlic: all the information

The ideal harvest time for wild garlic: all the information

When is the ideal harvest time? Here are tips on when and how to harvest wild garlic and when it's better to leave it alone

Planting potatoes: distance and depth

Planting potatoes: distance and depth

The climate in this country is well suited for potatoes, so they are easy to plant in your own garden. Here you can find information about distance and depth

Build your own raised bed out of stones: this is how it works

Build your own raised bed out of stones: this is how it works

Raised beds are becoming increasingly popular. We show you how you can build a raised bed out of stone yourself

Planting strawberries on the balcony - this is how it's done

Planting strawberries on the balcony - this is how it's done

Instructions for growing strawberries on the balcony - How to plant, plant and care for strawberries in the balcony box

Fight late blight and brown rot on tomatoes

Fight late blight and brown rot on tomatoes

Late blight on tomatoes is a fungal infection. We show how it is transmitted and how to combat it successfully

How he althy are tomatoes? Information about calories, nutritional values & Co

How he althy are tomatoes? Information about calories, nutritional values & Co

Are tomatoes he althy? Find out which vitamins, how many calories and minerals tomatoes contain and how you can eat he althily

Mixed culture: 17 good neighbors of beetroot

Mixed culture: 17 good neighbors of beetroot

Beetroot is currently enjoying great popularity as a superfood. We show what the perfect plant neighbors are. This is how mixed culture works

Mixed culture: 14 good neighbors of potatoes

Mixed culture: 14 good neighbors of potatoes

Potatoes are part of the basic equipment of a self-sufficient garden. We show how it grows well in mixed culture

12 good neighbors of cucumbers - Mixed culture

12 good neighbors of cucumbers - Mixed culture

Mixed culture also offers cucumbers many advantages. We show the perfect plant neighbors for cucumber plants

Overwintering strawberries: This is how they get through the winter

Overwintering strawberries: This is how they get through the winter

In order to have delicious strawberries again next year, you should overwinter strawberries properly. We show what matters

10 good neighbors for onions - Mixed culture

10 good neighbors for onions - Mixed culture

Onions don't require a lot of space in the bed and are therefore the ideal plant neighbor for many plants. We show how mixed culture works

Mixed culture: 14 good neighbors of cauliflower

Mixed culture: 14 good neighbors of cauliflower

With the right planting partners, cauliflower can grow well. We show which plants go together in mixed culture

Mixed culture: 11 good neighbors of kohlrabi

Mixed culture: 11 good neighbors of kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is he althy, tasty and a very suitable plant neighbor. We show in which mixed culture kohlrabi is in good hands

Autumn: what temperatures can tomatoes tolerate at night?

Autumn: what temperatures can tomatoes tolerate at night?

Tomatoes are not always ripe at the same time. Some require time until autumn. We show what you can do when frost threatens

18 good neighbors of broccoli - Mixed culture

18 good neighbors of broccoli - Mixed culture

With the right plant neighbors, mixed culture with broccoli is also easy. We show who goes well together

15 good neighbors of tomatoes - Mixed culture

15 good neighbors of tomatoes - Mixed culture

Mixed cultivation is a good thing, but there are not only good and bad planting neighbors. We show what you need to consider when it comes to tomatoes

12 good neighbors of Paprika - Mixed culture

12 good neighbors of Paprika - Mixed culture

With the right plant neighbors, mixed culture can also work for peppers. We show who is suitable and who is not

Mixed culture: 15 good neighbors of strawberries

Mixed culture: 15 good neighbors of strawberries

We show which plant neighbors are optimal for strawberries and show the advantage of growing in mixed culture

Freeze eggplant - 4 storage tips

Freeze eggplant - 4 storage tips

If you have a rich eggplant harvest and can no longer keep up with eating, you should preserve eggplants. We show you how to freeze them

Laying potatoes: ideal spacing and depth

Laying potatoes: ideal spacing and depth

In order for potatoes to grow properly, you should pay attention to things when planting potatoes. Here you can find all the information about depth & distance when planting

Is eggplant raw edible or poisonous?

Is eggplant raw edible or poisonous?

Eggplant is he althy and a popular summer vegetable. But isn't raw eggplant poisonous? We show what the myth is really about

Rhubarb location: 4 important criteria

Rhubarb location: 4 important criteria

Since rhubarb stays in the same location for a long time, it should be chosen correctly. We show which criteria are important for the location

Make your own climbing aid for cucumbers: construction instructions

Make your own climbing aid for cucumbers: construction instructions

In order for cucumbers to grow really well, they need, among other things, sun, air and space. We show you how to create the right trellis using different climbing aids

Can you eat beetroot raw!? He althy or dangerous?

Can you eat beetroot raw!? He althy or dangerous?

Can you eat beetroot raw? We show who can enjoy beetroot raw and when and who shouldn't

How deep does rhubarb root? - Information about root depth

How deep does rhubarb root? - Information about root depth

Since rhubarb (rheum) is a heavy feeder, it cannot stay in the same place forever. Here you can find all the information about rhubarb root depth

Cut/prune pepper plant - 5 tips for pruning

Cut/prune pepper plant - 5 tips for pruning

In order to grow he althily, you also have to cut back pepper plants. We show what needs to be taken into account here

Fennel tea: 9 tips to make yourself

Fennel tea: 9 tips to make yourself

We know fennel primarily from children's teas. However, the umbelliferous family is not just a spice, but also a versatile vegetable

Store carrots - 7 tips for overwintering carrots

Store carrots - 7 tips for overwintering carrots

There are several ways to preserve carrots for the winter. We show what options there are and how useful the refrigerator is

Cherry tomatoes: 11 tips for growing and caring for them

Cherry tomatoes: 11 tips for growing and caring for them

Cherry tomatoes: Here you will find extensive instructions on growing & caring for cherry tomatoes. With our tips you can also have a rich harvest

Storing Ginger - 7 tips to make ginger root last longer

Storing Ginger - 7 tips to make ginger root last longer

Ginger is he althy and also very tasty in many dishes. If stored correctly, you can have some of the ginger root for a long time. We show how

Storing potatoes & cellaring - 10 tips for storing potatoes

Storing potatoes & cellaring - 10 tips for storing potatoes

Potatoes from your own garden are usually stored in the cellar, but potatoes from the market are also worth getting right. We show you how to store potatoes correctly

Grow Peanut Plant - 10 tips for growing peanuts yourself

Grow Peanut Plant - 10 tips for growing peanuts yourself

Instructions for growing peanuts in the garden - this is how you can grow and care for peanuts yourself. Here you can find all the tips and tricks for your own peanut harvest

When to sow tomatoes - 10 tips for sowing & yourself

When to sow tomatoes - 10 tips for sowing & yourself

Everyone loves to eat tomatoes, not just children with their love of tomato sauce and ketchup. We show when you have to sow tomatoes if you want to grow tomatoes yourself

Old fruit & types of vegetables - 26 historical & forgotten varieties

Old fruit & types of vegetables - 26 historical & forgotten varieties

Old and historic types of fruit and vegetables have long been forgotten today. Today, hardly anyone is interested in what used to grow in the fields. We show the treasures of yesteryear

Chili cultivation: instructions for sowing and planting

Chili cultivation: instructions for sowing and planting

With the right instructions you can also grow your own chili plants from seeds. You can find these instructions (sowing & pricking incl.) here

How to preserve tomatoes - 10 tips for preserving tomatoes in a jar

How to preserve tomatoes - 10 tips for preserving tomatoes in a jar

Preserving and canning mean the same thing. Tomatoes are preserved under high heat and in the absence of air, i.e. they are preserved. We reveal the tricks to make it work