Water consumption when showering in liters per minute

Water consumption when showering in liters per minute
Water consumption when showering in liters per minute

If you know the water consumption in liters when showering, you can reduce costs in a targeted manner. Especially with regard to rising energy prices and a more conscious use of resources, there is often unimagined potential for savings.

Water consumption per minute

Water consumption when showering depends on various factors. These include:

  • Type of shower head
  • Air admixture
  • Water pressure
  • Water distribution

An average shower head uses12 to 15 liters of water per minute. Even in what is perceived as a short shower of ten minutes, up to 150 liters flow through the pipe.

Take a full bath in the bathtub
Take a full bath in the bathtub


For a full bath, 150 to 180 liters are required. If the shower is preferred for reasons of economy, the time or type of shower head must be adjusted.

Cost per shower

Increased water consumption when showering also has an impact on your wallet. For an average shower head, a ten-minute shower costs at least one euro. If the flow is increased, the price can rise to up to two euros.

The following table can help keep track:

Shower time Costs
5 minutes 0, 50 euros
10 minutes 1, 00 euros
15 minutes 1, 50 euros
20 minutes 2.00 euros


This is just a guide. Deviations are due, among other things, to the set water pressure.

Over the year, a person's daily shower can cost up to 730 euros in extreme cases. In the case of a multi-person household or with more frequent and longer showers, the expenses may even be higher.

Calculate individual consumption

The average consumption information provides a guide, but does not help with the individual calculation. Other simple measures are required for this. For this you need:

  • Measuring cup
  • Stopwatch/cell phone with timekeeping function

The shower head is held over the measuring cup with the usual water pressure and the time is stopped. The value obtained is calculated for one minute. The following example can clarify this:

Determine shower water consumption using a bucket test
Determine shower water consumption using a bucket test

If the water in the measuring cup reaches the 1 liter mark within five seconds, 60 seconds are divided by the value.

60: 5=12

In this case, showering consumes 12 liters of water per minute. If the measuring cup is full after just three seconds, it is even 20 liters per minute.

To determine total consumption, the normal shower time should also be measured and multiplied by the water consumption per minute. With an average duration of eight minutes and a consumption of 12 liters per minute, the following calculation occurs:

8 minutes x 12 liters per minute=96 liters per shower

Austerity measures

According to a Statista survey conducted in 2021, a majority of Germans want to save water. There are various means and measures available to reduce water consumption when showering. These are:

Change shower head
Change shower head
  1. Shorten duration: Time often goes by faster than expected when showering. Consciously shortening the duration of your shower means significant savings. However, there are also losses in terms of wellness and relaxation.
  2. Use water when preheating: If the shower has to run for some time before it reaches the right temperature, water is lost. Collecting it and using it for watering, wiping or rinsing, for example, saves money and conserves resources.
  3. Turn off the water: Shampooing, soaping, shaving, peeling - if the water continues to run when it is not needed, untold quantities are lost.
  4. Change shower head: A water-saving shower head can limit consumption to six liters per minute. Adding air, changing the distribution and adjusting the pressure does not reduce comfort, but at least halves the amount of water.


In our example of a ten-minute shower, the costs with a water-saving shower head would drop to around 0.25 euros per shower.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a 30 minute shower cost?

With an average consumption of 12 to 15 liters per minute, a half-hour shower costs around three euros. Without a water-saving shower head, the amount is equivalent to about three full bathtubs.

What is the average daily water consumption of a person?

Consumption per capita is on average 127 liters per day. More than half of this amount of water is used for showering, bathing, personal hygiene and toilet flushing. Anyone who regularly showers for ten minutes uses as much water without a water-saving shower head as other people do all day.

Do water-saving showerheads offer the same level of comfort?

Yes, modern models significantly reduce water consumption when showering, but do not create a noticeable difference or even a loss of comfort. Compared to the savings, the expenditure (approx. 20 euros) for a water-saving shower head is very low.
