Yellow leaves on angel trumpet - what to do?

Yellow leaves on angel trumpet - what to do?
Yellow leaves on angel trumpet - what to do?

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Angel trumpets are not winter hardy, they must be put in a place to overwinter at the end of the gardening season. Here they lose all their leaves and, if the conditions are right, they will sprout again the next spring. Because of their height, they can be cut back, but they cause space problems for many plant lovers. In regions where there are no long night frosts, angel trumpets can also grow in the open garden.

Due to the toxicity of the angel's trumpet and the appearance of the fruit capsule, which is particularly tempting for children, there should be no angel's trumpet in a household with children. But other plants from the nightshade family are also poisonous and contain the same substances.

Causes of yellow leaves

There are various causes for yellow leaves on the angel trumpet. We show what they are and how you can prevent yellow leaves on the angel trumpet with the right knowledge and action.


All parts of the plant are highly poisonous!

Nutrient Deficiency

If the leaves of the angel's trumpet turn yellow, there is usually a nutrient deficiency. You also have to always remember that plants need a lot of water. On hot days it is better to water in the morning and evening. Lack of water is shown by drooping leaves. If watered quickly, they will recover. If it takes too long before the next watering, the leaves may turn yellow and fall off.

Angel's Trumpet - Brugmansia
Angel's Trumpet - Brugmansia

Angel trumpets do not require any special soil. However, they must be sufficiently fertilized to meet their high nutrient requirements. Angel trumpets are heavy feeders. You can hardly over-fertilize them. The plants need enormous amounts of fertilizer, especially to form flowers. It is best to fertilize once a week. It is also a good idea to incorporate slow-release fertilizer at the beginning of the year. A combination of both ensures the right supply of nutrients. Fertilizer applications will be stopped from mid-August.

Iron deficiency

If you have an iron deficiency, water it daily with a special recipe. Take a heaped tablespoon of lime and a tablespoon of iron powder per 10 liters of irrigation water. The ingredients must be well dissolved. You should see improvement quickly. Once the leaves are green again, use this special mixture only every 14 days.

Spider mites

Spider mites can also cause yellow leaves. You should regularly examine angel trumpets for these pests and, if necessary, take countermeasures.

What to do when yellow leaves appear?

If the above tips and advice on general care and location have been followed and the angel's trumpet still often produces yellow leaves, this can have various causes. However, the main reason is that you simply don't provide them with enough fertilizer. Basically, these measures would be helpful for prevention and treatment of yellow leaves:

  • Make sure you have enough water, the hotter the weather, the more water, at least once a day until the water runs out again at the bottom. Do not cause waterlogging!
  • The potting soil should never become bone dry, then it will be difficult to water it afterwards and also to moisten the core of the soil, then the only solution is to dip it.
  • A lot of fertilizer helps in most cases to eliminate yellow prevent their occurrence. It may be necessary to try something out. Some angel trumpets like blue seed dissolved in water, others prefer flowering plant fertilizer. The intervals can also be tried out.

As always in the plant world, it is not a single factor that matters, but rather the interaction of many factors. Light and air conditions, temperature as well as water and fertilizer applications must be coordinated.
