Read 7,000 magazines in 1 subscription: “Readly” is the N1 reading flat rate in Germany

Read 7,000 magazines in 1 subscription: “Readly” is the N1 reading flat rate in Germany
Read 7,000 magazines in 1 subscription: “Readly” is the N1 reading flat rate in Germany


Read Die Wohnidee, My Beautiful Garden, ELLE Decoration, TIME Magazine, WELT and 7,000 other magazines and newspapers with just 1 subscription? This is Readly. If you like reading, you can test the service today for just 99 cents for a month, without any commitment or risk

Paid media and quality media serve to obtain information and provide inspiration for hobbies and interests. But who wants to afford several subscriptions at the same time? With Readly, this is no longer necessary. The app is a kind of “Netflix for reading magazines”. Read unlimited 7,000 paid media with the latest and all old editions for just 11.99 euros per month. The service is already inspiring millions of customers and is constantly expanding its range. Today Readly is the leading newspaper flat rate in Germany with 4.8 out of 5 stars in the App Store with 60,000 reviews.

And best of all: New customers can test Readly today for 1 month for just 99 cents. No commitment, can be canceled at any time and with 5 profiles for the whole family

Special offer: Readly today 1 month for 0.99 euros (without commitment)

From TIME Magazine to Wohnidee

Readly offers the best magazines and journals for every hobby and interest. Even daily and weekly newspapers such as WELT, BILD and NZZ are included with Readly. Free of charge. You can read media from household, garden, furnishings, design, architecture, sports and fitness, travel, business, politics and much more from over 35 categories. Niches such as luxury magazines, technology, aviation, model making, psychology magazines, music magazines, parenting guides, comics and family magazines are also represented on the platform.

Among the best-known titles at Readly are TIME Magazine, FORBES, FOCUS, Euro, ComputerBild, SportBild, BUNTE, Men's and Women's He alth, Esquire, VOGUE, Cosmopolitan, Rolling Stone, Foodie, National Geographic and Country idea.

Readly users have recently also been reading some regional newspapers and Sunday newspapers in Germany and from over 20 other countries. With Readly you can not only read the German newsstand, but also the American, British or French one.

Readly Magazines
Readly Magazines

Save money and save the world?

That may be an exaggeration, but with Readly you are actually doing a lot of good. Not only is reading print magazines digitally more fun and more convenient, it is also significantly cheaper and saves emissions. A whopping 16,600 tons of CO2 were saved in 2022 alone by using Readly. The provider is also very proud that, according to surveys, users read significantly more and broader media and thus directly support the independent editorial teams of media diversity.

Modern app with offline reading and discovery area

The Readly app for iPhone, iPad, Android, tablets and desktop ultimately makes the flat rate a really exciting service. With these functions:

  • Offline download for the plane or vacation
  • Discover feed constantly suggests new media
  • Individual“Featured Articles”Read on the go without the entire issue
  • 5 profiles for the whole family
  • Archive included: You can also read old issues of your favorite magazines

Users can, for example, download magazines offline and create their reading lists with favorites. Not just for yourself, but with 5 profiles for the whole family. Brand new is the innovative Discover feed, which uses social media style to suggest new and interesting magazines that match your reading habits. Even individual articles from specific editions can be found in the “Featured Articles” section of the app. The editorial team selects these articles exclusively for Readly users and are decoupled from the entire magazine issue and can be consumed in a perfectly mobile format.

Last but not least, Readly users love the fair subscription conditions. You can cancel at any time and there is no contract period. Subscription traps are a thing of the past.

Special offer: 1 month test for 0.99 euros

Today, Readly is offering all new customers the chance to test the service for a month with absolutely no risk or commitment. For only 99 cents. You can cancel at any time during the month. And if you like it, Readly only charges the full 11.99 euros per month in the second month, which can also be canceled at any time. All information about the special offer can be found at this link.