Plants 2024, September

Care tips for houseplants - the best tips

Care tips for houseplants - the best tips

What should you do to ensure that a green paradise unfolds on your flower and window sills? We give answers. Our care tips for houseplants

Staghorn fern, Platycerium - location and care tips

Staghorn fern, Platycerium - location and care tips

Not many indoor gardeners are familiar with the staghorn fern. This is what you need to know about the location, substrate and care of Platycerium

Gunner flower - location, care and propagation

Gunner flower - location, care and propagation

Belonging to the nettle family, the gunner flower is an easy-care plant for indoor and outdoor use. Learn more

Arrowroot - caring for the houseplant

Arrowroot - caring for the houseplant

Maranta leuconeura is an attractive ornamental plant and popular houseplant from Brazil. This is how you care for arrowroot properly

Zebraweed - planting and care

Zebraweed - planting and care

The zebra herb belongs to the genus Zebrina. It is available in a variety of flower colors. With a few tricks, care is very easy

Cushion perennials - types, plants and care tips

Cushion perennials - types, plants and care tips

Cushion perennials have many uses. They grow flat and colorful. We introduce popular species and give tips on care

Cutting and dividing perennials - instructions

Cutting and dividing perennials - instructions

Cutting is the most important care measure for perennials. We introduce the different types of cuts. This is how perennial pruning works

Flowering perennials - annual and hardy varieties for sun & shade

Flowering perennials - annual and hardy varieties for sun & shade

Flowering perennials - annual and hardy varieties for sun & Shade: Find out which perennial is right for your garden and read perennial tips

Small periwinkle, Vinca minor - profile, care & Cut

Small periwinkle, Vinca minor - profile, care & Cut

The small periwinkle belongs to the dog poison family. Its carpet of flowers is extremely decorative. This is what you need to know about care and cutting

Planting tips for garden and balcony boxes

Planting tips for garden and balcony boxes

We explain what is important when planting in pots and other containers. These are our planting tips for garden and balcony boxes

Dry and press leaves of flowers and plants quickly

Dry and press leaves of flowers and plants quickly

Do you want to quickly dry and press leaves from flowers and plants? We present methods to preserve plant leaves

Echeverias, Echeveria - care and overwintering

Echeverias, Echeveria - care and overwintering

Echeverias include more than 150 plant species. Some of them are suitable as garden & potted plants. We give tips on care

Popular shade perennials - hardy and flowering species

Popular shade perennials - hardy and flowering species

Which perennials thrive in shady places in the garden? We introduce popular flowering and hardy shade perennials

Plants for dry, sandy and sunny locations

Plants for dry, sandy and sunny locations

Not every plant thrives everywhere. Here you will find an extensive list of suitable plants for dry, sandy and sunny locations

Topiary trees in the garden - care, cutting, pruning

Topiary trees in the garden - care, cutting, pruning

Boxwood, maple, cypress and many other trees can be easily cut into shape. How to care for topiary trees in the garden

Bellis Perennis - profile, plants and care

Bellis Perennis - profile, plants and care

Bellis Perennis is better known as daisy. What should you know about caring for flowering plants?

Pencil Bush, Euphorbia tirucalli - Care & Propagate

Pencil Bush, Euphorbia tirucalli - Care & Propagate

The pencil bush comes from South Africa, loves warmth and should be kept warm and sunny. How to care for Euphorbia tirucalli

Christmas Cactus, Schlumbergera truncata - Care

Christmas Cactus, Schlumbergera truncata - Care

The Christmas cactus is increasingly available for purchase in the run-up to Christmas. How to properly care for Schlumbergera truncata

Sal willow, Salix caprea - planting, care and cutting

Sal willow, Salix caprea - planting, care and cutting

The Sal willow (Salix Caprea) is a special form of willow. It is also called kitten willow. Find out more about care and pruning

Primroses, Primula - Planting, Care, Propagation & Overwintering

Primroses, Primula - Planting, Care, Propagation & Overwintering

Primroses are popular spring bloomers with manageable care requirements. We show you how to handle the plants correctly

Edible plants - you can find these in the forest in Germany

Edible plants - you can find these in the forest in Germany

Edible plants don't just thrive in the garden. Find out more about wild vegetables and wild herbs from the forest in this article

Umbrella bamboo - care and pruning

Umbrella bamboo - care and pruning

The umbrella bamboo does not spread as much as many of its conspecifics. Learn more about caring for this type of bamboo

Alpine aster, Aster alpinus - planting and care

Alpine aster, Aster alpinus - planting and care

Find out everything about the Alpine aster. In our care instructions you will find information about planting and cutting Aster alpinus

Gymnocalycium cacti - species/varieties and care

Gymnocalycium cacti - species/varieties and care

Gymnocalycium cacti come in numerous species. Get an overview of the flowering succulents and how to care for them

Mammillaria - types/varieties of cacti and care tips

Mammillaria - types/varieties of cacti and care tips

Their flower wreaths are typical of Mammillaria. The warty cacti can be left outside in summer. We give variety and care tips

Cypress trees - care and cutting

Cypress trees - care and cutting

Cypress trees are evergreen, which is what makes them so popular. There are many types in different sizes and shapes. These are our care tips

Spiny cucumber, hedgehog cucumber - caring for the ornamental cucumber

Spiny cucumber, hedgehog cucumber - caring for the ornamental cucumber

The prickly cucumber is a popular ornamental cucumber that produces exotic-looking fruits. This is how you properly care for the hedgehog cucumber

Growing an oak tree - from seed, to pot, to tree

Growing an oak tree - from seed, to pot, to tree

How do you go about growing and planting an oak tree yourself? We explain the details. This is how seeds become a tree

Lemon tree in the apartment - care tips & scale insects

Lemon tree in the apartment - care tips & scale insects

Here you will find care tips for keeping lemon trees in your home. You will also learn what to do if you have scale insects

Fast-growing shrubs for the garden

Fast-growing shrubs for the garden

There are many fast-growing shrubs. Depending on the variety, they can be used for garden design. We'll explain how it works

Which plants and palm trees are suitable for bedrooms?

Which plants and palm trees are suitable for bedrooms?

Which plants and palm trees are suitable for bedrooms? Not every houseplant should be in the bedroom. We show which ones are suitable

Olive willow, Elaeagnus angustifolia - care and cutting

Olive willow, Elaeagnus angustifolia - care and cutting

The olive willow is not hardy in our latitudes. It is usually cultivated in containers. What is important in care?

Rose marshmallow - care instructions, cutting and overwintering

Rose marshmallow - care instructions, cutting and overwintering

The garden hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus) is one of the most popular garden plants. How is the rose marshmallow cared for?

Geranium cultivation - seeds, sowing and planting

Geranium cultivation - seeds, sowing and planting

What is the best way to sow geraniums? Which soil is needed? What's next with the care? That's all the information about growing geraniums

Cylindrical Cleaner - Care, Overwintering, Cutting

Cylindrical Cleaner - Care, Overwintering, Cutting

Because of its unusual shape, the cylinder cleaner has many names. We give tips on caring for and cutting the exotic plant

Prune geraniums in autumn - 1×1 of the pruning

Prune geraniums in autumn - 1×1 of the pruning

Geraniums are brought indoors in autumn and prepared for overwintering. This is how you cut back the popular balcony plants

Hanging and standing balcony plants

Hanging and standing balcony plants

Balconies can be greened regardless of their size. Which hanging and standing balcony plants are best suited for this?

Multiply geraniums - take cuttings yourself

Multiply geraniums - take cuttings yourself

You can easily propagate geraniums through cuttings. What does the hobby gardener need to know about propagating the popular balcony plants?

Repotting potted plants correctly - instructions

Repotting potted plants correctly - instructions

Many plants for terraces and balconies can be grown in pots. We'll show you how to repot potted plants correctly

Easy-care balcony plants and potted plants

Easy-care balcony plants and potted plants

Are you looking for flowers for your balcony and terrace that require little maintenance? Then we have a series of recommendations for you