Begonia location: 3 important criteria

Begonia location: 3 important criteria
Begonia location: 3 important criteria

As a garden owner, you can enjoy begonias all year round. However, the prerequisite for this is that the location is right. Only then will they really feel comfortable and bloom profusely.


Begonias are not only extremely robust plants, they also require little care. Watering and fertilizing every now and then is actually enough for a begonia to develop splendidly. It is an extremely uncomplicated plant that is ideal for anyone who doesn't want to put in a lot of effort. However, there is a small catch. When it comes to begonias, the location plays an incredibly important role. An incorrect location usually means that the summer flowers will fail. Compromises are only possible to a very limited extent. Whether you as a garden owner can really enjoy the plant is usually decided by the choice of location. It is therefore a good idea to carefully check the site conditions before planting.


Begonias do not like full sun or direct sunlight. They generally prefer a shady spot. However, if necessary, they can also cope well with partial shade. When choosing a location for a begonia, it is important to determine how strong the sunlight is throughout the day. A little sun in the morning is okay, and even good for the plant. Midday sun, on the other hand, is absolutely taboo. The ideal location is therefore one that is largely in the shade practically all day long.

However, the following applies:

Shadow does not mean darkness or extensive darkness. After all, begonias also need light to thrive. Too much sun, on the other hand, leads to ugly spots on the petals and a significantly reduced bloom overall.


Begonia 'Dragon wing' - Begonia
Begonia 'Dragon wing' - Begonia

Even if begonias are very robust and resilient, they still need to be in a location that is largely protected from the wind. The problem is the plant's thin stems, which can easily break or snap if there is too much wind. It is not necessary to plant them in a place in the garden that is completely shielded from every breath of wind. However, begonias should never be left completely free and unprotected.


The soil also plays a major role in choosing a location for begonias. It should meet very specific criteria so that the plant feels comfortable and receives all the nutrients it needs for growth. The floor must meet the following requirements:

  • nutrient-rich
  • humus-containing
  • calcareous
  • well permeable to water

In contrast to the other location factors, the soil can fortunately be helped by partially replacing or enriching the material. Soil that contains a lot of clay should be largely replaced, not least by adding a layer of sand. Begonias like it moist, but they are very sensitive to waterlogging. If the plants are grown in a planter, drainage must be installed.

Ideal location

Begonias are perfect for locations where other flowering plants often do not thrive. The front garden is particularly worth mentioning here. As a rule, it doesn't get much sun, but at the same time it is well protected from the wind. Begonias can provide colorful flowers and delight passers-by and visitors.