Lungwort, Pulmonaria officinalis - care

Lungwort, Pulmonaria officinalis - care
Lungwort, Pulmonaria officinalis - care

Lungwort is a very popular plant that begins to bloom before spring. Pulmonaria officinalis is a real feast for the eyes anyway, as it conjures up wonderful rays of light in the garden. The plant shines in a wonderful pink to purple color, with the flowers shaped like the human lungs - hence the name lungwort.


There are around 20 different species of lungwort. The Pulmonaria officinalis is one of them that puts the garden in a wonderful light with pink to purple flowers. Lungwort is native to European regions and usually grows in places that are in partial shade. Pulmonaria officinalis feels particularly comfortable in mixed deciduous forests, on shady banks and in bushes. The soil should not be too dry, but rather humus-like.


The appearance of lungwort can be described as a funnel. The flowers develop very early and before spring arrives. The grape-shaped arrangement of the flowers is typical of the plant, although they open at different times. The flowering period can therefore possibly last up to two months. The flowers of Pulmonaria officinalis are delicate pink to purple. There are other varieties that produce flowers of different colors. A special feature of this early spring bloomer is the color change during the flowering period. The flowers usually shine in a delicate pink and change their color to a rich shade of purple. The color change is caused by a change in the pH value in the cell sap. The leaves of the plant are often slightly hairy and have a lung or heart shape. The height of growth is 20 to 40 cm depending on the location.


Lungwort is sown in March and April. It requires frosty temperatures to germinate, which makes it a cold germinator. When sowing, the seeds should not go deeper than 0.5 cm into the soil, as Pulmonaria officinalis is a light germinator. The germination time is between 16 and 30 days. A location under or at least near deciduous trees is particularly good. The soil should be permeable, humus-like and nutrient-rich.


If the soil is too clayey, you can add sand or gravel. In this way you create optimal conditions so that the rootstock can spread perfectly.


Pulmonaria officinalis doesn't like being exposed to the blazing sun. Therefore, you should ensure that the plant is always planted in partial shade. Lungwort feels particularly comfortable under deciduous trees or near bushes.


Lungwort can be planted both outdoors and on the balcony. If you want to cultivate lungwort on the balcony, you should use a pot that can have a diameter of at least 20 cm. Also make sure that the plant is not exposed to the blazing sun.


If you plant Pulmonaria officinalis in a pot, you do not have to repot it. However, when sowing, make sure that the pot has a diameter of at least 20 cm. Since the plant does not grow higher than 20 to 40 cm, repotting is not necessary.


Pulmonaria officinalis requires a lot of water but is still quite undemanding in terms of care. You should just make sure that the soil does not dry out and is always kept moist. However, too much moisture damages the lungwort and should also be avoided. It is advisable to provide the plant with sufficient water at least once a week.


Pulmonaria officinalis needs a lot of nutrients and should therefore be provided with enough compost in spring. As an alternative, you can also use a plant fertilizer that is enriched with many nutrients.


After flowering, it is often advisable to cut the plant. Lungwort is a perennial plant that, with good care, always enchants the garden with a colorful sea of flowers even before spring begins.


To ensure that the lungwort survives the winter safely, you don't have to worry about anything else. The plant is considered robust and hardy. Pruning should only be carried out after the flowering period so that the Pulmonaria officinalis can enchant the garden again with wonderful flowers the following year.


If conditions such as soil and care are favorable, Pulmonaria officinalis can self-sow. If you want to propagate lungwort, you can also do this by dividing the roots.

Diseases and pests

Lungwort is often used in teas because of its supposed effects. This means the plant is also a wonderful source of nutrients for snails and snails. When sowing seeds outdoors, it can happen that the snails don't miss out on this treat. If the Pulmonaria officinalis is kept too moist, the waterlogging of the plant can be fatal. The same applies if the soil of Pulmonaria officinalis dries out.


The Pulmonaria officinalis is a popular plant that enchants the garden with a splendor of flowers in spring. The height is 20 to 40 cm. When planted and cared for, Pulmonaria officinalis has the following properties:

  • partially shaded location
  • Light germinator, so never insert the seeds deeper than 0.5 cm into the soil
  • Soil should be well drained
  • evergreen plant
  • hardy
  • Color change of flowers from pink to purple

Frequently asked questions

Which plants can Pulmonaria officinalis be combined with?

Lungwort can be combined with many other perennials. You can combine Pulmonaria officinalis with a primrose, fairy flower, hosta, lily of the valley, golden strawberry or with a Solomon's seal.

At what distance should you plant Pulmonaria officinalis?

If lungwort is planted in a pot, you should never put more than two seeds in one pot. When planting outdoors, it is advisable to maintain a distance of 30 cm, as the plant can grow up to 30 cm wide in the best case scenario. It is also advisable to leave the same distance to other plants so that the roots can spread easily.

What you should know about lungwort in brief

Location and care

  • Lungwort is a long-lived perennial that, because of its low height, is suitable as a ground cover or for planting under shrubs.
  • At 15 to 30 cm, it remains relatively small and forms a carpet that prevents weeds and eliminates the need for annoying raking.
  • It is hardy and therefore does not require any special protection.
  • In spring the plant can be propagated by dividing the rootstock. Otherwise it also spreads through seeds.
  • Lungwort is native to Europe, where it can often be found in the wild in forests or on the edge of forests.
  • That's why it can also be placed under a tree or a large shrub in the garden.
  • There it prefers a partially shaded place where the soil is nutrient-rich and calcareous.
  • It shouldn't be too dark there, otherwise only a few flowers will be produced.
  • The soil should be kept evenly moist, as drought is not good for the plant.
  • Because of its high nutrient requirements, lungwort should receive plenty of compost or fertilizer every spring.

Flowering time

  • Lungwort is one of the first spring bloomers and blooms from March to May.
  • Then many small flowers appear, which are initially pink.
  • Due to a change in the pH value of the petals, they turn blue over time, so that two flower colors can be seen on the plant at times.
  • Due to this phenomenon, lungwort has been given many popular names such as Hansel and Gretel or Unequal Sisters.

Newer varieties

There are now many varieties of lungwort with different colored flowers. The Sissinghurst White variety has white flowers, the Redstart variety has brick-red flowers and unspotted leaves. The latter is also particularly resistant to powdery mildew, which easily affects lungwort, especially in wet summers.


Pulmonaria officinalis was used for lung diseases as early as the Middle Ages and this is how it got its name. In fact, the plant contains some ingredients that have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve the urge to cough, but it is hardly used in modern medicine.