One-off and ongoing costs for the koi pond

One-off and ongoing costs for the koi pond
One-off and ongoing costs for the koi pond

Of course, the size of the pond and what material it is made of are also crucial. The size of the pond system not only determines the purchase costs, but also the maintenance costs. The technology plays a major role, the entire filter system and everything that goes with it. Of course, the overall design of the pond system and border is also important. The fish are usually not cheap either. So all sorts of things come together.

One-time costs

The one-off costs relate to the creation of the pond, starting from the planning (if you entrust it to a specialist), digging the pit, creating the pond and installing all the technology, right up to the purchase of the pond Koi. These costs are quite high depending on how much can be done yourself and how much you have to pay professionals. For beginners who don't know their way around very well and don't have any connections, purchasing the technology can be expensive, depending on whether you come across a reputable seller or one who just wants to make a profit once. There are big differences. To find out, it's worth first reading up on the topic of koi and their needs.

Pond construction

A koi pond should hold at least 5,000 liters of water, 10,000 would be better. Koi don't like to be alone, which is why you should get a larger group, at least 5 animals, preferably more. Koi grow vigorously, this must be taken into account. The pond should be at least 1.80 m deep so that a temperature of around 4°C can be achieved even in winter. You expect 1,000 liters of water per koi, but 3,000 is better. The volume determines the water quality, the water temperature, the maintenance and energy expenditure, the construction costs and the maintenance costs. When it comes to construction, it depends on what can be done yourself and what has to be carried out by specialist companies. Excavation alone can become a problem, as can the question of where to put the excavation. Are machines (excavators) needed and a truck to transport the earth? When it comes to large ponds, a lot of things come together. Even if the floor needs to be smoothed, costs are incurred. If steep sections of the bank are paved with cement or the subsoil has too many stones, this will cost additional money. You can lay pond liner yourself or have it laid. This is particularly advisable if it has to be welded on site.

  • Prefabricated GRP pond basin – 11,000 liters for around 2,500 euros
  • Foil pond - has a decisive disadvantage: it cannot be cleaned sufficiently due to the wrinkles that arise during installation. Germs settle in the wrinkles and often lead to illnesses. The film should be at least 1 mm thick, better 1, 2 or 1.5 mm
  • 1mm thick PVC film – from 3.50 euros per m²
  • 1 mm thick PE film – from around 4 euros (4, 20) per m²
  • 1mm thick EPDM film – from 7 euros per m²
  • Protective fleece – around 1.5 euros per m²
  • GRP - individually designed pond - you need at least 3 layers of GRP mats (450g/m²) - one kg of polyester resin + 1 m² of this fiberglass mat costs from around 10 euros
  • Removal of soil – 7 cbm container – about 100 euros
  • Concrete pond, reinforced with at least one layer of GRP - often the most expensive option if you can't build bricks yourself - prices depend on the stones used, the cubic meter of concrete costs around 100 euros free on site, plus screed mats for stability and of course Polyester resin and GRP mats

Overall, building a pond is usually the most expensive part of keeping koi. But you should do it right the first time, so you save yourself repairs and renovations. Both are usually more expensive.


Koi are much more demanding to keep than normal garden pond fish. Nothing works without the appropriate technology. As a layperson, you should definitely have this planning done by an expert. The entire drainage and filtration system is important and should work, including floor drains and side drains. There are big differences in price between the pumps. Cheap pumps don't necessarily have to be bad, but experience shows that they usually fail much sooner than branded products. If you buy cheap three times, you can also approve one more expensive one. The pond volume should be completely turned over at least once every two hours. This is the most important criterion when buying a pump. However, an hourly circulation is even better for the he alth of the koi.

  • One, better two pumps with a real pumping capacity of approx. 10,000 liters per hour and the lowest possible power consumption - around 300 euros
  • Surface skimmer to keep the water surface clean – around 80 euros
  • Filter that ensures clear water mechanically and biologically – from 200 euros
  • Pipe system – depends on pond size
  • UVC device – 4 W UVC – power per m³ of pond water – from 150 euros
  • Additional membrane pump for oxygen (from 1,000 l/h) – from 50 euros
  • Pond heating – from 150 euros
  • Photometer – for water control – good devices from 300 euros, usually more


Water lilies - Nymphaea
Water lilies - Nymphaea

There are extreme differences in the koi themselves. You can buy these for 1 euro, but also for 500,000 euros. Real Japanese koi are significantly more expensive than those bred in Europe. Laypeople can hardly tell the difference and many pond owners get along well with the animals if they only cost 10 euros. Hardly anyone really knows about the prices. They are great for beginners. If you get hooked and have enough experience, you can try more expensive fish. Before you invest thousands of euros, you should think about how you can spoil the fishing for the voracious herons. They have already fished entire ponds empty.

Pond planning and creation by a specialist

If you commission a specialist company to plan and build a koi pond and place all the work in their hands, you have to expect 500 to 1,000 euros per 1,000 liters of water volume. A lot comes together, although it always depends on the circumstances and of course the wishes of the client. If you can do a lot of the work yourself and need little or no help from professionals, 5,000 euros is a realistic sum for building the pond. However, it will be a rather small and uncomplicated koi pond, more suitable for beginners, with 10.000 to 12,000 liter capacity. If you need help, you should calculate with double the amount, even if you are building larger, you have to plan for significantly more. Most koi ponds have a capacity of around 30,000 liters.

Running costs of the koi pond

The running costs of a koi pond should not be underestimated. All sorts of things come together every month. However, the costs cannot be stated as a general estimate, as they depend on the pump and filter, the stocking density, whether you want to maintain a minimum temperature of 15°C all year round and a few other factors.

Water change

A 10 percent water change should be done every week. With 11,000 liters that's a good 1,1000 liters per week, 4,400 liters per month and around 50 cubic meters per year. Depending on the price of water, this adds up to around 100 euros. You also have to pay for sewage unless you are lucky enough to have been exempted. To do this, the water must seep away in the garden. It should be noted that an 11,000 liter pond is a very small koi pond.

Electricity costs

The electricity costs are between 30 and 100 euros per month, depending on the technology. Large ponds usually contain a lot of technology, i.e. several pumps, skimmers, etc. and that costs money. If you heat additionally, you have to expect more. Small ponds are the cheapest to maintain. Unfortunately, there are often problems with the he alth of the carp. Then the veterinary costs increase.


When it comes to food, it obviously depends on how many koi there are and how big they are. There are also pure eating machines. Real lovers only feed expensive branded food, but many koi owners can also get by with cheaper food. High-quality ingredients are important and they come at a price. For the 11,000 liter pond with 10 koi you have to calculate between 10 and 40 euros per month, with a fish size of 30 to 40 cm. It's also more expensive, but the sky's the limit anyway, at least when it comes to Koi. Anyone who spends 1,000 euros or more on such a fish is only feeding the best food, after all, the animal should be well. You have to experiment a bit with the food until you find the optimum for your koi.

Veterinary costs

Veterinary costs can be difficult to calculate. It depends on how many fish are affected and what diseases they have. A visit to the vet rarely costs less than 300 euros, at least that's what we hear in numerous forums. It's best to put aside 100 euros a month and save a little, then you're on the safe side.


Building a koi pond is not easy and, above all, not cheap. However, it always depends on what exactly is planned and how much of it can be done yourself. It is possible to have a koi pond for 5.000 euros to build, but it will be rather small and very simple. Professionals who help you cost a lot of money. You can double or even triple the price of building a pond, depending on your plan. It will be the most expensive for koi lovers who are clumsy with their hands and have no contacts whatsoever. Anyone who has everything done outsourced can rarely manage for less than a five-figure sum. Koi keepers with experience say they spend an average of 100 euros on their pond, not including veterinary costs and fish purchases. New purchases of technology and pond design are also excluded. Of course, for very large ponds with a fish population of 30 to 40 animals, you have to calculate significantly more. The food alone costs so much. A koi pond is an expensive hobby and not for people who have to be careful with their finances. The construction of a pond needs to be carefully considered and I would like to warn you here. Anyone infected with koi fever quickly doesn't care about the costs. You can't get away from it again. After all, many hobbies cost a lot of money and this one is a particularly nice one.
