Killing pigeons with vinegar: what's wrong?

Killing pigeons with vinegar: what's wrong?
Killing pigeons with vinegar: what's wrong?

Pigeons in the garden and on the balcony can be a big nuisance. There are various home remedies available to expel them. In this article we examine the question of whether there is any truth to the claim that pigeons can be killed with vinegar.

Vinegar sticks together the feathers of pigeons

Pigeons are not in a good position as “rats of the air”. They not only produce a lot of noise, but also a lot of dirt. Vinegar is often used as a defense against unwanted visitors. The home remedy is very effective, but its use against the birds is not permitted. If pigeons are sprayed with pure vinegar, vinegar essence or vinegar water, they are not only tortured pointlessly, but it ultimately serves to kill them. The acid contained in the vinegar destroys the fatty layer of the feathers when it comes into contact with the animals. As a result, the individual springs stick together. The pigeons then become increasingly unable to fly and eventually no longer fly at all. Anyone who fights the animals with vinegar is willingly risking their death. At this point we clearly distance ourselves from any action that harms pigeons and other animals.

Water gun
Water gun


A pure water jet from a water spray gun is better for driving away. Pigeons don't like that at all and will quickly flee. However, the jet must not be too hard so that the animals do not suffer injuries.

Application prohibited

Even though pigeons can sometimes be very annoying, they should not simply be caught or killed. Expulsion is only permitted by gentle means. The legislature already protects animals, including pigeons, in Article 20a of the Basic Law. The protection of wild animals is also reinforced by Section 4 of the Federal Species Protection Ordinance (BArtSchV), according to which killing and catching are only permitted in exceptional cases (paragraph 3). This requires government approval.

Since pigeons are vertebrates, Section 17 of the Animal Protection Act (TierSchG) applies if the regulations are violated: Anyone who kills a vertebrate without a reason or causes it pain and suffering is threatened with a fine or a prison sentence of up to three years. The local animal protection association can usually provide further information on this topic.

Many pigeons sit on the roof
Many pigeons sit on the roof


If there are too many pigeons on your property, you should get professional help. The specialist will fight the animals in a species-appropriate manner.

Repel pigeons easily and gently

As a rule, pigeons can easily be driven away from your property without causing them any harm. However, this has to start early enough. If the animals have already settled in and started building their nests, it is difficult to get rid of them again. Moving is then hardly possible. The following tips can be helpful in repelling birds and deterring them:

  • Expulsion is particularly effective when pigeons are rare and in small numbers
  • loud sounds are frightening
  • To do this, knock two wooden boards together by hand
  • Repeat the process regularly
  • Setting up a pigeon deterrent in the shape of a black plastic raven
  • should ideally hang free-swinging
  • Use aluminum foil, strips of aluminum or CDs hanging on threads
CDs as a pigeon deterrent in the vegetable patch
CDs as a pigeon deterrent in the vegetable patch

Other means such as bird spikes (without pointed ends!), special lasers or wireless pigeon deterrents in open areas in the garden, in which a device produces different sounds and a strong flash every time it detects movement, thus keeping many uninvited guests away, should be used only be used in emergencies.


It is of course very important that no leftover food is left in the garden or on the balcony. This also includes leftover fruit or fallen fruit. This only attracts the pigeons further.

Frequently asked questions

Are pigeons dangerous to humans?

Pigeons can transmit parasites and diseases to humans. So far, pathogens causing salmonellosis, ornithosis and Q fever have been detected. Pigeon droppings are also very dangerous. It contains many pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The pathogen Chlamydophila psittaci is very often present. It is the cause of parrot disease.

How can pigeon droppings be removed cleanly and thoroughly?

Pigeon droppings often prove to be very stubborn to remove. Gloves and a face mask should definitely be worn when cleaning. The dried feces are then loosened and removed with a spatula. The surfaces are then hosed down with water. Any remaining residue can be treated with vinegar. This is applied generously and rinsed off with water after a short exposure time.