Green plants provide coziness in your home and perfect the entire ambience. However, not all green plants are the same. The most popular plants include the elegant dragon trees.
These dragon trees are very decorative and, with their slender and beautiful leaves, provide perfection when it comes to the cozy atmosphere. In addition, these plants are very undemanding and thrive in almost any place. However, a bright location is a basic requirement to ensure optimal growth. The dragon tree cannot tolerate direct sunlight and therefore prefers a partially shaded place. With proper care, the juicy green leaves really come into their own. The leaves of this beautiful plant are streaked with pink to fiery red lines, which make this plant so special.
Always moist soil for Dracaena massangeana
The soil should always be kept moist. Watering carefully is also recommended here to prevent rot, because no houseplant can tolerate waterlogging, not even the dragon tree. A regular fertilization session is advisable to stimulate growth and achieve the best results. The dragon tree likes it cozy and warm, so a room temperature between 18-25 °C is optimal for this beautiful plant. In the cold winter months it must not get colder than 16 °C so that the dragon tree does not die or suffer. The water supply must also be reduced during this time. Poor or insufficient care will quickly show the dragon tree with yellow leaves. For example, this is a sign of a long dry phase, i.e. too little water.
The right location for Dracaena massangeana
However, it could also be the location, either it is too dark or too fast. If the dragon tree shows brown leaf tips, the outside air is too dry. This is particularly often the case with wood-burning stoves. If the dragon tree gets too little light, long, bare shoots form. It is advisable to cut these off and sprinkle wax on the cut surfaces of the tree. The shoots can be used as offshoots to grow new, beautiful dragon trees. To do this, place the shoots in a glass of water on the windowsill until small roots form. Now you can plant the shoots with the roots in fresh potting soil. The most famous and largest dragon tree in the world is located in Tenerife. It is suggested that it is over 600 years old and has a circumference of over 6 meters. This lush tree is a natural wonder and more than just beautiful to look at.
No direct sun
Such dimensions are of course not possible in our latitudes, as the dragon tree is only intended for our own four walls. The dragon tree can stay outside in sheltered places on the terrace, even in the summer months. However, direct sunlight is not recommended here either. With good and loving care, a dragon tree can grow large and lush here and is always an eye-catcher, whether in the office, in the living room or in an entrance area. Of course, the larger the tree gets, the more it needs to be repotted. The roots need space and fresh soil every now and then to thrive optimally. Regardless of whether you repot every year or every two years, the time period for this project is important and decisive.
Repot in spring
Spring is the optimal repotting time for dragon trees. The planter should be large enough so that the roots can develop properly. The potting soil must always be fresh and completely changed. If you want the tree to grow large and beautiful, small shoots can be cut off regularly to support this project professionally. A summary of the most important care instructions for a dragon tree. The location must be bright and friendly; direct sun is not recommended. The temperature should be between 20 – 25 °C and not fall below the 16 °C mark. Watering is done regularly and in moderation. The soil should always be moist. There is less watering in the cold months. Please avoid waterlogging.
An optimal natural fertilizer

A natural fertilizer supports he althy growth and helps produce more green leaves and beautiful, lush leaves. Dragon trees also need important nutrients. A nutrient deficiency can be avoided through regular fertilization sessions. Potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus are the most important substances that this plant absolutely needs. Without these nutrients, these plants do not grow as desired or show a lack of brown leaves. Pale leaf color or white spots also indicate this deficiency. A natural fertilizer is simple coffee grounds. Coffee grounds can be left standing for several days and occasionally mixed into the potting soil. Coffee grounds can also be mixed into the irrigation water and used as liquid fertilizer.
Cost-effective and effective
This tip is good and absolutely cost-effective to provide this plant with all the necessary nutrients. Eggshells are also ideal as a natural flower fertilizer. To do this, eggshells are crushed and stored in water for a few days. After a few days, this mixture can be used to water the dragon tree. With this fertilizer variant, crushed eggshells can also be incorporated into the potting soil to achieve optimal growth results. Another tip for quick and inexpensive fertilizing is to water with potato water. To do this, simply collect the potato water after the cooking process and keep it to cool.
The dragon tree will thank you
After the potato water has cooled down, any plants can be watered with it and fertilized at the same time. Of course, you shouldn't over-fertilize, because that won't benefit the plants either. When it comes to fertilizing, the motto is: less is more! If you over-fertilize, you won't be able to enjoy your dragon tree for long. If the plant looks bad, repotting is essential to eliminate any possible over-fertilization. You should fertilize according to your feeling and the distances should be determined individually. If you follow these tips, you will soon be able to enjoy a beautiful, magnificent dragon tree. The plants will thank these care instructions, guaranteed. Have fun caring for it.
What you should know about the dragon tree in brief
- The Dracaena massangeana is a plant native to Africa and, like all dragon trees, belongs to the agave family.
- The plant is commercially known as Dracaena fragrans massangeana. Its leaves are shiny green, with yellowish longitudinal stripes in the middle of the leaf.
- The Dracaena fragrans massangeana is very undemanding in terms of care. A bright location without direct sun is preferred.
- The plant loves warmth and high humidity. If the air is too dry, the tips of the leaves risk drying out. Watering is only moderate.
- Care mistakes are forgiven as long as they are not the rule but only the exception.
- In summer the temperatures should be around 20-23 °C Celsius, in winter at least 16 °C.
- The nutrient requirements are also only moderate. Fertilizers in the growth phase should be given every 14 days with a 0.2% fertilizer solution.
If the plant is cool in winter, fertilization in winter can be completely avoided. However, if the plant is cultivated at normal room temperature - even over the winter - you should give the plant some fertilizer every 6 weeks. Propagation works wonderfully with head and stem cuttings. These are preferably taken in spring and placed in a pot with potting soil. A soil temperature of 20-25 °C should be aimed for during root formation, as well as increased air humidity. To do this, place a freezer bag over the cuttings and tie them to the edge of the pot. Ventilate occasionally to avoid the risk of rot. It's best to put 3 cuttings of different sizes in one pot, so the plant looks a little bushier and more decorative.