Plants 2024, September

Christmas Rose - Plants, Location & Cutting

Christmas Rose - Plants, Location & Cutting

Christmas roses bloom even in the middle of winter - if the care is right. This is important to consider when planting, location & cutting the snow rose

Zinnia, Zinnia - sowing and care

Zinnia, Zinnia - sowing and care

The zinnia is a beautiful annual plant that can be grown outdoors or in pots. Learn more about caring for them

Rose stem, rose trunk - care

Rose stem, rose trunk - care

Every type of rose can also be grown as a stem. We show which varieties are suitable as rose stems and give care tips

Cutting bushes - instructions and timing

Cutting bushes - instructions and timing

Anyone who plants shrubs in the garden should also know how to cut them correctly. Read what is important depending on the type of shrub

Snapdragons, snapdragons - care and wintering

Snapdragons, snapdragons - care and wintering

Snapdragons are undemanding plants that can be cultivated in pots as well as outdoors. How to care for and overwinter snapdragons

Old and popular rose varieties

Old and popular rose varieties

Rose gardeners have produced thousands of varieties. Get to know the most popular types, classes and varieties of roses

Cockade flower, Gaillardia aristata - care and overwintering

Cockade flower, Gaillardia aristata - care and overwintering

The cockade flower is a flowering perennial that adds decorative color accents to every bed. How to care for Gaillardia aristata

Lobelias - sowing, care and cutting

Lobelias - sowing, care and cutting

The most famous lobelia is Male's Faithful, but there are several varieties. We introduce them and give tips on care, sowing and cutting

Phoenix palm - plants, care & Overwintering

Phoenix palm - plants, care & Overwintering

The phoenix palm, sometimes also called the date palm, is an undemanding type of palm tree. This is how you plant, care for and overwinter the palm tree

Insert flower bulbs correctly - when to plant them?

Insert flower bulbs correctly - when to plant them?

How to plant flower bulbs correctly. Here you will find instructions for planting onion plants. When is the best time?

Mockberry - care in the garden

Mockberry - care in the garden

Gaultheria procumbens is suitable as a ground cover and heather. Get to know the mock berry now! Everything you need to care for your garden

Winter aconites, Eranthis hyemalis - planting and care

Winter aconites, Eranthis hyemalis - planting and care

The winter aconite belongs to the buttercup family. You can discover its yellow flowers very early in the year

Black Locust, Ball Locust - Planting, Care and Cutting

Black Locust, Ball Locust - Planting, Care and Cutting

The black locust is also known as the false acacia and comes from North America. In this country it is often planted as a locust locust

Cacti - types, care and propagation

Cacti - types, care and propagation

Cacti are fascinating. Cultivating these exotic plants is not difficult. We put together the most important information about species and care

Cacti - common diseases and pests

Cacti - common diseases and pests

The cactus is easy to care for, but not indestructible. Read here which diseases and pests often plague cacti

Winter viburnum, Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' - care instructions

Winter viburnum, Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' - care instructions

Here you will find lots of tips and information about winter snowballs. We have put together care instructions and variety recommendations

Fight mildew on roses

Fight mildew on roses

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that can affect many plants. We show what you can do against powdery mildew on roses

Tulip bulbs - cutting, planting and care

Tulip bulbs - cutting, planting and care

Here you will find instructions for planting and cutting tulip bulbs. How to care for tulips during and after flowering

Annual and perennial flowering ground cover

Annual and perennial flowering ground cover

Low-growing plants can be planted (almost) anywhere in the garden. Here we introduce you to annual and perennial flowering ground covers

Common heather, summer heather, calluna - planting and care

Common heather, summer heather, calluna - planting and care

The common heather is a member of the heather family and can visually enhance any garden without much maintenance. How to care for Calluna

Pennisetum grass - care in the garden and cutting

Pennisetum grass - care in the garden and cutting

With its tufts of feathers, Pennisetum grass is a decorative eye-catcher in the garden. This is what you should know about caring for it

Tangerine tree – care, cutting and overwintering

Tangerine tree – care, cutting and overwintering

The orange-colored citrus plants spread a southern flair: Find out here how tangerine trees thrive best

Pitcher plant, Sarracenia - care tips and husbandry

Pitcher plant, Sarracenia - care tips and husbandry

Belonging to the carnivores, the pitcher plant places high demands on location, soil and care. This is how you keep track

Climbing Plant Care - Planting, Cutting and Propagating

Climbing Plant Care - Planting, Cutting and Propagating

Climbing and trailing plants add greenery to walls, facades and pergolas. Here you will find care tips for climbing plants

Wisteria, wisteria - care, cutting and propagation

Wisteria, wisteria - care, cutting and propagation

Its blue-violet flower clusters make the wisteria a real eye-catcher. Here you will find tips on caring for the climbing plant

Climbing plant varieties - evergreen, flowering ones for balconies and gardens

Climbing plant varieties - evergreen, flowering ones for balconies and gardens

Climbing plants transform bare walls or plain fences into a feast for the eyes. We present the most beautiful varieties for the balcony and garden

List of hardy and perennial climbing plants

List of hardy and perennial climbing plants

Hardy climbing plants offer permanent privacy or add greenery to walls. Our list includes the best perennial specimens

Fragrant roses - varieties, care and cutting

Fragrant roses - varieties, care and cutting

The scent of roses is proverbial, but there are varieties whose smell has diminished. We introduce scented roses and give care tips

Grape heather - care and cutting

Grape heather - care and cutting

Grape heather is a ground cover and can keep beds or graves free of weeds. She also likes the marbled leaves

Cambria Orchid - Care, Propagation and Cutting

Cambria Orchid - Care, Propagation and Cutting

Various multi-genus hybrids of orchids exist under the name Cambria. We'll show you how to care for them properly

Cobbler palm, Aspidistra elatior - care

Cobbler palm, Aspidistra elatior - care

Find out everything about keeping the cobbler palm. Here you will find all the information about caring for the popular houseplant

Witch Hazel Shrub - Care and Cutting

Witch Hazel Shrub - Care and Cutting

Also known as witch hazel, witch hazel is a popular garden tree. Here you will find all the care information about the witch hazel bush

Busy Lieschen - care, propagation and overwintering

Busy Lieschen - care, propagation and overwintering

Here you will find instructions on how to care for the busy Lieschen as a house and garden plant. This is what you absolutely need to know

Knapweed, mountain and snowflake - care in the garden

Knapweed, mountain and snowflake - care in the garden

The knapweed is a daisy family. We introduce different varieties and give helpful tips on caring for them

Foxtail, amaranth plant - care

Foxtail, amaranth plant - care

The amaranth plant is a genus of plants in the foxtail family. Read more about the foxtail and its care

Bell vine, Cobaea scandens - care and propagation

Bell vine, Cobaea scandens - care and propagation

The bell vine is a well-known climbing plant. You can read how to care for and propagate the clawed morning glory in this article

Coconut palm, Cocos nucifera - care instructions

Coconut palm, Cocos nucifera - care instructions

Hardly any other plant reminds people of distant, sunny countries as much as the coconut palm. This is how cocos nucifera thrive here

Plant flower boxes all year round - examples of plants

Plant flower boxes all year round - examples of plants

The planting season begins. Do you already have ideas for the flower box? We continue to help. This means you can plant flower boxes all year round

Should you cut off spent sunflowers?

Should you cut off spent sunflowers?

We'll tell you whether you should cut off spent sunflowers. This must be taken into account for annual or perennial specimens

Gold lacquer plant, Erysimum cheiri - care and cutting

Gold lacquer plant, Erysimum cheiri - care and cutting

It smells of violets and delights with strong flowers: gold lacquer is common in many cottage gardens. Find out more about its care