Which bird sings at 10 p.m.?

Which bird sings at 10 p.m.?
Which bird sings at 10 p.m.?

Almost all birds chirp in the morning. But especially late at night, you can hear exceptionally melodic bird song here and there. We'll tell you which bird is still singing at 10 p.m.

The Night Singer

The only bird that can only be heard at dusk and at night is the nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos). She continues to sing her song even deep into the night. No wonder, as its name probably goes back to the West Germanic word “nahtagalon”. It means “night singer”.

Identifying a nightingale

Learn how to quickly spot the extraordinary bird.

External features

Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)
Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)

This is what the nightingale looks like:

  • 16 to 17 centimeters long
  • slim figure
  • reddish-brown plumage with green or blue shimmer
  • auburn tail
  • black wings
  • Underside white to gray
  • Beak long and curved, colored pink and yellow
  • Legs yellowish


In nightingales, males and females are colored the same.


Singing nightingale
Singing nightingale

This is how the nightingale sings at 10 p.m. in the evening:

  • for several minutes
  • melodic and sonorous
  • long, flowing phrases that often end in a kind of trill
  • many different verses
  • partly plaintive


Only the male nightingales sing.

Call of the Nightingale

  • rising “huit”
  • creaking “karr”
  • softened “tack, tack”

Did you know that famous composers such as Beethoven and Chopin were inspired by the nightingale's song and incorporated it into their works?


Singing great tit
Singing great tit

When a bird sings, it usually does so for one of the following reasons:

  1. Birdsong is used for communication within a species.
  2. With their singing, the feathered animals mark their territory and keep intruders away.
  3. Male birds attract females with beautiful bird song. Anyone who can sing best and most powerfully will have more success in finding a partner.
  4. The birdsong can be heard particularly intensely when the offspring have hatched. Then the father bird sings to the little ones so that they learn the song of the species.


Birds also sing for joy. It is often observed that the singing of birds in captivity decreases.

Frequently asked questions

Are there any other birds that can be heard in the evening or at night?

The redstart sings early in the morning and can still be heard in the evening. Other evening singers include the blackbird, the skylark and the cuckoo. However, their singing usually ends before 10 p.m. The exception here can be bright full moon nights. In addition, the characteristic calls of owls can be heard at night, e.g. E.g. eagle owl, barn owl or tawny owl can be heard.

Where does the nightingale live?

The nightingale lives in forests, parks and gardens. It prefers open forests with lots of undergrowth and bushes, where it can easily hide and look for food.

What does the nightingale feed on?

The nightingale primarily looks for food on the ground. It feeds on insects, spiders, caterpillars and worms that it finds under the leaves.

Where does the nightingale spend the winter?

The nightingale is a migratory bird. It spends the cold season in tropical regions of Africa.

When is mating season for nightingales?

In Europe, the mating season for nightingales usually begins in April or May and lasts until June. During the mating season, the nightingale song can be heard particularly frequently and intensively.