Removing s altpeter from masonry - 6 tips against s altpeter

Removing s altpeter from masonry - 6 tips against s altpeter
Removing s altpeter from masonry - 6 tips against s altpeter

S altpeter is a s alt that can form in damp masonry. Once s altpeter has settled, it will not disappear on its own. It should be removed because the masonry can become damaged over the years. The s alts in combination with the permanent moisture decompose the masonry. At first the plaster crumbles, later it can become unstable.

S altpeter in masonry

– Basics of the problem –

S altpeter can be recognized by discoloration of the masonry inside or outside. White to yellowish tones indicate that it could be s altpeter. First of all, the areas in question are very small. However, they become larger over time as moisture rises in the masonry. It is important that you take countermeasures quickly. The earlier you start, the more effectively you will prevent damage to the masonry. There are various measures for removing s altpeter. However, before you choose one of the options, it is important that you find out whether it is s altpeter at all. S altpeter is easily confused with mold in masonry, for which other removal measures apply.

Identify s altpeter clearly

How can you distinguish s altpeter from mold? At first glance, this is often not that easy. S altpeter, also often referred to as s alt efflorescence, often looks very similar to mold on a wall. Both variants can occur both outdoors and indoors.

Scratch test from the wall as a simple means

You can positively identify s altpeter by taking a scratch sample from the wall. To do this, use a small spatula or a wide screwdriver. It is advisable if you wear gloves. Carefully remove part of the siege, being careful not to let anything fall to the ground.

Allow the scratch sample to dry out

S altpeter in masonry
S altpeter in masonry

Place the scratch sample on a flat surface, such as a wooden or plastic board. After just one day, the drying process will have started on the small amount. Now you can easily distinguish s alt efflorescence from mold. S alt efflorescence crystallizes after drying. You can see the small crystals with the naked eye. If it is mold, you will find a greasy mass without coarse grains on the smooth surface. If you look closely, you may also notice that s altpeter has a rather dry and grainy consistency on the wall. However, in most cases the scratch test provides information and you can rely on the result.

Good to know:

In contrast to mold, s altpeter has a dry, grainy consistency and looks a little lighter and glassier on the wall.

Identify the causes of the s altpeter infestation

Before you begin removing s alt efflorescence, it is important that you determine the causes. Otherwise, you will face the problem again and again. If you have managed to effectively remove the s altpeter, it can reappear after a short time if you do not take care to eliminate the causes at the same time.

Remove moisture in the walls

Moisture in the wall is one of the conditions from which s altpeter can arise in the first place. It is important that you eliminate the cause of the moisture formation. In many cases you don't need to do much more than change the interaction between heating and ventilation. Regular ventilation is very important, even in winter, to remove moisture from the masonry. This is especially true on days that are very cool and wet and when you don't want to open the window at all. The warm air from the heating dries the masonry from the inside. Make sure that you also slightly heat the rooms that you are not in all the time. A false need to save money can have a negative impact on the masonry.

Find and repair cracks in the external wall

Older houses often have cracks in the plaster or exterior walls. Leaks in windows and doors can also cause moisture to spread through the masonry. Also check your water pipes. A small leak that constantly releases drops of water into the masonry can be enough to cause moisture to form in the wall. As a result, s altpeter can form. If you manage to get the moisture out of the wall, no new s alt efflorescence can form and you have permanently solved the problem.

Extra tip:

Check the masonry regularly for moisture and get to the root cause directly. In this way you can specifically prevent the formation of s altpeter without having to spend a lot of time on renovation work.

Remove smaller deposits manually

If you identify minor s alt efflorescence on your masonry, you can remove it manually. To do this, use a spatula. Lift the s altpeter off the masonry. It may then be necessary to smooth the masonry. After you have analyzed where the moisture comes from, take care of draining the damp area. The problem should then be resolved.


Manual removal is only suitable for very small deposits, otherwise it requires too much effort to remove.

Manual removal with a brush

You can remove larger deposits with a hard brush. A classic hand brush is suitable for this, and you should buy it new for this purpose. Since the debris will fall to the ground and it is s alt, it is recommended that you wear shoes even on warm days. Put on protective clothing and possibly wear a face mask. Now brush the masonry so vigorously that the deposits are removed from the wall.


Do not leave any residue on the wall.

It is important that you pay close attention to removing all deposits. Otherwise, the s altpeter can build up again from the remains and spread again.

After brushing off any residue, remove it from the floor. Use a classic broom or, if possible, a powerful industrial vacuum cleaner. Under no circumstances should you use your household vacuum cleaner, as you could spread small residues around the apartment or house.

Important to know:

There may already be mold in the deposits, which you may be able to breathe in while removing large areas with a brush. If you are allergic, wearing a respiratory mask is mandatory.

Remove s altpeter with cola

Cola versus s altpeter
Cola versus s altpeter

A home remedy that has proven effective in removing s altpeter is the classic Cola. You can buy inexpensive drinks from the supermarket or discount store and don't need to resort to the expensive branded product.


Use sugary cola and no light products.

The composition of the sugary cola means that the s altpeter can easily come off the wall. Apply the cola to the affected areas using a paint roller, a firm sponge or a wide brush. The wall should be dry. If this is not the case, use another option because you should only use cola on dry areas of the wall. The cola should not be absorbed for longer than ten minutes.

Wipe s altpeter off the wall

If the cola has spread on the wall, you can simply wipe off the s altpeter. Pay attention to your he alth and wear a face mask if necessary.

Since it is a food product, it is important that you remove the remaining cola from the wall really well. Otherwise, they provide a very good breeding ground for vermin, which are primarily attracted to the sugar. Coke is an inexpensive way to remove s altpeter. The measure is also suitable for larger areas.

Extra tip:

For further work on the wall, use a brush to really remove all deposits.

Use a chemical remover

Removing s altpeter with a chemical agent is very effective and requires little effort. However, this method is only suitable for areas that are not affected over a large area. You can get s altpeter remover at hardware stores or building materials stores.


Buy a sufficient amount of chemical remover and follow the instructions on the bottle.

Apply the s altpeter remover to the wall. You have various options for this, which also depend on which bottle you bought. Some bottles have a spray head and are therefore particularly practical. All you need to do is spray the solution onto the affected areas and let it take effect. It is not necessary to remove the solution because it penetrates deep into the masonry and dissolves the s alt efflorescence. Alternatively, use a paint roller or a wide brush to apply the solution to the wall.


The solution cannot damage the masonry. It is also possible to apply it to damp masonry to initially remove the s altpeter. The second step should then be to drain the water.

Remove s altpeter from masonry
Remove s altpeter from masonry

The solution can also eliminate discoloration that may form on the walls. Let the s altpeter remover work for one to two days and then examine the result. If you are still not satisfied, you can repeat the application up to twice. Then the deposits usually disappear.


The s altpeter remover is not harmful to he alth and can be used indoors without hesitation.

However, when using the s altpeter remover indoors, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Rooms should be well ventilated
  • Avoid permanent stay in the treated rooms for a period of two days
  • do not sleep in the treated room for two to three nights
  • Babies and small children should not be in the room
  • Move furniture away from the wall for two to three days

Very sensitive people can in rare cases get a headache because the s altpeter remover has a strong smell. If you know that you are sensitive to odors, it may be recommended that you wear a mask during treatment. However, this is not absolutely necessary.
