Congratulations on the topping out ceremony - this is how you find the right words

Congratulations on the topping out ceremony - this is how you find the right words
Congratulations on the topping out ceremony - this is how you find the right words

Every topping-out ceremony is a big deal – for building owners as well as for architects and construction companies. This is only an intermediate step on the way to the finished building. But this one literally screams for you to pause for a moment and appreciate what has been achieved so far. But how do you find the right words for this? Quite simply: by thinking about a few basic ideas.


If a congratulation should be more than just a phrase or a chore, then it definitely needs a personal touch. In order to really reach the addressee or even touch them emotionally, you cannot avoid making a few considerations in advance. Sure, you can quickly find a lot of standard wishes on the Internet that you just have to copy. And yes, some of them are quite witty. However, all of these ready-made congratulations are, of course, always very general. They work, but are also extremely impersonal. There is a lack of individual reference, which makes it clear that the author has specifically made the effort to deal with a specific construction project and, above all, with the builders. But that's exactly what it should be about.

Meaning of a congratulation

In order to better understand what is absolutely important, it is good to first briefly consider the purpose of congratulations on a topping-out ceremony. Two aspects are crucial:

  • The congratulation acknowledges what has been achieved so far, i.e. the construction progress, which reaches its first conclusion with the topping-out ceremony.
  • The congratulations should also wish you all the best for what's to come - from interior design to garden design to moving in.

Of course it's about the building itself, but above all about the people who commissioned it and who built it. The actual addressee is always the builder or builders. Their commitment, their courage and their efforts deserve special emphasis. One should never forget: For private builders, building a house is usually the biggest project they have to undertake in their lives, and not just financially. And for many entrepreneurs who build a new building, it is a process that requires an enormous amount of effort. This is exactly where the congratulations have to start. It's about honest recognition for courage and achievements with a personal touch.

Preliminary considerations

topping out ceremony
topping out ceremony

Before you actually start writing congratulations on the topping-out ceremony, you would do well to take a closer look at the builders and the project. When brainstorming ideas, it is usually very helpful to answer a few questions in advance. Ideally, you answer these questions in writing and at the same time create something like a small collection of ideas. Typical questions can be the following:

  • How long have I known the builders?
  • How long have you dreamed of owning your own house?
  • When did I first find out that they wanted to build?
  • What obstacles may have existed before the groundbreaking ceremony?
  • How did the property search go?
  • How did the start of the construction work go?
  • What difficulties may have arisen during the construction work?

The answers to these questions provide important clues that you can use as a guide when writing your congratulations. By the way, it doesn't matter whether the congratulations are in writing, for example in the form of a card, or verbally, for example in a speech.


A little funny anecdote related to building a house is guaranteed to enhance any congratulations on a topping-out ceremony.

Concrete example

Let's just look at a fictional but not far-fetched example. Suppose you have been friends with a couple for many years. For as long as we've known each other, this couple has always said that they wanted to build their own house someday. You also occasionally reported concerns, for example about the enormous financial burden. And they also expressed their doubts as to whether they could even manage to build a house like this. Then at some point it was finally a matter of finding the right property. And finally the shell itself: endless difficulties and unexpected things. It was an incredibly long, often frustrating and extremely tiring journey to this topping-out ceremony. All of this can be included in the congratulation. Once again: What is important is the personal, individual touch that makes it clear that it is about this specific construction project and these builders.


There are a few aspects that should definitely be included in every topping-out congratulation. This includes, for example, that a first construction phase has now been completed. This also means recognizing not only the builders but also those who were involved in the construction. It can also make sense to show yourself grateful that the construction has been carried out without any accidents so far - of course only if that was actually the case. And of course there is also a brief outlook on the further construction work, which is sensibly combined with best wishes for the future.


Anyone who expresses at the topping-out ceremony that they are already looking forward to the first viewing of the finished house and, above all, to the housewarming party can score additional points and bring a smile.


Roof truss
Roof truss

Congratulations on a topping-out ceremony does not have to be a highly literary text with artistic aspirations. What is more important is to find honest words that, in the best case, are touching. You can certainly use templates from the Internet. However, these must then be enriched by the personal experiences and characteristics mentioned above. If you are not necessarily a professional copywriter or hobby poet, you should avoid poems or rhymes in general, otherwise the result can quickly become embarrassing. Honest words, written freely, but which still show that you have thought about it, are usually the clearly better way. And yes, congratulations should always be handwritten and not just printed out.
