Clean windows without streaks when the sun is shining - this is how it's done

Clean windows without streaks when the sun is shining - this is how it's done
Clean windows without streaks when the sun is shining - this is how it's done

If you're going to clean windows, please do it streak-free, stain-free, shiny and clear. After all, no one wants to go to the trouble of staring at streaks, streaks and dried drops afterwards. But does it also work when the sun shines directly on the window pane? With the right approach, the windows can become clean, clear and free of stains. We reveal what’s important.

Why are there stripes?

Unfortunately, streaks and streaks are not uncommon when cleaning windows. Why do these annoying residues appear especially when it is sunny?

The reason for this is very simple: the heat. When the sun's rays hit the window pane, the glass heats up. The warmer the window glass is, the faster water and cleaning agents evaporate.

What remains is limescale, residues of the cleaning agent used and possibly also dirt. If these are still slightly damp and the window glass is polished, they will be smeared on the pane. This creates the unsightly streaks and streaks.


So that there are as few dirt residues as possible on the glass, the panes should be pre-cleaned. Pre-cleaning is recommended anyway, especially for heavily soiled windows. All you need is water, standard dishwashing liquid and a sponge or cloth. When using a cloth or sponge, make sure that they are clean and lint-free.

The window panes are soaked and washed with the mixture of water and detergent. The water used should be changed more frequently, especially on the outside of the windows, because pollen, exhaust gases and dust create a difficult film of dirt and can quickly contaminate the water. If the windows are very dirty, it may also be worthwhile to wipe the panes again after pre-cleaning with clean water without the addition of any cleaning agents.

Streak-free despite the sun – step by step

If you want to have streak-free windows despite the sun shining on the pane, you should take the following steps into account when cleaning:

  1. Pre-clean windows thoroughly. The cleaner the window panes are, the easier the following steps are.
  2. Use glass cleaner, a mixture of lukewarm water and cleaning alcohol or water and spirit to rub the panes in a circular motion and then clean them afterwards. A lot of liquid can be used so that the moisture does not evaporate from the glass so quickly.
  3. Remove the window glass as quickly as possible. The cleaning solution used should still be moist and not yet evaporated. If the glass is already too dry, it should be wiped again with a damp cloth.
  4. After removing, polish the panes with newspaper, chamois leather, nylon stockings or a lint-free microfiber cloth to remove the last stains and avoid streaks.


For very large window panes - such as those found as balcony doors or patio doors, the glass should be divided into several sections. You should always divide and clean from top to bottom. If cleaning is carried out when the sunshine is very strong, the window should be moved slightly and checked again and again while cleaning and polishing. The strong light can be blinding, meaning that streaks are not always immediately noticeable.

Cleaning products and speed for clear windows

Clean windows streak-free when the sun is shining
Clean windows streak-free when the sun is shining

Special glass cleaner, spirit or cleaning alcohol? Opinions vary greatly here. Vinegar cleaner can also be used. When choosing between different cleaning products, everyone has a personal favorite. Nobody is wrong with the variants mentioned. The speed of cleaning is crucial and even more important than the cleaning agent used. If the glass pane is warm, water and cleaning solution evaporate more quickly. Therefore, it must be peeled and polished quickly to avoid streaks.

If you have very large and lots of windows, it can make sense to work with a helper. Someone wipes the windows with a damp cloth and removes stains. Someone removes the glass and polishes the window panes. This means less time is needed, the windows do not have to be repeatedly moistened as needed and it is easier to achieve streak-free results.

Better in the morning than in the midday heat

Streak-free window panes can be achieved even if cleaning is carried out very quickly - but in very strong sunlight it is unnecessarily strenuous. It is therefore better to postpone window cleaning in summer to the early morning or late evening hours and not to do it in the strongest midday heat. At these times the glass is not heated up quite as much. In addition, the sun does not glare while cleaning and stains that are not sufficiently removed can be more noticeable and can be removed.

An alternative to this is to lower the external blinds and use the shadow created to reduce the warming up of the window glass. However, this only makes sense if there are external blinds. On the ground floor, a parasol could be placed in front of the window in question instead, if possible. However, it is still easier to clean on the current shady side of the house or apartment and thus avoid the rapid evaporation of the water and cleaning agents. This approach also requires less preparation and allows more time for cleaning.