Zucchini fruits rot on the plant: what to do?

Zucchini fruits rot on the plant: what to do?
Zucchini fruits rot on the plant: what to do?

Sometimes a young zucchini fruit suddenly stops growing. At the same time it becomes yellow and putrid from the tip. Read here how you can save your harvest if the fruits of your zucchini rot on the plant.

Save zucchini harvest

Zucchini plants are known for continually producing new fruits until fall. Just because a few individual zucchini are rotting doesn't mean you have to write off the entire plant. At least not if she otherwise looks reasonably he althy. Because it is quite possible that after a few suitable measures it will bear he althy fruit again and you can still harvest plenty of zucchini.

Rotten zucchini fruits
Rotten zucchini fruits


Zucchini Fruits that turn yellow and begin to rot should be removed completely. On the one hand, they deprive the plant of much-needed energy and, on the other hand, they are not suitable for consumption in this form.

Conduct causal research

In order to get he althy fruit out of your zucchini plant again, the next step is to find the cause of rotting fruit. Then you need to consider what effective countermeasure you can take quickly and easily.

These are possible causes that cause your zucchini fruits to rot on the plant:

  • intense heat and drought
  • weather that is too cold or wet and cold
  • too little sun
  • Temperature fluctuations (day/night)
  • Waterlogging (promotes gray mold)
  • poorly ventilated soil
  • Overfertilization
  • Calcium deficiency (causes blossom end rot)
  • no or insufficient pollination
  • fruit set too high


Go through the complete list of causes step by step. Because it is not said that there always has to be one reason for rotting fruit. If you overlook other causes, the zucchini season is still at risk.

Mitigate weather disadvantages

Zucchini on a straw base
Zucchini on a straw base

The weather cannot be changed and cannot be predicted when planting zucchini. But you can adapt your care to a certain extent:

  • the hotter and drier, the more often and more abundantly you water
  • Zucchini need consistent water supply during fruit formation
  • water more frequently with smaller amounts if the soil tends to become waterlogged
  • Loosen up the substrate regularly
  • improvised shade or roofing for longer periods of heat or rain
  • Cover for cool nights


Do not place the rain cover directly on the zucchini plant to prevent moisture from accumulating. Because zucchini fruits can also start to rot.

Resolve calcium deficiency

Overfertilization and calcium deficiency are closely related, even if it sounds contradictory at first. Because it is an excess of other nutrients, such as potassium and magnesium, that prevents the absorption of calcium. Find out about the optimal zucchini fertilization to stop further over-fertilization.

How to correct acute calcium deficiency:

  • Supply calcium to zucchini in a targeted manner
  • for example with dolomite lime and rock powder


You should be patient here, because experience shows that it takes a while before fertilization has a positive effect on fruit formation.

Manually pollinate flowers

Female zucchini flowers (left), male zucchini flowers (right)
Female zucchini flowers (left), male zucchini flowers (right)

If the weather is unfavorable, fewer insects fly. Then you should act and pollinate the zucchini plant manually:

  • each plant has female and male flowers
  • Transfer of pollen is very easy
  • first touch the inside of the male flower with a fine brush
  • so that the inside of the female flower can be “pollinated”

Frequently asked questions

How can I prevent rotting zucchini?

Exclude as many potential causes of fruit rot as possible during planting. Plant the zucchini in a protective greenhouse or in a sunny spot without bright midday sun. In cooler regions it is best placed near a wall so that it benefits from the radiant heat at night. The soil for a zucchini should be permeable and well aerated. Don't water or fertilize based on how you feel, but always as needed.

How do I recognize a male zucchini flower?

The male zucchini flower has a long stem and clearly visible stamens with pollen inside. It does not have a small fruit base like the female zucchini flower.

Can I put the rotten zucchini fruits in the compost?

It is better to dispose of rotting zucchini as residual waste or put them in the organic waste bin. This way you can be sure that any germs cannot continue to have an effect.
