Retrofitting an awning drive – here’s how it works

Retrofitting an awning drive – here’s how it works
Retrofitting an awning drive – here’s how it works

Before you retrofit the awning drive, you should find out about the possible drive types from a specialist retailer. Although most awnings are constructed in the same way and there are hardly any differences in the design of the models, retrofitting them with an awning drive is a significant effort. To control the awning drive, you can choose between remote control and direct control. You can also install a so-called time control when retrofitting with an awning drive.

The slip-on motor

The easiest way to retrofit the awning with an awning drive yourself is the so-called plug-on motor. You can install this plug-in motor yourself, as the entire awning does not have to be dismantled. To assemble the slip-on motor, you can follow the enclosed instructions and no technical knowledge is necessary. The plug-on motor is installed on the crankshaft of the awning and then operated using electricity from the socket. The switch is located on the housing of the plug-on motor, with which you can then extend and retract the awning at the push of a button.

The Tubular Motor

Another awning drive with which you can retrofit the awning is the tubular motor, which is installed in the tube of the awning. You can do the installation yourself or have it done by a specialist. However, retrofitting an awning with a tubular motor should preferably be carried out by a specialist because with this awning drive the awning must first be dismantled and then reassembled with the awning drive used. Like the plug-in motor, the tubular motor is usually operated with a switch and a power connection to a socket, but can also be expanded with a remote control and radio operation.

The remote-controlled awning drive

The remote-controlled version for driving an awning is a little more complicated to install and should therefore be left to a professional. The remote-controlled awning drive is controlled with a remote control and works via a radio system.

The fully automatic awning drive

Another variant of the awning drive that can be mounted on the awning is the so-called fully automatic control. With this awning drive, for example, the awning is automatically extended when there is sunlight. You can also set the extension and retraction of the awning with this variant of the awning drive using a timer. There are also models of awning drives that automatically retract the awning when the wind reaches a certain level.

Retrofitting an awning drive – which motor is suitable?

If you decide to retrofit an awning drive, you can first check which manufacturer the already installed awning comes from. With this manufacturer you can usually find the appropriate motors for retrofitting an awning drive, provided the manufacturer offers this for the awning. Another way to find out which awning drive can be installed on the awning is to seek advice from an awning specialist.

Prices for awning drives

The prices for awning drives in the form of tubular motors or plug-in motors, which are operated via a switch on the housing of the awning motor, cost between 50 and 150 in specialist retailers or in online shops that specialize in the sale of awnings and awning accessories Euro. Awning drives that are controlled via radio and a remote control and which are sold in specialist shops under the name awning radio motor cost between 200 and 300 euros. However, this does not include the costs that the specialist charges for installation.
