Getting rid of spiders in the house - how to get rid of house spiders

Getting rid of spiders in the house - how to get rid of house spiders
Getting rid of spiders in the house - how to get rid of house spiders

Most people are disgusted by spiders and react with panic to the eight-legged creatures when they venture into the house. However, there are some countermeasures to get rid of unwanted roommates. You can choose from both proven home remedies and stronger chemical-based remedies if the infestation has already become extremely degenerated.

Incidence of house spiders

Spiders usually live outdoors and find enough food there. However, when it gets colder outside, the reptiles look for a warmer environment. Spiders usually enter living spaces through open windows, doors and small cracks. Their appearance is not due to a lack of cleanliness, but rather to their presence in the area. House spiders are mostly harmless animals and are useful in the home because they feed on small and annoying insects. The spider webs often extend into dark corners and corners of rooms, as well as on the ceilings. Many people have an instinctive fear of spiders, which is why the scary animals should be driven out of the apartment or house quickly.

  • Set up nets in living rooms, in the attic and in the basement
  • Also populate balconies, terraces, house walls and facades
  • Like to hide behind and under furniture
  • Eat flies, mosquitoes and other vermin
  • Most species are harmless to humans

Home remedies


A tried and tested method against spiders are natural home remedies that can effectively get rid of spiders. In this way, the pests disappear without the use of poisons, which can be dangerous to both human he alth and beloved pets. Some of the home remedies do not work immediately but have to be administered several times. In most cases, after a short waiting period, these prove to be very helpful, without any harmful chemicals. Particular attention should be paid to hidden places, as the spiders particularly like to hang out there. This includes the areas under and behind the sofa, behind the doors and furniture, the ceiling and floor moldings.

Peppermint oil

House spiders don't like this strong smell at all, the scent of mint oil drives away the eight-legged creatures and keeps them away in the long term.

  • Dilute oil with water and fill into spray bottle
  • About 10 drops of peppermint oil in 500 ml of water
  • Spray directly onto the animals and their nets
  • Also distribute in the area


Spiders also avoid the strong scent of lavender, just like many other insects.

  • Distribute scented sachets with lavender in the living rooms
  • Vaporize lavender oil using an aroma lamp
  • Apply pure oil to various places


The smell of tobacco lasts a long time and bothers the spiders significantly. However, due to its smelly properties, it is not suitable for living areas. However, in outdoor areas, in the basement, on the balcony and unused attics, this is usually not a problem.

  • Boil a cup of cigarette butts in water
  • Filter tobacco brew through a sieve after cooking
  • Spray the desired area


The intense scent of fresh lemons also helps to drive away unwanted spiders from the house.

  • Put some fresh lemon slices on small plates
  • Spread on the windowsills
  • Additionally, brush door cracks with fresh lemon juice and rub
  • The smell of citronella oil is also very effective

Immediate countermeasures

Spider in the house
Spider in the house

If there is a lot of panic when spiders are discovered, immediate countermeasures are recommended. These either lead to the death of the eight-legged creatures or trap them so that the spiders can be removed from the living spaces. If the infestation of house spiders is very severe, you can buy chemical-based antidotes from specialist retailers.

Hairspray and hair polish

A simple and immediately effective home remedy is cosmetic hair spray. This is already available in many bathrooms and does not contain any toxins, unlike a conventional anti-spider spray.

  • Hairspray sticks the animals together extremely quickly
  • Spiders can no longer move
  • Ingredients close the respiratory tract of eight-legged friends
  • Spiders die after a while

Simple trap

If you just want to get rid of the eight-legged creatures quickly and are not particularly disgusted by them, you can catch the spiders with a simple trap. The animals can then be brought back outside and spread out undisturbed, because the eight-legged creatures make an important contribution to the local ecosystem.

  • You need a glass or cup with a thin piece of cardboard
  • Fit the spider in a free and easily accessible place
  • Put glass over the insect
  • Then slide thin cardboard under or behind the glass
  • Spider is now unharmed in the trap
  • Afterwards take it outside


Ultrasound is a chemical and toxin-free antidote to drive spiders out of your house and apartment. The frightening reptiles like to build their webs in living spaces because they find perfect conditions there. Specialist retailers offer ultrasonic plugs; these devices are known as spider deterrents. The plug continuously emits ultrasonic sounds, which house spiders find annoying. However, this only causes insects to flee; the noise is not perceptible to humans.

  • Ultrasonic plugs are immediately ready for use in every room
  • Just plug it into the socket
  • Depending on the model, one device is sufficient for rooms with 25 m²
  • In larger rooms, use several ultrasonic plugs
  • Repel not only spiders, but also other unwanted reptiles

Keep spiders away

The best antidote against spiders is to keep uninvited guests out of your living space. The eight-legged friends usually get into the house and apartment through open doors and windows, which are left open for long periods of time to ventilate, especially during the summer months. To block this access to spiders, commercially available grids and nets are a simple and effective means. These can be attached to the affected doors and windows in just a few simple steps. Since spiders look for warm rooms, especially in autumn, the devices should remain on until the beginning of winter.

  • Attach prefabricated fly screens to the windows and doors
  • Make sure the seal is tight
  • Cut nets to fit
  • Then attach to the frames of doors and windows with Velcro or adhesive tape
  • Also keeps bees, flies, mosquitoes and other unwanted insects away
  • Close small openings
