Can grasshoppers/hay horses sting or bite?

Can grasshoppers/hay horses sting or bite?
Can grasshoppers/hay horses sting or bite?

Whether grasshoppers, locusts or hay horses - the insects can cause considerable damage if they occur in large numbers in fields or in the garden. However, they can also hurt people. But how?


When the days get longer and warmer again, the chirping of the crickets can be clearly heard, especially at dusk. This is especially true in rural areas with fields, gardens and other green spaces. However, the diverse family of insects can also be found in urban parks or overgrown corners where weeds and grasses grow.

Nutrition and Damage

The grasshoppers and hay horses don't just eat a purely plant-based diet. Preferences include:

  • Grasses
  • Grains
  • Aphids
  • Caterpillars
  • other smaller insects and larvae
  • Plants like clover and dandelions
  • Moose
  • Lichen
  • Algae
  • Berries and other fruits
  • herbaceous plants and herbs
  • Leaves of fruit trees

However, it is still far from known how all species feed. So far, only the varieties that can cause significant damage to agriculture have been well researched. If a whole swarm of locusts invades a grain field and destroys a large part of the harvest, research is also interesting for economic reasons.

Hay horse
Hay horse

The grasshoppers and grasshoppers can often be easily observed in harvested fields or tall meadows and children often have fun catching the insects and releasing them again. Terrarium owners also often have to use the animals as food for reptiles and thus come into closer contact with the grasshoppers.

But is there a risk of stabbing or biting?


Hay horses are among the largest specimens of the family and the females of this species certainly have a stinger appearance. However, they do not use it to defend themselves against enemies or perceived threats. It is a so-called laying spine and is used to lay eggs. However, they do not sting people even if they are caught in their hands.


Stinging is not possible for hay horses or other types of grasshoppers such as grasshoppers. In addition, there is no danger even in the event of an injury, as the animals are not poisonous.


Grasshoppers and hayhorses as well as other species of grasshoppers feed themselves by eating smaller insects, larvae, grasses, grain and leaves. For this purpose they have appropriate biting tools. So getting bitten by them is entirely possible. However, at least some species are large and strong enough to cause pain in humans. Bloody punctures only occur if the skin is very thin and tender. Even when this happens, the wounds are more like tiny pinpricks or a slight pinch and do not produce any visible wounds.



The locusts' legs have barb-like sections that enable them to climb and hold on even on difficult surfaces. However, they can also stick to clothing and skin. Injuries usually do not occur. However, an unpleasant, aching feeling can arise on the skin. Especially when attempts are made to remove the insects by force.