Fighting bugs in the garden - the best home remedies

Fighting bugs in the garden - the best home remedies
Fighting bugs in the garden - the best home remedies

When bugs appear in the garden, it usually leads to trouble because they cause the green splendor to suffer. There are different types of bedbugs, so they should be combated differently. It's not difficult to successfully get rid of bedbugs with home remedies. Chemistry is unnecessary and can often even be counterproductive.

Fighting fire bugs

Fire bugs often appear in large numbers. If this is the case, the desire to get rid of them is all too understandable. There are different ways to put this into practice. It is important that all measures are carried out continuously to ensure success. If you take all the tips to heart and implement them, you can quickly get rid of the annoying pests and enjoy a he althy-looking garden in which everything is blooming and green. All you need is

  • simple water
  • biodegradable dishwashing liquid

Fire bugs belong to the category of scavengers. They prefer the eggs of other insects, but also eat the seeds of some mallow plants. This also includes linden trees. If fire bugs have spread on a linden tree, the trunk and soil should be continuously cleaned with water. This deprives the fire bugs of their food. If there are sensitive plants near the linden trees that cannot tolerate a lot of water, a mixture of water and detergent will help combat the fire bugs. To do this, water is mixed with biodegradable dishwashing liquid and distributed on the fire bugs using a spray bottle.


If you don't have dishwashing liquid on hand, liquid soap can also help. This mixture also eliminates aphids while sparing the plants. Firebugs sleep in winter. For hibernation, the masses form a clump that can still be seen as such in spring. These are usually found under accumulated leaves and can be easily picked up with a dustpan and a hand brush so that they can then be released outside the garden.

Fire bugs can also be combated in another way. If mallow plants are completely removed including the roots, they will disappear on their own as they will start looking for new food. Nevertheless, there is a renewed risk of bug infestation next spring, because they have collected the seeds of the mallow plant for hibernation, which grow again in spring. These plants must also be removed along with the roots.

Under no circumstances should chemical clubs be used to combat fire bugs, because they hardly help against them, but on the other hand they harm beneficial insects or the plants in the garden. Even crushing the fire bugs has little or no effect, because the bugs tend to multiply rapidly. In addition, the crushed fire bugs emit a strong stench.

Eliminate stink bugs

Stink bugs can not only infest the garden, but they can spread to the terrace, causing an unsightly nuisance. To combat stink bugs, it is important to find out the cause of their appearance. Stink bugs are also known as green stink bugs. They damage plants and leaves by sucking out the sap with their suction tools. They also spread to fruit and damage it more and more over time. Although they are not dangerous to humans and therefore do not pose a he alth threat, they have no place in the garden because they can cause great damage. Nevertheless, the fruit nibbled on by stink bugs does not pose a he alth risk because the bugs do not release any toxins. Therefore, stink bugs can only transmit diseases to plants. So if they appear in the garden, they must definitely be combated. To combat stink bugs, we recommend:

  • a suitable sealant
  • Piplas

apply. This prevents them from destroying the lush greenery of the garden. In summer, namely June and July, female stink bugs lay up to 150 eggs on the lower sides of the leaves. Once the nymphs have hatched, they stay there for some time. After birth, the nymphs transform into larvae within five instars. In August they are fully grown and start absorbing their food by sucking out the plants and thus damaging them.

leaf bug
leaf bug

Biological tools are ideal for combating stink bugs. Stink bugs are not only annoying, they also secrete a smelly liquid, which is where their name comes from. If the pests are near the house or even in the apartment, it is important to find out the cause. This may be because stink bugs visit apartments in winter to protect themselves from the cold. They hide in roller shutter boxes or niches, which is why you should look here first. If stink bugs are found here, they should be removed and taken back outside. In order to completely prevent pests from getting into the house, it is possible to spray facades and entrance areas with biodegradable agents, as this automatically closes the path inside from stink bugs. Larger gaps and entrances can also be reliably closed with plasterboard or sealant.

If there are only a few stink bugs, they can also be removed manually. In the garden, stink bugs like to attack nettles, but also thistles, alders and linden trees. Here it can often be enough to remove the weeds so that the stink bugs move away. Due to the deprivation of the food source, the garden is no longer interesting enough for them. In spring and summer it is extremely rare for stink bugs to be in homes. If this is the case, they are just individual bugs that should simply be removed from the house and released as far away from the garden as possible.

Frequently occurring questions

Are leaf bugs harmful to humans?

No, they generally do not pose a threat to human he alth.

Is it difficult to remove bedbugs from the garden?

No, with the right home remedies, bedbugs can easily be removed from the garden.

Things to know about bedbugs in brief

  • Some bugs are dangerous to humans because they can transmit diseases.
  • In forests and fields, insects contribute to the diversity of the fauna; some are feared as plant pests, others are valued as beneficial insects.
  • Some bugs can cause damage to cultivated plants when they occur in large numbers.
  • The best known are the cabbage bug on cabbage, the sparrow on grain and the berry bug on berry fruit.
  • Bugs can be easily recognized by their triangular dorsal shield.
  • They pierce a plant, inject their saliva to digest the food and suck the food out.
  • Not all plant bugs harm their host. However, some can cause damage in ornamental and vegetable cultivation.

Ground bugs

Ground bugs actually live under tree bark, but mostly on the ground in dry meadows and field edges. This type of bug is widespread and common. When the weather becomes cooler and wetter, the animals often migrate en masse to the buildings in the area. They are attracted by the higher temperatures inside. Although the animals are harmless, they are not welcome. Any insecticide can be used to combat it. Microencapsulated preparations are also good for eliminating bedbugs. The low toxicity of these agents is particularly advantageous for homes, work spaces and food areas. But you have to apply the funds exactly where the bugs were found. Flower bugs are predatory. Their main food is aphids. They can also sting people sensitively. Larvae of other pests are also on their menu. They are among the beneficial insects.

Bed bugs

The danger of bed bugs should not be underestimated. 28 different pathogens have already been detected in bedbugs, including hepatitis B and C viruses and the HIV virus. However, transmission has not yet been proven. For a long time, the bed bug was considered virtually extinct in Central and Western Europe. As a result of immigration from people from poorer parts of the world and introduced by tourists, bed bugs are spreading here again and quite quickly. When settling the animals, the hygiene status of your own apartment does not play a role.

Fighting the pests is very time-consuming because they use every kind of hiding place. Bugs that are found can be killed mechanically. Hard-to-access hiding places are treated with special insecticides. They must reliably kill the pests and be completely broken down within 24 to 48 hours. Often you don't catch all the bugs the first time you fight them. The fight must be repeated. If the entire apartment is bugged, it is better to call in a professional. Pest controllers are familiar with the pests and have effective tools at their disposal.
