The most beautiful autumn bloomers - hardy perennials and more

The most beautiful autumn bloomers - hardy perennials and more
The most beautiful autumn bloomers - hardy perennials and more

The classic autumn plants in the shops are certainly good for quickly and easily bringing autumn mood into your home. However, among the hardy perennials there are many more autumn bloomers that show wonderful flowers and real color. Even a few trees grow in our climate and bloom in autumn, gardeners who enjoy variety can try out a few things. You're more likely to find these autumn bloomers in specialist nurseries than in plant discounts, but they're all persistent, hardy and easy to care for:

Hardy, wonderfully flowering autumn perennials

Autumn begins on September 21st, and there are many perennials that don't start opening their flowers until after this date. These autumn bloomers include some of the most beautiful and magnificent flowering plants that the local floral world has to offer:

  • Aconitum carmichaelii var. wilsonii, autumn monkshood, also in the beautiful cultivars 'Arendsii' and 'Spätlese'
  • Anemone autumn elegans, autumn anemone, in the varieties 'Rose Shell', 'September Glanz' and 'Serenade'
  • Anemone japonica, Japanese anemone, varieties 'Andrea Atkinson', 'Bressingham Glow', 'Hadspen Abundance', 'Honorine Jobert', 'Queen Charlotte', 'Prinz Heinrich', 'Rose Bowl', 'Whirlwind'
  • Aster cordifolius 'Blossom Rain', Blue Forest Aster, varieties 'Hedwig', 'Ideal', 'Photograph'
  • Aster divaricatus, white forest aster, wild form and the variety 'Tradescant'
  • Aster dumosus, cushion aster, varieties 'Alice Haslam', 'Apollo', 'Audrey', 'Augenweide', 'Blue Lagoon', 'Blue Glacier', 'Countess of Dudley', 'Dietgard Rosa', 'Autumn Fire', 'Autumn Greetings from Bresserhof', 'Autumn Purzel', 'Isis', 'Jean II', 'Jenny', 'K.10', 'Kassel', 'Krähenwinkel', 'Kristina', 'Lady in Blue', 'Lilac Time', 'Mediterranean', 'Pacific Amaranth', 'Philou', 'Professor Anton Kippenberg', 'Rosemarie Sallmann', 'Rose Gnome', 'Snow Cushion', 'Snow Kids', 'Silver Blue Cushion', 'Silver Carpet', 'Starlight', 'Tanja', 'Tina'
  • Aster laevis, smooth aster, wild form and the variety 'Blue Veil'
  • Aster linosyris, golden hair aster
  • Aster novi-belgii, smooth-leaf Aster novi-belgii type, varieties 'Angela Peel', smooth-leaf aster, varieties 'Angela Peel', 'Admiration', 'Blue Rearguard', 'Blue Findling', 'Blauglut', 'Dauerblau', 'Eventide', 'Fellowship', 'Guy Ballard', 'Helene', 'Art Nouveau', 'Carmine Dome', 'Lady Frances', 'Purple Queen', 'Lisette', 'Melbourne Belle' ', 'Octoberdawn', 'Porcelain', 'Pyramid', 'Reitlingstal', 'Rosenpompom', 'Rose Quartz', 'Royal Ruby', 'Royal Velvet', 'Sailor Boy', 'Schneekuppe', 'Schöne von Dietlikon', 'Steinebrück', 'Tapestry', 'Terry', s Pride', 'Zauberspiel'
  • Aster tataricus, Tatar aster
  • Aster turbinellus, prairie aster
  • Boltonia asteroides, mock chamomile, wild form and the variety 'Snowbank'
  • Calendula hybrid 'Winter Wonders Amber Arctic', hardy perennial marigold
  • Helianthus giganteus, giant sunflower, hardy perennial sunflower
  • Hosta plantaginea, lily hosta, wild form and the varieties 'Aphrodite', 'Grandiflora', 'Japonica', 'Royal Standard', 'Sweet Susan'
  • Kniphofia galpinii, delicate torch lily
  • Leucanthemella serotina, autumn daisy, wild form and the variety 'Herbststern'
  • Ligularia wilsoniana, Wilson's Columnar Goldpiston
  • Rudbeckia fulgida, common coneflower, wild form and the variety 'Irish Eyes'
  • Rudbeckia fulgida var. speciosa, Shining Coneflower
  • Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm', Goldsturm coneflower
  • Rudbeckia hirta, Rough Coneflower, varieties 'Cherry Brandy', 'Chim Chiminee', 'Indian Summer', 'Marmalade', 'Maya', 'Prairie Sun', 'Rustic Colors', 'Sonora', ' Toto Gold', 'Toto Lemon'
  • Tricyrtis hirta, Japanese toad lily
  • Tricyrtis pilosa, hairy toad lily
  • Tricyrtis hybrid 'Sinonome', toad lily hybrid variety 'Sinonome'

All these perennials bloom beautifully, with very different flowers, from small, delicate, numerous to large, colorful, magnificent. The selection is probably most fun if you think of a design beforehand - rainbow, pink-red-purple, white and yellow, for example - and then select or put together the appropriate flowering plants. All of these perennials are native to our climate, so are naturally frost hardy, or were introduced (a very long time ago) because they are hardy here. All of these perennials bloom well into October and sometimes - with particularly good care, particularly good weather or due to flower-promoting pruning in between - even a little longer. You can remove spent flowers, but the perennials need their leaves as winter protection; they are only removed at the beginning of the next growing season.

and more

Climbing ivy - Hedera helix
Climbing ivy - Hedera helix

If the most beautiful autumn bloomers among the hardy perennials appeal to you, you are obviously interested in plants that are both perennial (perennial) and easy to care for. Against this background, “more” is certainly not a short-lived tropical plant that is regularly offered in stores in autumn and is also regularly disposed of fairly quickly. You will probably be more interested in the second group of perennial, easy-care plants, the autumn-flowering trees. They are also really interesting because they are extremely rare. Normally things don't look good with tree blossoms in autumn, the colorful decorations of autumn trees in this country are usually limited to leaf coloring. Also pretty, but not the topic here, by the time the trees presented below are blooming, most of the colorful leaves have already fallen off:

  • Abelia x grandiflora, Large-flowered Abelia
  • Arbutus unedo, western strawberry tree, hardy down to around -16 °C
  • Brugmansia suaveolens, fragrant angel's trumpet, produces absolutely angelic flowers, can be planted as an adult plant in mild areas, otherwise can only be cultivated in the winter garden
  • Ceanothus x delilianus, French hybrid sackflower, USDA hardiness zone 7
  • Clematis flammula, burning clematis, delicate white flowers, hardy to around -15 degrees C.
  • Clematis heracleifolia 'Mrs. Robert Brydon', large-leaved clematis
  • Daphne gnidium, Mediterranean daphne
  • Dermatobotrys saundersii, Tree Jockey, a pretty little tree with great red flowers from October to December, can withstand temperatures down to minus 5 °C, then it has to be kept indoors
  • Elaeagnus pungens, Thorny Olive Willow
  • Elaeagnus x ebbingei, oil willow hybrid
  • Gaultheria procumbens, mock berry, carpet berry, a sweet little mini-shrub whose flowers are in late summer, but which also looks pretty chic (and quite Christmassy) in winter with its red fruits
  • Hamamelis virginiana, Virginian witch hazel
  • Hebe speciosa, shrub veronica
  • Hedera helix, common ivy
  • Heptacodium miconioides, Seven Sons of Heaven Shrub
  • Lagerstroemia indica, Chinese crape myrtle, small beautiful pink-red flowering shrub, USDA hardiness zone 7
  • Lonicera x purpusii 'Winter Beauty', Purpus Honeysuckle
  • Osmanthus x fortunei, late summer fragrant bloom, USDA hardiness zone 8a
  • Passiflora caerulea, blue passion flower, only hardy with a lot of luck and warmth, but some house walls make it possible
  • Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis, Himalayan fleshberry
  • Ulmus parvifolia, Chinese Elm, USDA Hardiness Zone 6
  • Viburnum x bodnantense, Bodnant viburnum
  • Viburnum farreri, scented viburnum (Viburnum farreri)
  • Vitex agnus-castus, monk's pepper

By the way, it is no accident that clematis, ivy and passionflower are included; they bloom in autumn/winter and are woody plants: woody plants are long-lived woody plants and are further divided into trees, shrubs and lianas.

Garden, balcony and terrace

The hardy perennials and trees that show their flowers in autumn develop a wide variety of growth heights. 40 cm high asters “divaricatus” and “dumosus” fit well in balcony boxes, one meter high Aster laevis bushes look great in pots, the Aster linosyris is good for both and asters called “novi-belgii” bring out every color Red and blue spectrum in the garden. The remaining hardy perennials listed above offer similar variations, and the woody plants also have plants for every destination: the mock berries bring a Christmas atmosphere to the balcony box, and with a pound of tinsel on top they even create a pretty sensational Christmas atmosphere. Strawberry trees and angel's trumpets transform a winter garden into a beguiling blossom lounge, thorny olive trees give the terrace a surprising scent in late autumn and the witch hazel in the garden looks really magical at Christmas.


There are many beautiful autumn bloomers - many more than will be offered to you at the nearest plant discounter. Hardy perennials and even trees that create an autumn atmosphere with flowers in the garden, in the balcony box and in the pot on the terrace. The most beautiful ones have just been introduced to you; in other articles about autumn, the garden and the balcony you will learn more about impressive autumn bloomers in a different way.
