Outdoor seating roofing - ideas, variants and costs

Outdoor seating roofing - ideas, variants and costs
Outdoor seating roofing - ideas, variants and costs

A patio is usually an area in the garden that serves as a seating area. This can also be a terrace or even a balcony. No matter where the outdoor space is, it is crucial to think about a roof, which makes sense for a variety of reasons.

It is usually the protection from the sun that prompts the owner of a patio to create a roof.

It is well known that the sun's rays can have a negative impact on your he alth. It can also get incredibly warm on such an outdoor space when the sun is shining in midsummer. If there are children in the family who also play outside, then a patio cover is mandatory anyway.

The options for creating an outdoor seating area are very diverse. The ideas are based on local conditions, the available budget and personal taste.

Outdoor canopy made of wood

Creating a patio roof out of wood is the classic thing ever. Such a roof is also called a pergola, which is characterized by the fact that it practically only consists of a roof supported on columns.

These columns can then be easily decorated with climbing plants, hanging baskets or other accessories that are typical for garden decoration. With a wooden pergola you can create sun protection on the one hand, but at the same time you can also integrate a privacy screen by growing additional plants on the required side.

The costs for a pergola are very limited. A simple model can be purchased for less than 200 euros. Alternatively, with a little craftsmanship, you can create your own outdoor seating area out of wood.

If a mere roof is not enough for you at this point, you can also buy or build a pavilion. This is characterized by the fact that it resembles a hut because there are walls on three sides.

This not only provides effective sun and privacy protection, but also protection from wind and rain. This means that the outdoor space can also be used in autumn and winter. Here, too, hardware stores and the Internet offer numerous models in a wide variety of price categories. Practically anything is possible between 500 and 5,000 euros.

Outdoor canopy made of plastic or glass

Even though wood has numerous advantages, this material is not for everyone. After all, you shouldn't forget that wood requires a certain amount of maintenance. Without a regular coat of wood protection paint, the patio roofing would rot over time.

A patio roof made of plastic or glass, on the other hand, requires little work. However, this variant is also very expensive. In most cases, a patio with a glass roof in particular costs several thousand euros.

Therefore, many people choose the cheaper alternative made of plastic. Plastic panels, which are available in different designs and sizes, are fixed to a wooden structure and then provide sun protection from above. The plastic panels are available in a transparent version and can hardly be distinguished from glass.

There are also many models made of milked plastic or with certain patterns. The costs for this are just as varied as the designs, so that you can only spend 500 euros on a plastic patio roof, but on the other hand you can also spend a small fortune.