Popular male and female cat names: 179 male and 162 female names

Popular male and female cat names: 179 male and 162 female names
Popular male and female cat names: 179 male and 162 female names

Over 8 million cats live in Germany. This makes them even more popular than dogs. The advantage of having a cat as a pet is that it doesn't mind if you leave it alone, for example to go to work.

Give cats a name?

Cats are usually given a name just like dogs. They are family and are called by name. Even with cats, the name should fit the individual. Some even think that the nickname should also match the breed. So a great name for a Persian cat is “Sultan”. Cleopatra, on the other hand, fits a Sphinx cat. Apparently cats love names that end in “i”. The sound has a positive influence on the animals.

That's why typical cat names are:

  • Mimi
  • Kitty
  • Cindy
  • Lilly
  • Lissy
  • Lucy
  • Luna
  • Zora

Also popular for hangovers are:

  • Felix
  • Bill
  • Blacky
  • Garfield
  • Gizmo
  • crumbs
  • Leo
  • Mäxchen
  • Mikesch
  • Urmel
  • Zorro

With the right training you can get a cat to listen to its name (almost like a dog, almost). It is common practice to give cats a name, especially for cats that are kept indoors. With outdoor cats and cats that actually belong to the whole house or half the village, everyone usually has their own name for the animal anyway.

Finding the right cat name

There are many different ways to give a cat its name. You should definitely keep in mind that you will have your cat for many years and that visitors will definitely come to your house from time to time. The cat won't care how "embarrassing" his name is, but in a few years or in front of other people you might not.

Cat Appearance & Behavior

Typically, young cats and tomcats are often named based on their appearance. Coat color, pattern, body shape and visual abnormalities are usually crucial here. In exactly the same way, the behavior when you first meet them is used as inspiration for naming the cats. However, you should be aware that cats can also change over the course of their lives. This is how a wild young cat can sometimes become a lazy, cozy and fat cat.

Celebrities and other people

Another source of inspiration for cat names can be famous characters from film, television, comics and all of pop culture. Here you can take the chance to bring your childhood heroes or old friends back home in the form of a cat.

So be creative or just use one of our cat names:
