Swedish herbs - what's in them? - Application & Risks

Swedish herbs - what's in them? - Application & Risks
Swedish herbs - what's in them? - Application & Risks

The healing Swedish herbs are also called Swedish bitters because of their bitter taste. The mixture has been used successfully for many centuries, and many people swear by its extraordinary healing properties. Due to the wide range of possible uses, the tincture helps with a number of physical complaints, both internal and external. The combination of various herbs results in a potent effect.


The name of the bitter herbal elixir comes from a Swedish doctor who recorded and marketed the recipe. However, the origin probably goes back to the Swiss alchemist Paracelsus and even to the ancient Egyptians. In the local latitudes, the mixture has become well known thanks to the Austrian healer Maria Treben. The Swedish bitter achieves its effect based on the very high proportion of traditional medicinal herbs. The main effect is achieved thanks to the bitter substances that are contained in almost all of the plants used for this purpose. The mixture also contains mineral active ingredients. Thanks to this composition, the Swedish herbs have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The natural substances also promote blood circulation and help burn fat. In general, they strengthen the human immune system and have a revitalizing effect on the mind and body.

  • Stimulates appetite and digestion
  • Generally effective for digestive problems
  • Helps with gallbladder pain and constipation
  • Used for colic and stomach cramps
  • Fights worms in the body
  • Helps with annoying hemorrhoids, corns and warts
  • Relieves general pain and toothache
  • Has a regulating effect on ear pain and ringing in the ears
  • Relieves rheumatic complaints
  • Reduces bruises and bumps
  • Relieves injuries and blisters caused by burns
  • Promotes the healing of cuts and abrasions
  • Good for scar care
  • Relieves sore eyes and cataract symptoms
  • Reduces dizziness and difficulty swallowing
  • Soothes sore and raw throats
  • Has an antipyretic effect
  • Proven as a remedy for insomnia


Maria Treben describes in detail the various effects of Swedish bitters in her book 'He alth from God's Pharmacy', as well as many of the possible uses.

Internal use

Aloe vera
Aloe vera

Swedish herbs are suitable for various areas of application and also as prophylaxis. When used internally, the healing herbs help with complaints caused by bacteria, parasites, fungi and viruses. If you have a sensitive stomach, you should always dilute the alcoholic mixture. In this way, the herbal elixir becomes significantly milder, and the liquid helps it to distribute better in the stomach. It is important to stir well so that the ingredients dissolve in the drink. Then drink the mixture in small sips, taking short breaks. This allows the body to slowly get used to the Swedish bitter and its bitter taste.

  • Take either pure or mixed
  • Take 1 teaspoon every day as a prophylactic measure
  • Both morning and evening
  • Dilute with either herbal tea, juice or water
  • In case of acute symptoms, increase the dose to 3 teaspoons
  • Can be taken before or after meals
  • Can also be carried out as a regular treatment

External use

Due to the ingredients it contains, external application may cause irritation, especially for sensitive skin. In addition, prolonged use can cause skin discoloration. Since high-percentage alcohol is used as a basis for preparing the mixture, some skin types react more strongly to it, even causing unpleasant pain. Therefore, the first treatment with the herbal tincture should always be carried out with a certain degree of caution in order to observe the individual reactions. It is important to grease the skin beforehand so that the alcohol does not dry out the skin too much. In addition, a rather short exposure time is initially advisable, as the tincture has an irritating effect on the skin after a longer period of time. Following the external application, the corresponding skin area needs gentle care in order to regenerate.

  • Rub the affected area of skin with a mild cream or ointment beforehand
  • Alternatively, body oils and petroleum jelly are also possible
  • Dab open wounds and gums with undiluted mixture
  • If you have sensitive skin, dilute with a little water
  • Soak a sufficiently large piece of cotton wool with the tincture
  • Then place on the skin and cover with foil
  • Finally wrap with a soft cloth
  • Previously warmed cloth increases effectiveness
  • Wear the poultice on the affected area for about 2-4 hours
  • If the symptoms are severe, leave it on overnight


Envelopes with Swedish herbs not only help with visible problems on the skin. Deeper pain in the joints and muscles can also be successfully treated.


Angelica archangelica - angelica root - angelica root
Angelica archangelica - angelica root - angelica root

The Swedish herbs are a miracle cure of nature, which have emerged from the experiences of many doctors and healers. The herbal elixir can either be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared yourself. However, some of the ingredients are rather rare and therefore not always easy to obtain. Knowledgeable contact points for purchasing are specialized herb shops. A brandy is used as the basis, which should have an alcohol content of around 38 to 42% by volume. In this way, the curative ingredients can be released from the herbs and combined with each other. The alcohol also serves to preserve the herbs and effectively and permanently prevents mold formation. It is important that the mixture can steep for a longer period of time. This can increase the effectiveness of the herbs.

  • 10 g Aloe Vera
  • Alternatively, gentian root or wormwood powder is also possible
  • 5 g myrrh and 0.2 g saffron
  • 10 g senna leaves and 10 g camphor
  • 10 g ziwer root and 10 g manna
  • 5 g boar root
  • 10 g angelica root and 10 g rhubarb root
  • 10 g Theriak venetian (special herbal mixture)
  • Fill herbs in bottle with wide neck
  • Pour 1.5 liters of brandy over it
  • Grain or fruit schnapps are also possible
  • Place the bottle in a warm and bright location for 14 days
  • Shake or stir daily
  • Then strain the mixture through a kitchen towel


It is very practical to always prepare a larger amount of the mixture. The elixir can last for several years, even if it still contains herbs.

Risks & Side Effects

Use rhubarb root for Swedish herbs
Use rhubarb root for Swedish herbs

Since there is no fixed recipe or patent for Swedish herbs, purchased mixtures can vary greatly. In addition, there is no exact scientific evidence regarding how it works and side effects. Rather, the healing effect of the herbal elixir was derived from individual experience. Although the herbal mixture consists of natural ingredients, due to the alcohol it contains, careful handling is still recommended. Therefore, caution is advised when treating yourself and long-term consumption. Although taking Swedish bitters is very promising in terms of treating many diseases, in some cases you should still consult a doctor. Self-medication with herbal extracts should be viewed critically, especially in the case of chronic, serious and untreated illnesses. If the symptoms do not improve within a certain period of time after taking the medication, it is advisable to go to the doctor.

  • Some outdated applications in circulation
  • Maria Treben is not a trained scientist
  • Swedish herbs have a very high alcohol content
  • Not suitable for alcoholics and people with liver disease
  • Represents a he alth risk for epileptics and brain-damaged people
  • Can be dangerous for breastfeeding women, pregnant women and children
  • Circulation-promoting effect can lead to early labor
  • Some herbs have strong laxative effects
  • Others can cause allergies
  • Interaction of different herbs possible
  • Consumption may interfere with or potentiate medicines
  • Seek medical advice if taking medication
  • Intensive long-term use is generally not recommended
