Herbs & Spices 2024, September

Grow your own star anise plant, Illicium verum

Grow your own star anise plant, Illicium verum

Real star anise is a spice that has become an indispensable part of Christmas baking and creative hobby art and crafts. Here in our home country

Planting lovage, maggi herb - cultivation, care and harvest

Planting lovage, maggi herb - cultivation, care and harvest

Lovage (Levisticum officinale). The lovage is an aromatic herb that prefers a sunny location and loose, moist, humus-rich and deep soil. Suitable as a single plant, you

Clary sage, Salvia sclarea - care tips

Clary sage, Salvia sclarea - care tips

All information and tips about one of the most magnificent types of sage, clary sage (Salvia sclarea). Sowing, location, use and everything else you need to consider

Myrtle, bridal myrtle - care, cutting & Overwintering

Myrtle, bridal myrtle - care, cutting & Overwintering

Myrtle (Myrtus communis) - The myrtle is also called bridal myrtle and is a popular pot plant. Tips on cultivation, care and overwintering

Lemon bush, lemon verbena - care and propagation

Lemon bush, lemon verbena - care and propagation

The lemon verbena (Latin: Aloysia triphylla): You can get lots of tips and information about care, overwintering and the effect of the lemon bush as a tea from us

Mushroom herb, Rungia klossii - planting and care in the pot

Mushroom herb, Rungia klossii - planting and care in the pot

Mushroom herb 'Rungia klossii' - From care to use to overwintering, you can find all the important information here

Planting herbs - timing, substrate and which ones go together?

Planting herbs - timing, substrate and which ones go together?

Planting herbs - this is how it works! When is the best time to sow, plant and harvest them? Which substrate suits which? Find out here

Herbs and spices - what's the difference?

Herbs and spices - what's the difference?

Herbs and spices are used to season dishes. But what is the difference? Find out here, with many examples

Herbs for shady, semi-shady and sunny locations

Herbs for shady, semi-shady and sunny locations

Grow your own garden herbs - tips for choosing the right location and caring for typical garden herbs and herbs such as spices

Meadow sage - profile and care tips

Meadow sage - profile and care tips

Meadow sage (Salvia pratensis) - location, flower & Use of the spice and medicinal plant is available from us

Thai basil - location, care and harvest

Thai basil - location, care and harvest

Thai basil & Cinnamon basil - plants, location and care - Thai basil and cinnamon basil taste very different from ordinary basil

Black elderberries - profile, plants and care

Black elderberries - profile, plants and care

Black elderberry 'Sambucus nigra' - care, location Use of the white-flowering and fragrant elderberry can be found here

Moroccan Mint - Growing and caring for nana mint

Moroccan Mint - Growing and caring for nana mint

Moroccan mint - care and use of nana mint and many other useful tips can be found here

Lavender - Flowering time and uses of lavender flowers

Lavender - Flowering time and uses of lavender flowers

Everything about caring for lavender as well as the flowering time and use of lavender flowers

Chives are blooming - are they still edible?

Chives are blooming - are they still edible?

Chives are blooming, are they still edible? - Many hobby gardeners wonder whether chives should be harvested while they are in bloom. We clarify and give tips

Basil has black spots: what to do?

Basil has black spots: what to do?

Black spots on basil can have various causes. We'll tell you what you should pay attention to when buying and caring for it

Chives - cultivation, care and use

Chives - cultivation, care and use

It is one of the most famous garden herbs, but do you really know everything you need to know about chives? Find out more now

Growing sage - location, planting and care

Growing sage - location, planting and care

Find out in this article how sage is grown, cared for, harvested and used in kitchen & medicine cabinet

Growing peppermint - profile, plants & Care

Growing peppermint - profile, plants & Care

Here you will find all the information about growing peppermint in the garden, tips for harvesting & Use for connoisseurs and in the medicine cabinet

Chervil, Anthriscus - cultivation and care

Chervil, Anthriscus - cultivation and care

Find out more about caring for chervil in the herb garden. How can you use the herb in the kitchen and medicine cabinet?

Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare - cultivation and care

Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare - cultivation and care

When we talk about fennel, we can mean the vegetable, the spice and the wild plant. Find out more about the plant here

Growing oregano – care, harvest and overwintering

Growing oregano – care, harvest and overwintering

Oregano is known as a herb for cooking and is easy to grow yourself. You can read what needs to be taken into account here

Herb cultivation - Grow herbs in the garden and balcony

Herb cultivation - Grow herbs in the garden and balcony

Read here which garden herbs you can grow yourself and how you can organize herb cultivation in the garden and on the balcony

Popular wild herbs and tips for collecting them

Popular wild herbs and tips for collecting them

Herbs refine dishes and salads. Many species grow wild in nature. Here you will find popular wild herbs and tips for collecting them

Marjoram, Origanum majorana - cultivation, care & Harvest

Marjoram, Origanum majorana - cultivation, care & Harvest

Here you will find instructions for growing marjoram. We also give tips on care, storage and use in the kitchen and medicine cabinet

Speedwell - cultivation, care and use

Speedwell - cultivation, care and use

The speedwell (Veronica) is represented by around 450 species worldwide. Not all of them are welcome in the garden. We'll reveal which ones

Valerian, Valeriana officinalis - planting and care

Valerian, Valeriana officinalis - planting and care

How can you plant valerian in the garden and make it thrive? In this article we will tell you

Caraway, Carum carvi - cultivation and care

Caraway, Carum carvi - cultivation and care

Would you like to enrich your herb bed with caraway seeds? Then in this article you will find out everything you need to know about caring for the plant

Real chamomile - profile, cultivation, care and harvest

Real chamomile - profile, cultivation, care and harvest

Real chamomile is one of the most popular local herbs. We give an introduction to sowing, cultivation, care and harvesting

Coriander cultivation, Coriandrum sativum - planting and care

Coriander cultivation, Coriandrum sativum - planting and care

Coriander can be used in many ways as a seasoning. We'll show you how to grow and harvest the herb correctly

Coneflower - care, cutting and propagation

Coneflower - care, cutting and propagation

Its striking flowers make the coneflower an attractive splash of color in the garden. We give care tips for cutting and propagating

Gypsophila - Planting, Care & Cutting

Gypsophila - Planting, Care & Cutting

Gypsophila is an undemanding summer perennial. Its small white flowers make it an eye-catcher. This care is needed

Plant candytufts - location & Iberis blooming time

Plant candytufts - location & Iberis blooming time

The candytuft makes a beautiful addition to the spring garden. Their flowering period lasts until August. Learn more about Iberis varieties

Cowslip, Primula veris - profile and care

Cowslip, Primula veris - profile and care

The cowslip is known and popular as a harbinger of spring. There are different types. How are they cared for?

Combat horsetail, Equisetum arvense vs. medicinal herb

Combat horsetail, Equisetum arvense vs. medicinal herb

Horsetail, Latin Equisetum arvense, belongs to the horsetail family. Many people may therefore know it better as field horsetail. It will too

Purslane, Portulaca oleracea - cultivation and care

Purslane, Portulaca oleracea - cultivation and care

Summer or spiced purslane is a wild vegetable that can be easily grown indoors or in beds. Here you will find our care tips

Lemon balm, Melissa officinalis - cultivation and care

Lemon balm, Melissa officinalis - cultivation and care

Lemon balm delights with its aromatic scent. We'll show you how to properly grow and care for the culinary herb

Savory - planting and care

Savory - planting and care

Savory is a popular herb that can be used in many different ways in the kitchen. Here's how to plant and care for it

Rosemary cultivation - care and wintering

Rosemary cultivation - care and wintering

Rosemary is a heat-loving plant. The herb only thrives in well-drained soil and in a mild climate. This is how rosemary cultivation works

Spice plants in the garden – cultivation, care, overwintering

Spice plants in the garden – cultivation, care, overwintering

You can grow spice plants in the garden. You can find all the important information and tips on cultivation, care and wintering here