Popular bunny names / rabbit names - male and female

Popular bunny names / rabbit names - male and female
Popular bunny names / rabbit names - male and female

Nomen est Omen, which is why a quick look at the dictionary is helpful before calling the lovable new rabbit names like Chintzy, Dully, Funky, Grumpy, Randy or Schlocky. It would be better if the new name emphasizes positive characteristics, or you can use one of the other numerous suggestions for finding a name that are mentioned below:

Find a name quickly and safely

The most popular rabbit names are Bunny, Hopsi, Rambo and Schnuffel, closely followed by various names based on fur color: Brownie, Brauner and Chocolate; Morle and Blacky; Snowy and Snow White; Foxes, Flame and Red; Flecki, Schecki and Dots; Goldie, blob and espresso.

Rabbits are also often named “after themselves”: Bunny, Long Ear, Snuffy, Bommel, Bugs Bunny, Drummer, Fussel, Hoppel, Hopsi, Thumper, Rabbit, Floppy Ear, Wuschel, Shaggy and Flocke.

With these names you are off the hook because there is actually no variation in appearance, size and/or character that these rabbit names would not suit.

Not possible at all, way too uncreative? Well, when creativity goes from being an option to being a must, everyday life becomes quite stressful. And “Bunny” can easily be called many times in a row or whispered tenderly, while names like Cheyenne-Savannah or Imperial-Purity (probably not rabbit names yet, but some unfortunate people walk around with these first names) will probably knot your tongue at some point cause.

Rabbit or hare

Hare - rabbit
Hare - rabbit

Just so that there are no ambiguities: When we talk about rabbits here, we are talking about rabbits in the sense of “stable bunnies”, as rabbits are also colloquially called (which goes back to times when in the “rabbit hutch” the Sunday roast was fed behind the house). These domestic rabbits are the domesticated form of wild rabbits, which belong to the Hare family (Leporidae), but to a different genus (Oryctolagus) than the real hares (genus Lepus) and cannot mate with real hares. The “real hares” of the genus Lepus, of which only the brown hare (Lepus europaeus) and mountain hare (Lepus timidus) live in Central Europe, are shy, crepuscular and nocturnal solitary animals whose top speed of 70 km per hour makes the usual outdoor enclosure in the garden a satire of an exercise enclosure and whose bounce of approx. 2 m does not fit the fence regulations of most home developments. That's why they are strictly protected wild animals whose keeping in cages or in the house at all is forbidden (and would probably cause the rabbit to die in a very short time).

Individual naming

If you want a name to be individual and ideally fit your family's personality as well as possible, websites with lists can also just be the first source of ideas. From which you can compile your own lists of words that can be used as names and have something to do with you and your family.

A family's personality arises from shared experiences and memories, preferences and passions. If you go through the subject areas in which special ties have developed in your family, a wide field of inspiration for finding a name opens up:

  • People with a garden could use this to find a name:
  • Flowers and daffodils, nuts and bells, roots and marbles
  • The nature outside the garden door also has a lot to offer for nature lovers
  • Looking for people with language skills, e.g. B. in the English language terms of concise brevity:
  • In English there are also names that can bring a lot of joy:
  • You don't have to wear the “fun fur”, you can also play with it if a “real rabbit” with the same name is wearing it
  • And “Muzzle” may not wear a muzzle, but he loves to bite the nibble bar
  • While “Bumblebee” shouldn’t act like he has bumblebees up his butt
  • Similar games are possible in any language that is used in your family
  • Strong positive words always make good names, especially in translations that are not immediately “cracked”
  • So “Toivo” hops for hope, “Maite” loves carrots and dandelions and their owners, “Zuva” brings sunshine into everyday life
  • Globe travelers mentally roam the planet when searching for a name and find it inspiring when their white rabbit is called “Alaska” and his male buddy is “Bali”
  • Ornithologists cuddle “Chiffchaff” and “Zalp”, entomologists “Dragonfly” and “Mosquito”

Whatever you like is allowed

The rabbit probably doesn't care anyway - even if you get 1st place in the Kaninhop Agility Championship with clicker training, your animal companion is unlikely to penetrate human communication to the point that the wrong name endangers his self-confidence. It's different for people, but actually only for those who already have problems with their self-esteem - and only they have problems when friends loudly amuse themselves about the new rabbit name.

Bunny rabbit
Bunny rabbit

People with a he althy standing have little burden with it, but laugh heartily along. Even if “Bambi” hops around rather clumsily than elegantly and “Bianca” looks much more like the fat Bernhard than an elegant Hungarian ambassador.

So it is by no means forbidden to use rabbits to commemorate a revered celebrity or a beloved film character. Britney suits all cream, tan or yellow colored female rabbits, Celine suits blonde to gray (Celine Dion) or blonde to brown (Celine Bethmann), there are also enough equivalents for black, brown, white and male rabbits in the celebrity sector.

But it's usually not immediately obvious who exactly is meant - so "Bibi" may be fresh from the makeover in "BibisBeautyPalace" or may be particularly in need of such a beautification, constantly being crossed out in the best Bibi Blocksberg style be in the mood or embody the tough Bibi Fellner from the crime scene in a bunny way and completely without alcohol.


Which brings us to the couples; Because rabbits should never be kept alone, it is not uncommon for them to be named twice. When it comes to celebrities, you could simply rely on their partners; Celine Dion included René, and Britney Spears you can choose between Jason, Kevin and Charles. Or you can take “legendary couples” as a model – Bonnie and Clyde provide Zibbe (not Zippe, that would be a female person that you would be upset about) and Rammler with names; for Pünktchen and Anton at least Pünktchen should have the appropriate color, while It will be difficult with stripes and socks when it comes to the phenotype, but Asterix & Obelix, Ying & Yang, Tequila & Sunrise always fit.


All just initial examples so that your creativity is not limited. It can also be assumed that in many cases you will have to orientate yourself more in the area of teen idols anyway. In their top group there are at least a lot of stars whose names have two rabbits, one female and one male, who forever escape anonymity: Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lawrence, Ariana Grande, Emma Watson, Miley Cyrus.
