Let green tomatoes ripen in autumn: this way they will still turn red

Let green tomatoes ripen in autumn: this way they will still turn red
Let green tomatoes ripen in autumn: this way they will still turn red

If there are still green fruits on the tomato plants in autumn, this can have various reasons. However, the reason for this is usually a combination of low temperatures and low sunlight. However, this is not a cause for concern because tomatoes have the ability to ripen under certain conditions.

Which tomatoes are suitable for post-ripening?

If you want to let green tomatoes ripen in the fall, you should first check them for certain characteristics. Because not all fruits are suitable for post-ripening. The current ripeness status primarily plays a role here, because only fruits that have already ripened can continue to ripen in autumn. These can usually be recognized by their yellow, sticky flesh. Furthermore, only he althy and undamaged fruits should ripen. It is therefore advisable to check the fruits for the following damage and symptoms of disease:

  • Damage: cracks, holes, etc.
  • Symptoms of illness: traces of mold, stains, etc.
  • Frost damage: glassy appearance


If the fruits are damaged or diseased, they should be disposed of in the compost. Cutting out damaged areas is not an option as pollutants such as mold spores and bacteria still remain in the fruit.

When do tomatoes ripen?

It is best if the tomatoes remain on the mother plant for as long as possible. Unripe fruits do not necessarily have to be harvested at the beginning of autumn. However, if the night temperatures drop or even night frost is to be expected, the fruits should be moved indoors to a warm area. For this purpose, it is advisable to always follow the weather report. However, if weather conditions permit, the plants can also mature in the bed.

However, please pay attention to the following:

  • Knapping plants
  • Fruits should not be in contact with the ground
  • It's best to put a wooden slat underneath it
  • Set up a cold frame or small greenhouse
  • if it is colder than 12 degrees, additional heat is needed
  • cover the plants with a warming foil

Optimal conditions for ripening

Green tomatoes can ripen in a variety of ways, but they all have certain conditions in common. In contrast to tomato plants, the fruits themselves hardly need any light and prefer darkness to ripen. However, the ideal temperature and humidity also play a crucial role:


The ripening process of green tomatoes can be influenced by the degree of heat. The following applies: the warmer it is, the faster tomatoes ripen. However, if it is cooler, the fruits need a little longer to ripen. However, this is practical if the fruits are not expected to be ripe until December or January.

  • After-ripening between 16-25 degrees
  • Ideal value: 18-20 degrees


The humidity also has an essential influence on the ripening of green tomatoes. If the humidity is too low, the fruits dry out. However, if it is too high, the fruit can rot, which in turn attracts fruit flies.

relative humidity over 80 percent

How to ripen green tomatoes?

If you want to let the green fruits ripen, you can choose between a variety of methods. Depending on the harvest yield, there are a wide variety of options available. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the respective method based on the fruits available.

Single to few fruits

If there are only a few fruits on the tomato plants in autumn, they are harvested carefully at first. It is important that these are not torn off, but rather cut off. Otherwise the fruits could be damaged and germs could penetrate more easily.

window sill

The most popular method for allowing one to a few tomatoes to ripen is to place them on the windowsill. Because here the fruits can still enjoy the sunlight and can therefore develop their typical aroma.

  • Put fruit in an open container
  • for example a bowl or bowl
  • Tomatoes should have enough space
  • bring the fruits indoors at night

Newsprint or plastic bag

If you don't want to let individual fruits ripen on the windowsill, you can also wrap them in newspaper or put them in a plastic bag. Transparent plastic bags also have the advantage that the tomatoes can be easily checked during ripening.

  • put some fruits in a bag
  • Close the bag
  • poke a few air holes in the plastic bag
  • check again and again for mold

Mason jars

Allow tomatoes to ripen in a jar
Allow tomatoes to ripen in a jar

If there is little space, mason jars are ideal for ripening tomatoes. On the one hand, the fruits can be stored to save space until they ripen. And on the other hand, they can always be checked for mold afterwards.

  • Fill tomatoes in mason jar
  • leave enough distance to the edge
  • otherwise the fruits could get bruises

Many fruits

If you want to ripen a large number of tomatoes, you obviously don't have to fill them into several bags or jars. There are also proven methods for allowing many fruits to ripen:

Carton or basket

A standard box or basket is ideal for ripening lots of green tomatoes. All you need is some newspaper, which you can put on the cardboard orbasket bottom is placed. If there are still a lot of fruits on the mother plant, it is advisable to harvest them including the stems and then store them to ripen.

  • Line the cardboard base with newspaper
  • Put in the fruits including the stems
  • make sure there is enough distance
  • Tomatoes shouldn't touch each other
  • Place the box in a cool, slightly damp and dark place
  • for example a pantry


If the harvest was particularly productive, the green tomatoes can easily be stacked in the box. To do this, it is advisable to lay out several pages of newspaper between the individual layers.

Clay pot or Roman pot

The practical pots are an ideal storage option for allowing green tomatoes to ripen. It is important that the containers are always clean and, ideally, sterilized. Ideally, these are sterilized before ripening by putting them in the oven for about 30 minutes.

  • Put the container in water for a few hours
  • this causes the pores to absorb the water
  • Put tomatoes in the container
  • cover with a lid
  • and fill it with some water
  • this increases the humidity
  • Check tomatoes every two to three days


Since the water is constantly evaporating, you should always top up with some water. This ensures that the humidity remains consistently high.

Allow the entire plant to mature

Allow green tomatoes to ripen
Allow green tomatoes to ripen

In order for the green fruits to ripen, it is not absolutely necessary to harvest them beforehand. The tomatoes can also be brought indoors together with the plant to ripen. This not only has the advantage that many fruits can ripen at once. But also that the tomatoes develop a stronger aroma thanks to the ripening on the stem.

  • Pulling the plant and its roots out of the ground
  • Remove leaves
  • move to a warm, dry room
  • for example a laundry room or a boiler room
  • Hang the plant upside down on the ceiling
  • attach with a string or wire


The plants can also be hung outdoors to ripen. For example, a house wall with strong sunlight is suitable for this.

Accelerate the ripening process

The ripening process cannot only be influenced by temperature. Storing certain types of fruit together can noticeably speed up the ripening process. Bananas and apples in particular have proven useful for this because they release a large amount of the ripening gas ethylene and thus allow green tomatoes to ripen more quickly.
