Calathea gets brown leaves: how to save it?

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Calathea gets brown leaves: how to save it?
Calathea gets brown leaves: how to save it?

The leaf decoration of a calathea, also called basket marante, has its price. And that doesn't mean the purchase price. The tropical plant wants to be cared for and feel like it is in the native rainforest. She expresses her dissatisfaction with unfavorable living conditions with brown leaves.

Cut off brown leaves

Brown leaves are about to dry out or have already dried up. They no longer have any decorative value, but they are almost obvious to the eye. Recovery is impossible, but energy still flows to them until they dry up completely. Remove brown leaves promptly at the base. The energy saved will flow into the formation of new leaves and quickly compensate for the loss of leaves.

brown leaf on a calathea
brown leaf on a calathea

Find the cause

Removing the brown leaves restored the beauty of the Calathea plant. But for how long? Because if Calathea leaves turn brown prematurely, there must be a cause. If this is not discovered and eliminated, it can continue to work and the problem is only temporarily solved. Experience has shown that the cause can be found here:

  • too intense sun exposure
  • Draft
  • dry earth and/or air
  • Overfertilization


On every Calathea, some of the older leaves occasionally turn brown. This is a completely natural process and there is nothing to worry about.

Change or optimize location

Think about the original living conditions of this plant in order to know roughly how its location in the room needs to be optimized. As a forest plant, Calathea grows in the shade of large trees. It doesn't get direct sun, not even plenty of light. The air around them is characterized by consistently high humidity.

Basket Marante (ctenanthe setosa) with yellow leaves
Basket Marante (ctenanthe setosa) with yellow leaves
  • Never expose Calathea to direct sun
  • the south window is unsuitable
  • shade other window sills with curtains, awnings or roller blinds
  • Do not place the pot in front of an open window
  • choose a place protected from drafts

Change watering behavior

The first pillar of optimal moisture supply is watering as needed. Never allow the basket marante's soil to dry out. But also avoid waterlogging, as this damages the roots of the plant. The safest way to do this is to water the Calathea with small amounts of water and increase the number of waterings. If you find out that the soil is dripping wet while investigating the cause, you should take a break from watering or even repot the plant in drier soil. Especially in winter, it can take too long for wet soil to dry sufficiently on its own.

Water basket marante (ctenanthe setosa).
Water basket marante (ctenanthe setosa).

Increase humidity

Keeping the humidity high in this country is not easy. It becomes a challenge in winter when heaters run at full speed and ensure dry air. However, try to provide your Calathea with as much moist environment as possible.

  • move away from the heater
  • Spray leaves regularly with water
  • Place bowl with water next to pot
  • if applicable Insert electric humidifier


A humid winter garden or a heated greenhouse is the closest thing to a rainforest environment. If you have such a location to offer your Calathea, you should not hesitate to move there.

Reduce nutrient supply

Overfertilization initially shows yellow, later brown leaves on the Calathea, which then dry out. This happens because the Calathea is treated like other houseplants out of ignorance. Their nutrient requirements are far lower. In the forest, the soil is not a land of milk and honey, as most of the nutrients are absorbed by competitive trees. Repot an oversupplied Calathea immediately into fresh substrate and then only fertilize it after several weeks as follows:

  • fertilize only during the growing season from April to September
  • fertilize once a month, maximum every 14 days
  • Use liquid fertilizer
  • reduce the recommended dosage by half
Repotting basket marante (ctenanthe setosa).
Repotting basket marante (ctenanthe setosa).


The old soil does not have to be thrown away, but can be used for repotting other houseplants that are known to be nutrient-loving.

Frequently asked questions

Does the irrigation water have to meet any requirements?

In addition to quantity and frequency, water quality also plays an important role when watering. Since the Calathea prefers a slightly acidic pH value between five and six, it shouldn't be too hard. Therefore, water with soft rainwater or decalcified tap water. The irrigation water should not be cold, but slightly warmed.

How bright can Calathea's location be?

Don't worry, brightness doesn't lead to brown leaf tips, but rather direct sunlight. You can roughly tell how much light a variety needs from the leaves. The more colorful and variegated it is, the more light you should offer it. Otherwise the attractive leaf pattern will fade.

Can pests also be responsible for brown leaves?

Aphids and spider mites can appear on the basket marante, especially if the plant's living conditions are not optimal. If the infestation is severe and lasts for a long time, the plant is weakened to such an extent that it develops more and more brown leaves. But both pests cannot be overlooked because they are numerous on the leaf stems or form fine spider webs, so brown leaves can be avoided by taking control measures in good time.
