Drilling a well in the garden can be practical and save money in the long term. However, it is not always allowed. If you want to avoid a pen alty, you should obtain permission beforehand.
Well drilling: conditions
If there is appropriate access to groundwater on the property, this is a good prerequisite. This can save costs in the long term. Especially if the water is only used for watering, the costs are low. The construction of a well is sufficient because there are no waste water costs. With a drinking and industrial water fountain, however, the situation is different.
Differences between the federal states
There are differences in the laws and guidelines for well construction between the federal states. This includes, among other things:
- Drilling permit
- Size
- Report
- possible contamination of groundwater
- Use of water
- Quality
- Depth of the well
In addition, the regulations differ not only from state to state, but also within the various municipalities. Therefore, no general statement can be made.
It should also be noted that the regulations can change at any time. It should therefore always be assumed that there is at least an obligation to report. It doesn't matter whether you want to drill a well in Saxony or North Rhine-Westphalia. Prior information to the responsible authority is always required.
Reporting requirement
Regardless of whether a permit is required or not, to be on the safe side, a report should be made to the responsible office. Typically this is:
- Citizen Office
- the lower water authority
- District administrative authority
- District Office
Here, too, there are not only differences from state to state. InBavaria, for example, according to Section 49 Paragraph 1 of the Water Resources Act (WHG) in conjunction with Article 30 of the Bavarian Water Act, the district administrative authority must be contacted. InSaarland, however, the state office for environmental and occupational safety is responsible. InSaxony, however, it is significantly less uniform. The city administration is responsible for Chemnitz, Dresden and Leipzig.

In all other cities and municipalities, however, an inquiry must be made to the district office.
In addition to the reporting requirement, reports are often necessary before drilling can begin. This requires, among other things, inspections of the respective property. Test drilling and further tests and measurements are being carried out. This is intended to ensure that direct access to groundwater or surface water is safe and that there are neither he alth risks nor dangers to the environment.
Drilling the well
Just like the preparation to drill a well, the drilling itself also comes with some challenges. The measure should therefore definitely be carried out by professionals. Contamination and damage can thus be avoided. Risks to personal safety are also reduced or even completely eliminated.
Involving a relevant company initially seems more expensive than doing the work yourself. Renting appropriate equipment and the necessary time as well as tools and aids also generate corresponding costs.
Drinking water and industrial water
Another difference with a fountain in your own garden is that the use of the water plays a role. If the water is only to be used for watering, it is significantly cheaper than drinking water. Because then not only fewer controls will be required.
For drinking water and other industrial water, for example, wastewater fees generally apply. In addition, the funding systems must be strictly separated from each other. Which in turn makes controls necessary. In addition, the structure becomes significantly more complex, which makes a professional system even more important.
The creation of a construction plan and the corresponding procedure should also be left to experts. This allows you to avoid both errors and pen alties. This saves costs and effort. In addition, the time it takes to invest is significantly reduced.