Jam labels: free labels and vintage templates

Jam labels: free labels and vintage templates
Jam labels: free labels and vintage templates

You can easily make jam labels yourself. Of course, you can also buy ready-made ones in stores. Here you will find various free designs that you can download to your computer and print out.

Where can I get free jam labels?

You choose the appropriate labels from our vintage templates and download them.

How do you label the labels?

Our free PDF files have a “form function”, here you can write on the jam labels straight away without an extra computer program.

Or you can print out the labels on a normal sheet of paper and label them by hand.

How to attach labels?

So that the jam labels stick to the jar, there are various ways to attach them to the jam jar.

Printable Adhesive Paper

You buy printable adhesive paper from the stationery store on which the labels are printed directly. These are then just cut out and glued on.


Inquire beforehand which paper is suitable for your printer. Especially with laser printers, the appropriate setting for thicker material must be selected when printing.

Adhesive tape

The classic is wide, transparent adhesive tape. This holds particularly firmly and also protects the print and labeling in damp basements. However, you can always see the adhesive tape.


Milk offers a simple, quick, sustainable and ecological alternative. To do this, spread a thin layer of milk on the back of the label and stick it on the cold glass. This option can be removed later with a little water without leaving any residue.

The disadvantage of this solution is its durability. The jam label has no protection against moisture and unfortunately will not last forever. So use it for jams that you want to give away very quickly anyway.

Free Jam Labels

Jam labels free
Jam labels free

Template 1 – free jam labels (PDF file)

Jam labels free
Jam labels free

Template 2 – free jam labels (PDF file)

Jam labels free
Jam labels free

Template 3 – free jam labels (PDF file)

Jam labels free
Jam labels free

Template 4 – free jam labels (PDF file)
