Eucalyptus dry leaves: what to do?

Eucalyptus dry leaves: what to do?
Eucalyptus dry leaves: what to do?

The decorative eucalyptus actually seems quite he althy and there are no pests to be seen. Nevertheless, the tree suddenly gets dry leaves. It is usually care errors that cause the leaves of the eucalyptus to suddenly dry out. However, quick intervention can ensure the tree's recovery.

Causes of dry leaves

Dry leaves on the eucalyptus can have various causes, but these are usually due to errors in care. It is therefore important to rule out these causes one by one in order to find out how the tree can be saved so that it can recover quickly. Care mistakes include:

  • Incorrect fertilization
  • Unsuitable soil
  • Incorrect watering
Eucalyptus in a pot
Eucalyptus in a pot


An incorrect location makes the leaves appear rather light and the eucalyptus loses its decorative color. The leaves will not dry out if the location is unsuitable.

Fertilize correctly

The eucalyptus needs a lot of nutrients and must therefore always be sufficiently fertilized. If this is missed for a long time, the leaves can dry out. But this is usually not a problem, because if the tree is sufficiently supplied with the necessary nutrients as soon as it is recognized, it will usually recover quickly:

  • fertilize every two weeks
  • Use liquid fertilizer for olives and eucalyptus from stores
  • pay attention to manufacturer’s instructions for quantity
  • fertilize only during the vegetation phase
  • from February to September
  • Avoid fertilization in winter
Fill the bottle with liquid fertilizer
Fill the bottle with liquid fertilizer


You can also get long-term fertilizer for eucalyptus and olives in well-stocked garden shops. This is also well suited and should be administered according to the manufacturer's instructions. Especially if you don't want to pay attention to fertilizing the plant every two weeks, slow-release fertilizers are a good alternative.

Choose substrate

If the eucalyptus is in an unsuitable substrate, this can also cause the leaves to dry out. However, there is a simple reason for this, because if the soil is not permeable enough, waterlogging can occur not only through too much watering:

  • Check substrate for permeability
  • usually conventional potting soil is suitable
  • Remove the plant from the pot
  • remove all soil from roots
  • Check roots for damage
  • remove all rotten roots with sharp and clean scissors
  • Let the root ball dry thoroughly
  • choose fresh substrate
  • Fix sand or gravel for permeability
  • Reinsert eucalyptus
Utensils for repotting, substrate, clay pot
Utensils for repotting, substrate, clay pot


It is important to repot the eucalyptus at least every two years and to use fresh substrate for this. Because over time, the soil loses the nutrients the tree needs. This can prevent the leaves from drying out.

Watering correctly

The eucalyptus, which comes from Australia and Tasmania, is used to drought and heat. Therefore, it is better for the tree to be watered too little than too much. Nevertheless, consistent soil moisture is important so that the leaves do not dry out:

  • Always water when the surface of the soil has dried out
  • don't feast
  • always give only a little water
  • Drain water from the collecting plate after watering
  • feast properly when dryness is detected
  • water little for the next few days
  • then switch to normal watering mode

Frequently asked questions

What is the suitable location for the eucalyptus?

Even if the leaves do not dry out if the tree is in the wrong place, it still loses its decorative appearance in terms of the color of the leaves. Therefore, you should always ensure a warm and bright location with a few hours of sunlight a day, morning and evening.

Why do leaves dry up when they are waterlogged?

If plants are left too wet in the soil for too long, the roots begin to rot. The eucalyptus can then no longer absorb nutrients and water and the leaves begin to dry due to the lack of supply.

Can I also fertilize the eucalyptus in winter?

Fertilizing in winter is not recommended. Because then the plant is in the resting phase, over-fertilization can quickly occur, which can also be caused by dried leaves. If you are of the opinion that the substrate can no longer adequately supply the tree, it makes more sense to repot it after the winter before the new shoots and provide it with fresh substrate. The new fertilization of the year only begins in the summer months.

What can I do if the soil has been too dry for a long time?

Dried leaves also appear in this case. It is then important to water the plant well and also give it fertilizer. Because of the lack of water, the roots were no longer able to absorb nutrients, which the plant absolutely needs. After watering and fertilizing, the tree should recover quickly.
