Cockroach Info: Can They Fly? Is cockroach infestation required to be reported?

Cockroach Info: Can They Fly? Is cockroach infestation required to be reported?
Cockroach Info: Can They Fly? Is cockroach infestation required to be reported?

Cockroaches are a disgusting pest that can spread through the home like an invasion. They are also known as cockroaches, avoid light and are mainly active in the dark. The animals are infectious and transmit diseases, and their excrement in particular endangers human he alth. If there is a cockroach infestation, you need to act quickly to combat the pest. If you pay attention to consistent hygiene in the kitchen and bathroom, you will not provide the pests with a basis for life.

Cockroach infestation

Cockroaches are attracted to kitchen scraps and leftover food. The pests can spread through utility ducts in your home, especially if there is a hospitality business in the neighborhood. In addition, cockroaches find their way into the home with the help of packaging materials and food from the supermarket. The pests can also be introduced through used furniture and electrical appliances. Cockroaches also like to hide in holiday and travel luggage and get into their new home in this way. They feed primarily on leftover food, but materials such as wood, leather, paper, cardboard and textiles can also serve as a source of livelihood. For this reason, cockroaches can settle and multiply anywhere in living and commercial spaces.

  • Prefer dark rooms, such as basements and garages
  • Spread quickly in damp and warm kitchens, bathrooms and washrooms
  • Transmit dangerous germs
  • Possible pathogens: cholera, yellow fever, hepatitis, gastrointestinal flu and tuberculosis
  • Cause parasites, salmonella and worms
  • Often worsen allergies, asthma and eczema in affected individuals
  • Lay new eggs even in their death throes
  • Eggs do not tolerate high heat or low temperatures below zero


Since the pests usually only come out of their hiding places in the dark, a cockroach infestation is difficult to detect at first. In addition, cockroaches move very quickly and nimbly. If the vermin are spotted in daylight, then the population has already increased dramatically and immediate action is required. The pests prefer to spread in areas that are difficult to access. Food residue accumulates there, especially in the kitchen, and offers cockroaches an ideal basis for living. However, there are certain indications that your own household is infested with cockroaches, even if the pest is not yet visible.

  • Flat and oval body is colored either dark or light brown
  • Two long and narrow antennae sit at the head end
  • Roaches can grow up to several centimeters
  • Active in the dark, so infestations are often not detected in time
  • Periodically check possible hiding places
  • Find shelter in cracks and gaps
  • Like to hide behind and under furniture
  • Cause feeding damage to food and packaging
  • Infestation is manifested by a sweet and musty smell
  • Set up sticky traps, isolated cockroaches will stick to them


If cockroaches settle in living spaces, the pests must be combated immediately. Otherwise it will spread explosively and can infect residents with diseases and parasites. Fighting cockroaches should be carried out with a lot of patience, thoroughness and regularity. These have a lifespan of 100-200 days and a female can lay several hundred eggs. As a rule, cockroaches are not completely destroyed in a single control operation.


For this reason, all affected rooms should be thoroughly cleaned regularly and the antidotes should be used over a longer period of time. In this phase, progress can be monitored using sticky traps, which also allows the effectiveness of the agents to be checked. Only when no cockroaches remain on the traps after a few months has the control actually been successful. If none of the remedies help, then professional help should be sought.

  • Removing livelihoods for pests
  • Stow supplies safely and airtight
  • Remove leftover food completely and never leave it lying around any longer
  • Clean all infested rooms thoroughly several times
  • Teach and clean trash cans daily
  • Take natural action against cockroaches first
  • These include borax, boric acid, fossil plankton, diatomaceous earth and pyrethrum
  • Apply to areas where pests like to hang out
  • Use different agents at the same time to increase effectiveness


To protect small children and animals living in the household, chemical agents should initially be avoided. Only when biological control proves to be ineffective after some time should insecticides and chemical baits be used.


Most homeowners only superficially clean rooms, allowing leftover food and other edible materials to accumulate in out-of-the-way areas. Therefore, in addition to a basic cleaning of all surfaces, a more in-depth cleaning of hard-to-reach areas is also necessary. Since cockroaches cannot tolerate high heat, hot water is very useful when cleaning.

  • Use hot water, with temperatures above 60° C
  • Using a steam cleaner is ideal
  • Clean hidden corners thoroughly
  • Cleaning under, behind and on kitchen cabinets and furniture
  • Disinfect floors and kitchen appliances
  • Remove visible remains of cocoons, excrements and egg packets with a vacuum cleaner
  • Then immediately dispose of the vacuum cleaner bag outside the apartment



It is much better than any control method to not give the cockroaches a chance to spread. In order to prevent a cockroach infestation from the start, all living areas should always be kept clean and thoroughly cleaned regularly. Ideally, the trash can is not in the house, but outside. With the right measures, the risk of pest infestation can be reduced in the long term.

  • Clean up the kitchen immediately after cooking
  • Disinfect used work surfaces
  • Don't leave leftover food lying around in the open
  • Seal food securely
  • Check purchases for cockroaches brought along with you
  • Dispose of used packaging immediately
  • Check suitcases and bags while on vacation, check again when you get home
  • Seal hiding places such as gaps, joints and cracks well
  • Use a trash can with a tight-fitting lid
  • Dispose of kitchen waste and other waste daily

Can cockroaches fly?

To the horror of many house residents, cockroaches can actually fly, but only the females. In this way, they can escape in dangerous situations and ensure their continued existence and reproduction. Although the males have vestigial wings, they cannot normally use them for proper flight. The larvae of this pest have not yet developed any wings.

  • Wings only develop in adults
  • Have two pairs of membranous wings on the body, fine hind and leathery cover wings
  • Due to body size and weight, more gliding takes place
  • Since cockroaches can move quickly, this method of locomotion is preferred
  • The ability to fly often only develops at very high temperatures

Is cockroach infestation required to be reported?


Whether a cockroach infestation needs to be reported to the public order office depends on the type and extent. If there is a larger infestation in a private building, the landlord should be notified first. If the pests are extremely widespread, they must hire a professional exterminator to combat the pests. In the event of a cockroach infestation in the hospitality industry, there is a legal obligation to report due to the he alth risk posed by the pests.

  • Fighting pests is generally the responsibility of the house or property owner
  • Either prepare the preparations yourself or hire an exterminator
  • If the responsible people do not take action, the public order office must be informed


A cockroach infestation can occur even in clean households if the owner brings the pests in from outside. In addition, cockroaches can enter living spaces through supply and ventilation shafts if they are located near catering establishments. This type of insect makes most people feel strongly disgusted, and not without good reason. In addition to an unpleasant external appearance, the pests transmit many diseases and parasites. Their excrement in particular endangers the he alth of small children and old or already sick people. In the early stages, the pests can be controlled using natural means. It is important to prevent it through thorough and regular cleaning. In addition, food and leftover food should not be left lying around in the open. If there has been a major cockroach infestation, this should definitely be reported to the property management or the owner. In hardship cases, only an expert exterminator can provide long-term relief. If the responsible authorities do not take care of the plague, then there is an obligation to report it to the respective public order office.