Yellow leaves on zucchini: what to do?

Yellow leaves on zucchini: what to do?
Yellow leaves on zucchini: what to do?

Zucchini planted in the garden usually develop so luxuriantly that there is often a veritable glut of zucchini. However, if the zucchini develops yellow leaves, you should consider the location, care and diseases as causes and act immediately.

Inconvenient location

Zucchini can get yellow leaves if the lighting conditions at the location are not optimal. If they are in the blazing sun, the sunlight can burn the zucchini leaves. Yellowing of the leaves can also occur if the plants receive too little light.

Fix location-related yellowing

If yellow leaves are caused by too much direct sun, shading measures can help. Depending on the possibilities at the location, the following are available for shading:

  • Parasol
  • Sun sail
  • a light fleece
  • Shade Net
  • white cloths
blue shading net
blue shading net

Simply stick the parasol into the bed. With other shades, you must ensure that no hot air accumulates under the cover. That's why you shouldn't place fleece, net and cloth directly on the zucchini plants, but rather stretch them over two or more wooden posts.

If a location that is too dark is the cause of yellow leaves on zucchini, you should provide more light. If neighboring plants or bushes are responsible for the lack of light, you can tie them together. If you don't see any way to improve the lighting conditions at your location, you should give the zucchini a better place in the garden next year.


To prevent the leaves from yellowing due to the location, you should choose a sunny to semi-shady place for planted zucchini.

Care errors

Care errors that cause yellow leaves include the water and nutrient supply. In both cases, too much or too little of a good thing can be responsible for the yellowing.

Water supply

If your zucchini suffer from a lack of water, you should water the plants more often. Since a lot of water evaporates through the large leaves, their water requirements are medium to high. If excess water is the cause of yellowing, the damage is difficult to repair because the soil that is too wet causes the roots of the zucchini plants to rot. To save the zucchini, you have to dry the plants:

  • Set watering
  • protect from (continuous) rain with a roof

With a bit of luck, the plants will recover after a while. If there is no change, the root rot has already progressed to such an extent that the zucchini is dying.

Nutrient supply

As heavy feeders, zucchini plants have an enormous nutrient requirement. It is particularly high from the beginning of June to mid-August. During this time, you can provide the plants with optimal nutrients by

  • Organic liquid fertilizer every two to three weeks or
  • Nettle manure every 10 to 14 days

apply. If you use a zucchini fertilizer, follow the manufacturer's instructions. If you find that your nutrient intake deviates from the stated ideal, you should

Nettle manure / nettle broth
Nettle manure / nettle broth
  • Over-fertilization (“too much”) stop fertilizing
  • If there is a lack of nutrients (“too little”), fertilize the plants immediately and then supply them with nutrients regularly


Make sure the soil is nutrient-rich when planting. Work compost or rotted manure into the soil to give your zucchini a good start.


Diseases that cause yellow leaves on zucchini include:

  • Zucchini yellow mosaic virus / cucumber mosaic virus: yellow, mosaic-like discolorations
  • Fusarium wilt: limp, yellow leaves despite optimal water supply
Zucchini leaf with zucchini yellow mosaic virus
Zucchini leaf with zucchini yellow mosaic virus

If the plant suffers from one of these diseases, it can no longer be saved and must be disposed of with household waste. Since the two viral diseases can be transmitted by aphids, you should declare war on the pests immediately.

Frequently asked questions

What to do if zucchini in the pot have yellow leaves?

When it comes to measures, there is no difference between potted and planted zucchini. Location errors are even easier to fix by moving them. To avoid waterlogging, the planter should have at least one drainage hole.

Are there zucchini that are resistant to diseases?

The zucchini varieties that are resistant to diseases include, for example, “Partenon F1”, “Defender”, “Malstil F1” (cucumber mosaic virus) and Ismalia F1 (zucchini yellow mosaic virus).
