Plants for border planting

Plants for border planting
Plants for border planting

Any plant is suitable for border planting, the question is whether you want to create a privacy screen through appropriate planting or not. Otherwise, smaller shrubs and flowers are also suitable. However, it is important for all plants that they do not spread to extremes, otherwise a dispute with the neighbor will quickly arise.

Hedges as border plants

Hedges are primarily used as border plants, as they offer good privacy and noise protection and can replace the fence. Evergreen plants such as yew, boxwood or thuja are often used for this purpose. When designing such a hedge, the shape of the cut plays a particularly important role; it can be rectangular, trapezoidal or oval. Hedges are usually cut rectangular because this is easiest. However, this has the disadvantage that the lower part can quickly become bald because it no longer gets enough sunlight. The trapezoidal or oval cut is better because the lower parts of the plant are also provided with sufficient light.

Bamboo as a privacy screen for the border

Bamboo gives the garden an Asian flair and grows very quickly, so that after just a few years the stalks are up to several meters long. It is evergreen and therefore beautiful to look at even in winter. Most of the species that are sold commercially in this country can withstand short-term frost, but can also be covered with leaves or straw in winter to protect them from the cold. If cut appropriately, they can also be used as a hedge plant. However, as border plants they should be given a root barrier, otherwise they will spread too much underground.

Flowering shrubs for your neighbors too

The neighbor will certainly be happy about the flowers, but at the same time smaller bushes also form a border and a privacy screen. For this purpose, there is a large selection of shrubs of different heights with flowers of different colors and shapes. The finger bush blooms bright yellow from June to October and reaches a height of up to 150 centimeters. It also tolerates full sun and drought and can be cut back if necessary. The amethyst berry can be used as a low hedge; it blooms pink in June and also develops small, round fruits. In spring, white panicle spireas have corymbs up to 60 centimeters long with numerous snow-white flowers and are very undemanding to care for. They grow up to two meters high.

When planting borders, minimum distances from the property line must be maintained, especially for tall plants, which are set out in the neighboring laws of the federal states. You should stick to this so that there is no trouble with the neighbors and you end up having to remove the plants again.
