Gas connection in the kitchen - Information about costs and laying

Gas connection in the kitchen - Information about costs and laying
Gas connection in the kitchen - Information about costs and laying

You can install a gas connection as part of a new building, a renovation, but also in between. The construction effort is average. Above all, the effort depends on how you want to lay the cables. If you decide to install over plaster, you only have to expect a small amount of effort.

Different ways of laying a gas connection

If you have decided to install a gas connection in the kitchen, you can choose from different installation options:

  • Cables on plaster
  • Cables under plaster
  • Laying the pipes in a channel in which the heating also runs

Various materials can be considered. These include:

  • Steel or stainless steel pipes
  • Copper pipes
  • Plastic pipes

Each of the materials has different advantages and disadvantages. Plastic pipes are particularly robust. They do not rust or break, so they are often used for laying. Basically, it is necessary that you comply with the relevant regulations. These vary depending on where you plan to install.

Requirements for laying gas connections

The basic requirement for laying a gas connection in kitchen rooms is the presence of a gas pipe that can be led to the house. In order to be able to reliably determine the costs for the gas connection, it is important that you find out in advance how long the supply line to your home will be. If in doubt, ask your local supplier at which point the installation of the connection should begin. This gives you a secure basis for calculating the costs for the gas connection.

Rules for installing gas connections

Using a gas pipe poses dangers. For this reason, there are regulations and technical rules that are set out in the DVGW regulations and which you must strictly adhere to. The last change to the rules took place in 2008 and is still binding today.

Stopcock and safety gas socket required

Gas connection in the kitchen
Gas connection in the kitchen

The rules state that there must be a shut-off valve near the gas appliance, which is very easily accessible. A safety gas socket is used for this purpose. This is connected to a metal hose that is flexible and has a length of up to 1.5 m. The gas appliance is connected at the other end.

The costs for the gas socket are partially covered by the gas supplier. You then do not need to pay any fees. Please contact the supplier to find out whether this is the case at your location.

Work must be carried out by a professional

Work on the gas pipe may only be carried out by an exclusively licensed gas and water installer or by a system mechanic.

This means that the fitter must be registered with the Chamber of Crafts and the gas supply company to carry out this work. You are only allowed to undertake this work in your house if you have this relevant license. Knowledge that you have acquired in the private sector is not enough.


You can read the specific regulations in DGUV Rule 100-500, Chapter 2.31.

Cost of installing gas connection

It is difficult to define a binding cost breakdown because the costs and the materials required vary for the individual construction projects. The costs are also strongly influenced by the regional location. The wage level, for example, plays a major role here. But the distance and location of the main connection as well as the material used are also important cost factors.

Costs for laying a gas connection

The example calculation can only serve as a guide and should under no circumstances be viewed as a cost template for your own construction project. A price example from Süwag GmbH, based in Frankfurt am Main, is used for comparison calculation. This is a standard network connection in accordance with the Low Pressure Connection Ordinance (NDAV) from January 1st. November 2006. The example calculation is based on regulation DA32. This is a standard connection for interior rooms, including the kitchen.

  • Production of the connection for a length of up to 15 m: EUR 1,650 flat rate
  • Additional costs for longer cables: EUR 32 per meter

The homeowner can provide their own services. These will be offset against the flat rate by the company commissioned to carry out the house connection professionally. The following individual contributions are possible:

  • Excavation of soil for laying pipes on private property: EUR 170 flat rate up to a length of 32 m.
  • Remuneration for additional lengths: 22 EUR per meter
  • Professional construction of the wall opening: EUR 80 flat rate

Costs for laying pipes in the kitchen

These costs are estimated at up to 1,500 EUR. The cost of laying cables is higher in older houses. The walls are thicker and may contain timber framing or portions of straw. This makes laying the cables more expensive. The size of the kitchen also plays a role. In a modern house with a small kitchen, the connection costs can be less than 1,000 EUR.

Refitting the chimney

Sometimes it is necessary to convert the chimney to gas operation. This is particularly the case if there is no alternative deduction option. Since such a conversion involves more effort, the costs can add up to up to EUR 1,000. The routing of air and the removal of exhaust gases are particularly important when operating on gas. The production of ventilation systems is sometimes quite complex, which explains the comparatively high cost factor.

Commissioning the gas connection

If all lines have been laid correctly, the gas connection can be put into operation. The cost is around 100 EUR. These costs include the meter and installation.

Total costs for making the gas connection

The costs for using a gas connection vary and depend very much on the requirements and local conditions. Under very good conditions, the connection costs between EUR 2,500 and EUR 3,000 if you provide your own services. The entire package without any personal contribution including adjusting the chimney can cost up to EUR 5,000

Craftsman prices vary regionally

Gas connection in the kitchen
Gas connection in the kitchen

The prices for hiring a craftsman vary greatly from region to region. On average, the total costs are as follows. In rural areas, craftsmen often work for lower hourly wages. However, if you live in a big city or a metropolitan area, you will have to expect higher costs.

Approval for laying a gas connection

Before you complete the final planning, you should find out whether you need a permit to set up the gas connection. If the house or apartment is your property, no approval is usually required.

Tenants are not allowed to make any structural changes

As a tenant, you are not en titled to order the installation of a gas connection yourself. You need permission from the landlord or the owner who owns the house or apartment. Without such approval, structural changes are not permitted. Sometimes the specialist company will ask for proof of ownership and the relevant permits.