Plants 2024, September

Banana plant as a houseplant - the banana likes this care

Banana plant as a houseplant - the banana likes this care

The banana is a perennial that can grow several meters high. There are numerous different types of bananas. But you can also keep it as a cultivated houseplant. We show how to do it

Pomegranate tree care from A-Z + how to overwinter the pomegranate

Pomegranate tree care from A-Z + how to overwinter the pomegranate

The pomegranate is also called the Punic apple, which was derived from the botanical name Punica. We'll show you what you need to pay attention to when caring for it and how to safely overwinter it

Hydrangeas in pots / buckets - 12 care tips and information for overwintering

Hydrangeas in pots / buckets - 12 care tips and information for overwintering

Hydrangeas are extremely diverse. You can get them as houseplants in pots, or you can put them on the terrace as potted plants. We show what care the hydrangea needs

Dendrobium Nobile Orchid: Care from A-Z

Dendrobium Nobile Orchid: Care from A-Z

This beautiful type of orchid is as easy to care for as Phalaenopsis. It is a popular indoor orchid. You can find out here what you need to consider when caring for it

Properly care for and overwinter the date palm, Phoenix canariensis

Properly care for and overwinter the date palm, Phoenix canariensis

Date palm (Phoenix canariensis) – care - The Canary Islands date palm grows to around 15 meters high. However, it is also suitable as a houseplant. Find out more about care and characteristics

Lemon tree has no leaves left - here's how to get it fit

Lemon tree has no leaves left - here's how to get it fit

Lemon trees - care, cutting - Yellow and sour, that's how lemons are known. But what do you do if the tree loses its leaves? We'll tell you everything you need to know

Oleander has yellow leaves and they are falling off - what to do?

Oleander has yellow leaves and they are falling off - what to do?

The oleander is a very popular plant for the balcony, terrace or garden. We explain what you should do about yellow leaves and what can be the cause

Properly growing dahlias - instructions for growing them

Properly growing dahlias - instructions for growing them

Planting dahlia plants correctly - tips for planting - Dahlias are usually planted in the form of tubers, but plants can also be easily grown from these tubers. Find out more here

Garden strawflower, Helichrysum bracteatum - care tips

Garden strawflower, Helichrysum bracteatum - care tips

Everything you ever wanted to know about the garden strawflower (Helichrysum bracteatum) is here. Tips on cultivation, care, overwintering, cutting and drying

Olive tree in pots and buckets - special care requirements

Olive tree in pots and buckets - special care requirements

The olive tree is usually cultivated as a container plant. Find out from us how you can enjoy it for a long time

Indoor calla, Zantedeschia - care and tips for brown leaves

Indoor calla, Zantedeschia - care and tips for brown leaves

Indoor calla, Zantedeschia - Care - The indoor calla adorns many window sills with its goblet flowers. How can you go wrong when caring for them?

Arabian jasmine, Jasminum sambac - care and overwintering

Arabian jasmine, Jasminum sambac - care and overwintering

Arabian Jasmine - Care & Overwintering - Arabian Jasmine differs from other types of jasmine in its leaves. What else is special about him?

Cyclamen - caring for indoor cyclamen

Cyclamen - caring for indoor cyclamen

Nice souvenir and one of the most popular potted plants: cyclamen. Find out everything about caring for indoor cyclamen

Rotary fruit, Streptocarpus - care, propagation and overwintering

Rotary fruit, Streptocarpus - care, propagation and overwintering

The rotary fruit owes its name to its spiral-shaped long fruits. Find out everything you need to know about caring for tropical plants

Houseplants for dark locations and rooms

Houseplants for dark locations and rooms

In this article we will introduce you to houseplants for dark locations and rooms. Which plants can cope with these conditions?

Strawflowers - sowing, care & Overwintering Helichrysum

Strawflowers - sowing, care & Overwintering Helichrysum

Helichrysum is a genus of differently hardy annuals, shrubs and sub-shrubs. Our care tips for strawflowers

Noble geraniums, Pelargonium grandiflorum - care and overwintering

Noble geraniums, Pelargonium grandiflorum - care and overwintering

The noble geranium is a houseplant that can also develop in a protected area in the garden. This is how you care for the most beautiful of all pelargoniums

Plants for dark rooms - houseplants despite little light

Plants for dark rooms - houseplants despite little light

Most plants love bright locations. We show which houseplants can get along with less light and like dark rooms

Anthurium, flamingo flower - care, repotting and fertilizing

Anthurium, flamingo flower - care, repotting and fertilizing

Anthuriums are better known as flamingo flowers. These are impressive arum plants. These are our care tips

Muriel Bamboo, Fargesia murielae - Care

Muriel Bamboo, Fargesia murielae - Care

Here you will find care instructions for the Muriel bamboo. This is what you need to know about planting, growing and cutting Fargesia murielae

Houseplant care - the best tips for all seasons

Houseplant care - the best tips for all seasons

What care requirements do green plants have for the room? Which care mistakes should be avoided? Here you will find tips on houseplant care

15 undemanding shrubs for the garden

15 undemanding shrubs for the garden

Are you looking for easy-care plants? We have undemanding shrubs for your garden that require little care

12 native evergreen shrubs & woody plants

12 native evergreen shrubs & woody plants

Native trees are ideal for a natural garden. You can read about which types are possible and what problems can arise here