Not only people, but also dogs are stung by wasps. In most cases, such a sting is harmless, but unfortunately also painful for the animal. But if the dog has grabbed the insect and the wasp has stung the throat, then it can also be dangerous. However, first aid should always be given because the animal does not know what has happened. What this help looks like is shown below.
Sources of danger for stings
There are various sources of danger in the dog's environment that should be paid particular attention to. Especially if the animal spends a lot of time in the garden, a bite can quickly occur. Therefore, greater attention should be paid to the following dangers:
- Wasp nests not only on houses or trees
- earth wasps also sting
- when the dog digs for it
- when the dog lies down on the entrance
- Water and food bowl
- perched wasps can be swallowed
- Dog snaps at flying wasps
Even if there is a large, fenced garden, the dog should never be left out completely unsupervised. Many insects, including wasps, can be found in gardens close to nature.
First measures
If it was observed that the dog appeared to have been stung by a wasp, then initial measures should be taken. Since the animal is almost certainly in pain as a result of the sting, self-protection should not be forgotten here. In the event of a wasp sting, the following measures should be taken:
- calming the dog
- also calm people around you
- these could otherwise confuse the excited animal
- Keep your dog on a leash, especially in open areas
- so the animal can't run away in shock
- Put on a mouth sling or basket for self-protection
Especially animals that feel sudden pain and don't know where it comes from react in panic and even an otherwise very nice and sociable dog could bite in such a case.

The symptoms of a wasp sting on a dog can vary greatly depending on the part of the body affected. Caution is advised, especially if the throat and mouth are affected. If it was not observed that the dog was stung, then the following symptoms should be paid particular attention to, which could indicate an insect bite:
- increased licking when paw is bitten
- a limping gait may also occur
- Stitch shows up as swelling
- if stung in the mouth or throat
- Dog starts wheezing or choking
- Difficulty breathing
- Suffocation Symptoms
- swelling in the throat area occurs
- State of shock and/or unconsciousness
Depending on the symptom, the appropriate measures must now be initiated. As with humans, dogs can also experience anaphylactic shock after a wasp sting, which can be life-threatening.
Treat injection site
If the puncture site has been found, it should be treated. A wasp sting is very painful, even if there are no other symptoms. If you get bitten on your paw, the bite site should be treated as follows:
- immediately cool intensively
- flowing water
- alternatively ice pack from the freezer
- wrap this with a piece of fabric
- freshly cut onion takes away the pain
- Vinegar water can also be used
These remedies are used if the dog suffers from pain and swelling from the wasp sting, but otherwise shows no symptoms.
Stab in throat
If the dog has swallowed the wasp with its food or has snapped at the insect, it will quickly get a sting in the throat and mouth area. Since wasp stings can quickly swell, this can lead to a dangerous situation, depending on where the sting is and which is causing the swelling. The stings are less dangerous directly on the front of the lips, but dramatic situations can occur in the throat, where the windpipe is also located. Then the following initial measures should be taken:
- cool the bite with an ice cube in the throat area
- possibly give ice cream
- Remove the wasp if it is still in the throat
- Cool the neck from the outside
- with cold running water or ice pack
If you spend a lot of time outdoors with your dog, you always have to expect a wasp sting. It is therefore advisable to take a self-cooling instant cold compress with you, which is available immediately. This cools independently thanks to a chemical process and is available in pharmacies.

To prevent a wasp sting from occurring in the first place, it is important to prevent it. The population of stinging insects reaches its peak, especially in late summer and autumn. Therefore, the following measures should be taken:
- Keep your dog busy on a walk
- if it snaps at insects, stop it immediately with a command
- don't let treats be caught out of the air
- Check the garden and house for wasp nests
- also pay attention to earth nests
- Don’t leave wet food standing for a long time
- Wasps could burrow in
- Check drinking water regularly
- A wasp could swim in here
Going to the vet
Sometimes the only thing that helps is a quick trip to the vet. Especially if shortness of breath and symptoms of suffocation occur, in addition to the initial measures, the dog should also be taken to the vet immediately. Also, if the animal is in a state of shock or has even become unconscious, only a veterinarian can help. If you have the following symptoms, you should definitely consider going to the vet:
- Vomiting, cramps, diarrhea
- Dizziness, dog staggers while walking
- Severe swelling, especially in the throat area
If the dog has been stung by a wasp, it always helps the dog owner to have the animal's he alth condition checked by a veterinarian. Because the animals cannot speak and therefore often suffer in silence.
First aid measures for dogs
Just like with people, first aid measures can also be given to animals. In the worst case, loss of consciousness, cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest can occur. Then the help should be made as follows:
- if shocked, place dog on its right side
- Align your head and spine
- Pull front and hind legs apart
- Pull your tongue out of your mouth when you faint
- raise the rear area of the body
- cardiac pressure massage for cardiac arrest
- and mouth-to-nose ventilation
- Initiate ventilation even if breathing stops
In addition to the measures, care should always be taken to ensure that the cause of the severe symptoms is removed at the same time. In the case of a wasp sting, this means that you must quickly try to cool the swelling so that it can go down.
If you are alone with your dog, you should ask passers-by to help. Because the rescue measures should always be carried out by at least two people. If there are other dog owners nearby, they will usually come to help on their own.