The perfect time to plant tulips in autumn

The perfect time to plant tulips in autumn
The perfect time to plant tulips in autumn

Tulip bulbs are planted every year in autumn so that the characteristic flowers appear in spring. What is important is the exact period in which the bulbs are placed in the ground.

Tulip bulbs: perfect planting time

Finding the ideal time to plant tulip bulbs is not as easy as many people think. Numerous points must be taken into account so that the onion is not planted in the ground too early or too late. The actual planting time itself is very generous and lasts from around the end of September until the ground is no longer open and persistent frost ends the autumn. However, not every day is suitable for this period. The following points will help you to set the date within the planting period even more precisely:

  • constant temperature: 1°C – 10°C
  • does not fluctuate above 10°C
  • no night frost two to three weeks after planting
  • Soil not dried out
  • Floor not soaked

Depending on the year, the timing may change depending on the weather and the region. In areas with mild winters, you sometimes have until January or even February to plant the bulbs so that they sprout in the spring. In the Alps, on the other hand, frosts can often be expected in early to mid-December, sometimes even earlier.

Note: If you overwinter already planted tulips in the ground on your own, they will go wild. This means that in the following year the flowers will most likely no longer correspond to the selected variety and may even be smaller.

Onions planted too early

Tulip bulbs
Tulip bulbs

A common mistake is planting too early, which the tulipa bulbs cannot tolerate. The reason for this is temperatures that are too warm and a soil that is too exposed to fluctuations from outside. Wet Septembers with high amounts of precipitation that penetrate deep into the earth are particularly dangerous. If the bulbs are planted too early, the following problems can occur:

  • Onions go moldy
  • Pests eat them
  • early budding possible

All of these can cause your onions to fail to sprout in the spring.

Tip: We expect the first tulips from the end of March to mid-April. To ensure that the freshly cut flowers last a long time in the vase, you should internalize the most important rules for tulip care: cutting, regular fresh water and a location that is not too warm and in partial shade.

Reduce the risk of mold

You can prevent the onions from molding if you pickle them with a tincture. Brew a tea of three cloves of garlic and a liter of water and let the onions sit there for a period of two hours to strengthen them. Also make sure that you plant the bulbs in the ground as early as possible after purchasing them. If they are stored for too long, mold can also form, which will make short work of the onions.

Note: When choosing your onions, make sure that they are strong. If they are firm and do not show any shoot tips, you have selected suitable specimens.

Planting onions in spring?

If you missed the date in autumn, you can fortunately switch to spring if you plant the bulbs in a cool place in the house for about 5 to 6 weeks. They are then planted out after the Ice Saints in May, as they would not be strong enough for an earlier planting date. They are preferred in the following way:

  • Provide a large box or bucket
  • Mix potting soil with some screed sand
  • form shallow hollows
  • put an onion in each cavity
  • don't press in
  • do not cover with soil
  • pour on
