Too much chlorine in the pool: still swim?

Too much chlorine in the pool: still swim?
Too much chlorine in the pool: still swim?

If too much chlorine ends up in the pool, the question immediately arises as to whether swimming is still possible. What risks can this involve and what warning signs are there? Here are the answers.

High chlorine content

The optimal chlorine level for a private pool is in the range of 0.5 to 1.0 milligrams per liter. Values above this are considered increased. However, there are gradations here. A slight increase is usually harmless. It is even aimed for if the following factors apply:

  • missing cover
  • larger amounts of dirt added
  • high temperatures
  • intense UV radiation
  • heavy usage
  • Shock chlorination


Chlorine is consumed more quickly under the conditions mentioned, so that the value drops in a very short time. Waiting just one or two days, even with a large increase, can be enough to get the optimal salary.

Pool water test kit
Pool water test kit

Harmful dosages

From 2 milligrams of chlorine per liter of water, the content is considered potentially harmful to dangerous. However, there are no maximum values with regard to chlorine levels.

However, there are some warning signs that may indicate that the salary is too high.


The chlorine level should always be checked before using the pool. If the values are extremely high, you should initially refrain from using the pool and reduce the value.

Warning signs

Even without checking, there are some warning signs that the chlorine level in the pool is very high. These include:

  • Breathing problems or scratchy throat
  • Burning in the eyes
  • Skin Irritation
  • strong smell of chlorine

The skin may also feel soapy after contact with water. In these cases, you should initially refrain from swimming in the pool.

Prevention of complaints

If there is an increased chlorine content in the pool, there is no general answer to continued use. However, there are points that can be taken into account that provide useful guidance.

Chlorine dispenser in the pool
Chlorine dispenser in the pool

Slightly increased values – continue to use the pool

With a content of up to 2 milligrams per liter, continued use is possible for people without he alth restrictions as long as no symptoms occur. Due to use, the chlorine content actually drops significantly faster.

Remove and replace water

The chlorine level can be quickly reduced by removing water and replacing it with unchlorinated water.

Insert neutralizer

Chlorine neutralizer binds the free chlorine in a short time, but also has disadvantages. It should therefore only be used with caution.

Take protective measures

Diving or swimming goggles as well as rinsing immediately and thoroughly after using the pool can prevent subsequent problems. In addition, the bathing time should initially be kept short.

Frequently asked questions

How can you prevent excessive chlorine levels in the pool?

Measuring temperature and pH is just as essential as the correct dosage of chlorine. The pH value is usually neglected or there is a calculation error when adding chlorine.

How can you lower the chlorine level in the pool?

There are several options available for this. They range from adjusting the pH value to the use of neutralizers. If the values are slightly increased, leaving the cover off and waiting is sufficient.

What does the optimal chlorination look like?

It takes place once or twice a week depending on the respective usage and the influencing factors. In addition, it is always preceded by a check of the current value. Particular caution should be exercised when using long-term agents, as these are only worthwhile under strictly controlled conditions.