25 hardy and evergreen ornamental trees

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25 hardy and evergreen ornamental trees
25 hardy and evergreen ornamental trees

Numerous shrubs and trees that you can plant in the garden or cultivate in pots are evergreen and hardy. The ornamental trees inspire with their possible uses and colors throughout the winter. Evergreen and hardy: 25 ornamental trees presented:

Ornamental trees from A – E

Abelie (Abelia x grandiflora)

  • Origin: China, Japan, Mexico
  • Winter hardiness: -15°C
  • Winter protection recommended (brushwood, straw)
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, humus, well-drained, nutrient-rich, protected from wind
  • Growth: slow, compact, overhanging growth form
  • Growth height: 100 cm to 200 cm
  • Growth width: 80 cm to 150 cm
  • Foliage color: dark green
  • Flowering period: July to mid-September
  • Flower color: white, soft pink
  • ideal for keeping in containers

Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa)

Chokeberry - Aronia
Chokeberry - Aronia
  • Synonyms: black chokeberry, bald chokeberry
  • Origin: North America
  • Winter hardiness: -30°C
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, sandy, loamy, well-drained
  • Growth: upright, overhanging
  • Growth height: 100 cm to 300 cm
  • Growth width: 100 cm to 200 cm
  • Foliage color: dark green
  • Flowering period: May to early June
  • Flower color: pure white
  • suitable for urban climates
  • forms edible fruits
  • attracts birds and insects

Barberry (Berberis)

Barberry - Berberis vulgaris
Barberry - Berberis vulgaris
  • Origin: Europe to the Caucasus, Northern Europe and British Isles excluded
  • evergreen species: Berberis julianae, Berberis thunbergii
  • numerous varieties also hardy and evergreen
  • Winter hardiness: -23, 4°C
  • Location: partially shaded, undemanding, well-drained, humus
  • Growth: dense branching, growth habit varies
  • Growth height: 100 cm to 300 cm
  • Growth width: up to 150 cm
  • Foliage color: rich green
  • Flowering period: May to mid-June
  • Flower color: yellowish
  • suitable as a hedge plant
  • armored with thorns
  • suitable for urban climates

Sea myrtle (Lonicera pileata)

Slope myrtle - Lonicera pileata
Slope myrtle - Lonicera pileata
  • Origin: China
  • Winter hardiness: -23, 4°C
  • Location: sunny to shady, humic, moist, normal
  • Growth: flat, ground-covering
  • Growth height: 50 cm to 80 cm
  • Growth width: up to 120 cm
  • Foliage color: light green
  • Flowering time: mid-May to July
  • Flower color: white
  • Berries slightly poisonous
  • suitable for urban climates

Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens)

Boxwood - Buxus sempervirens
Boxwood - Buxus sempervirens
  • Origin: Europe to Northern Iran
  • Winter hardiness: -23, 4°C
  • Winter protection recommended
  • Varieties with colorful foliage are only conditionally hardy
  • Location: sunny to shady, protect from midday and winter sun, calcareous, normal, loamy
  • Growth: compact, slow growing, densely branched
  • Growth height: up to 800 cm, depending on cut
  • Growth width: up to 400 cm, depending on cut
  • Foliage color: intense green
  • Flowering time: March to mid-April
  • Flower color: yellowish green, inconspicuous
  • easy to cut

Scented Blossoms (Osmanthus)

Scented flowers - Osmanthus
Scented flowers - Osmanthus
  • Origin: Tropics and subtropics of the Old World (Paleotropis), southern USA, Central America
  • Winter hardiness: -15°C
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, protected, normal, well-drained, loose
  • Growth: upright, slow growing, compact
  • Growth height: 150 cm to 1,000 cm
  • Growth width: depending on species
  • Foliage color: dark green
  • Flowering time: depending on species
  • Flower color: mostly white
  • Flowers are used dried as tea
  • pleasantly scented

Fragrant Shadow Flower (Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis)

  • Synonym: Himalayan slimeberry
  • Origin: Himalayas, East Asia
  • Winter hardiness: -28°C
  • Location: partially shaded to shady, humus, well-drained, nutrient-rich
  • Growth: dense growth, spreading
  • Growth height: 40 cm to 65 cm
  • Growth width: up to 50 cm
  • Foliage color: shiny dark green
  • Flowering period: January to the end of March
  • Flower color: white
  • aromatically scented

Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

  • Synonym: Evergreen Bearberry
  • Origin: North America, Europe, Asia, Guatemala
  • Winter hardiness: -35°C
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, acidic, low in lime, lean
  • Growth: ground-covering, densely branched
  • Growth height: up to 25 cm
  • Growth width: 100 cm to 180 cm
  • Foliage color: rich green
  • Flowering period: April to mid-May
  • Flower color: white, pink

Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo)

Strawberry tree - Arbutus unedo
Strawberry tree - Arbutus unedo
  • Origin: Mediterranean region
  • Winter hardiness: -17°C
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, low in lime, well-drained, loamy, humus
  • Growth: shrub or tree, upright, loose
  • Growth height: 300 cm to 1,000 cm
  • Growth width: up to 300 cm
  • Foliage color: green
  • Flowering time: October to early February
  • Flower color: white
  • forms edible fruits

Decorative trees from F – O

Firethorn (Pyracantha coccinea)

Firethorn - Pyracantha hybrids
Firethorn - Pyracantha hybrids
  • Synonyms: European firethorn, Mediterranean firethorn
  • Origin: southern Europe to the Caucasus, Near East
  • Winter hardiness: -23, 4°C
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, well-drained, nutrient-rich
  • Growth: upright, good branching, individual branches stick out
  • Growth height: 200 cm to 500 cm
  • Growth width: 60 cm to 150 cm
  • Foliage color: intense green
  • Flowering time: mid-May to August
  • Flower color: white
  • attracts insects

Gorse (Genista germanica)

  • Synonyms: German broom
  • Origin: Europe to Russia, except Northern Europe
  • Winter hardiness: -35°C
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, well-drained, sandy, loamy, low in limestone
  • Growth: upright, loose
  • Growth height: 20 cm to 60 cm
  • Growth width: up to 40 cm
  • Foliage color: intense green
  • Flowering time: mid-May to August
  • Flower color: golden yellow
  • poisonous in all parts of the plant
  • older specimens form thorns
  • hairy

Loquats (Photinia)

Loquat - Photinia 'Red Robin'
Loquat - Photinia 'Red Robin'
  • Origin: Asia
  • Winter hardiness: -20°C
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, normal
  • Growth: trees, irregular, upright, spreading
  • Growth height: 300 cm to 1,500 cm
  • Growth width: up to 200 cm
  • Foliage color: dark green
  • Flowering time: June
  • Flower color: white
  • attracts bees

Evergreen Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)

Evergreen magnolia - Magnolia grandiflora
Evergreen magnolia - Magnolia grandiflora
  • Origin: Southeastern North America
  • Winter hardiness: -23, 4°C
  • Winter protection recommended
  • Location: sunny, sheltered from the wind, loamy, nutrient-rich, sufficiently moist
  • Growth: pyramidal, densely branched
  • Growth height: up to 3,500 cm
  • Growth width: varies
  • Foliage color: rich green
  • Flowering period: April to mid-June
  • Flower color: white
  • aromatically scented
  • easy to cut

Evergreen Viburnum (Viburnum rhytidophyllum)

  • Synonyms: Wrinkled-leaved Viburnum, Evergreen Tongue Viburnum
  • Origin: China
  • Winter hardiness: -30°C
  • Location: sunny to shady, sheltered from the wind, garden soil, permeable, humic, moist, fresh
  • Growth: loose, wide, upright
  • Growth height: up to 400 cm
  • Growth width: 200 cm to 350 cm
  • Foliage color: deep green
  • Flowering time: mid-May to mid-June
  • Flower color: white

Japanese spindle bush (Euonymus japonicus)

Japanese spindle bush - Euonymus japonicus
Japanese spindle bush - Euonymus japonicus
  • Origin: Japan, Korea, China
  • Winter hardiness: -23, 4°C
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, protected, humus, well-drained, fresh
  • Growth: upright, compact, densely branched
  • Growth height: up to 200 cm
  • Growth width: up to 150 cm
  • Foliage color: green
  • Leaves shine
  • Flowering period: June to July
  • Flower color: green-yellow, inconspicuous

St. John's Wort (Hypericum calycinum)

Hypericum - St. John's wort
Hypericum - St. John's wort
  • Synonyms: large calyx St. John's wort, evergreen St. John's wort
  • Origin: Türkiye, Greece, southeastern Bulgaria
  • Winter hardiness: -32°C
  • Location: sunny to shady, dry, normal, well-drained
  • Growth: Small shrub, ground-covering, overhanging
  • Growth height: 20 cm to 60 cm
  • Growth width: up to 50 cm
  • Foliage color: top intense green, bottom blue
  • Flowering period: July to mid-September
  • Flower color: golden yellow

Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus)

  • Synonym: laurel cherry
  • Origin: Asia Minor
  • Winter hardiness: -20°C
  • Location: sunny to shady, sheltered from the wind, undemanding, humic, moderately dry, nutrient-rich, sandy
  • Growth: upright habit, bushy
  • Growth height: 200 cm to 700 cm
  • Growth width: depends on cut
  • Foliage color: rich green
  • Flowering period: April to mid-June
  • Flower color: cream white
  • cooked or dried berries edible
  • Seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides

Tree of Life (Thuja)

Tree of Life - Thuja
Tree of Life - Thuja
  • Origin: North America, Korea, China, Japan
  • Winter hardiness: -35°C to -21°C (depending on species)
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, undemanding, well-drained
  • Growth: upright, densely branched, slender
  • Growth height: 200 cm to 5,300 cm (depending on species)
  • Growth width: 200 cm to 400 cm, often more
  • Foliage color: green, reddish in winter
  • easy to cut
  • ideal as a hedge plant

Privet 'Aureum' (Ligustrum ovalifolium 'Aureum')

Privet - Ligustrum ovalifolium
Privet - Ligustrum ovalifolium
  • Synonym: Gold Privet
  • Origin: Japan, South Korea
  • Winter hardiness: -20°C
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, undemanding
  • Growth: upright, arched shape, well branched
  • Growth height: up to 600 cm
  • Growth width: 50 cm to 100 cm
  • Foliage color: light green, edge golden yellow
  • Flowering period: June to the end of July
  • Flower color: white
  • easy to cut
  • ideal as a hedge plant

Laurel Rose (Kalmia latifolia)

Bay rose - Kalmia latifolia
Bay rose - Kalmia latifolia
  • Synonym: mountain laurel
  • Origin: North America
  • Winter hardiness: -34°C
  • Winter protection can't hurt
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, acidic to slightly acidic, humic, well-drained
  • Growth: slow, well branched, wide bush
  • Growth height: 100 cm to 1,200 cm
  • Growth width: 80 cm to 150 cm
  • Foliage color: deep green
  • Flowering time: mid-May to June
  • Flower color: delicate pink, carmine pink

Mahonia (Mahonia aquifolium)

Mahonia - Mahonia aquifolium
Mahonia - Mahonia aquifolium
  • Synonyms: Hollyleaf Mahonia, Common Mahonia
  • Origin: North America
  • Winter hardiness: -30°C
  • Location: sunny to shady, tolerates root pressure, humus, sandy, normal, permeable
  • Growth: compact, bushy, upright, unreinforced, with numerous trunks
  • Growth height: 80 cm to 180 cm
  • Growth width: 70 cm to 100 cm
  • Foliage color: dark green, autumn color red in bronze tone
  • Flowering period: April to the end of May
  • Flower color: intense golden yellow
  • poisonous in most parts of the plant
  • attracts bees

Orange flower (Choisya ternata)

Orange flower - Choisya ternata
Orange flower - Choisya ternata
  • Origin: Central America, southern North America
  • Winter hardiness: -18°C
  • Winter protection recommended
  • Location: sunny, lime-free, nutrient-rich, slightly acidic
  • Growth: densely branched, clumpy, compact
  • Growth height: 100 cm to 300 cm
  • Growth width: 80 cm to 150 cm
  • Foliage color: rich green
  • Flowering time: mid-May to June
  • Flower color: white
  • aromatically scented (reminiscent of oranges)

Evergreen and hardy: ornamental trees from S – Z

Skimmia (Skimmia japonica)

Skimmia - Skimmia japonica
Skimmia - Skimmia japonica
  • Synonym: Japanese fruit skimmie
  • Origin: Japan, China, Korea
  • Winter hardiness: -20°C, young plants need winter protection
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, acidic to slightly acidic, well-drained, humic, fresh, moist
  • Growth: compact, robust, wide
  • Growth height: 60 cm to 700 cm
  • Growth width: 100 cm to 300 cm
  • Foliage color: rich green
  • Leaves are leathery
  • Flowering time: May
  • Flower color: white, yellowish
  • slightly toxic

Holly (Ilex aquifolium)

Holly (Ilex) with green aphids
Holly (Ilex) with green aphids
  • Synonyms: European holly, common holly, pod
  • Origin: North Africa, Europe
  • Winter hardiness: -28, 9°C
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, nutrient-rich, humus, well-drained
  • Growth: tree, shrub, compact
  • Growth height: 100 cm to 1,500 cm
  • Growth width: 200 cm to 400 cm
  • Foliage color: medium green, dark green, shiny surface
  • Leaves are armed with spines
  • Flowering period: May to June
  • Flower color: white
  • Berries and leaves are slightly poisonous
  • ideal as a hedge plant

Magic Hazel (Hamamelis intermedia)

Witch hazel - Hamamelis intermedia
Witch hazel - Hamamelis intermedia
  • Synonym: Hybrid witch hazel
  • Origin: China, Japan
  • Winter hardiness: -28, 9°C
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, slightly acidic, well-drained, humic, moist
  • Growth: well branched, upright, slow
  • Growth height: up to 500 cm
  • Growth width: 120 cm to 200 cm
  • Foliage color: green
  • Flowering time: end of December to mid-April
  • Flower color: yellow, orange, dark red, reddish brown
  • available in numerous varieties
