Garden care 2024, September

The right time to cut Kolkwitzie - with instructions

The right time to cut Kolkwitzie - with instructions

The Kolkwitzia, also known as Kolkwitzia - mother-of-pearl bush - Linnaea amabilis, needs good care, including proper pruning. We'll show you what to pay attention to

Cutting miscanthus: When is the best time?

Cutting miscanthus: When is the best time?

When is the best time to cut the miscanthus? What do I have to consider when cutting? We answer these questions and show you how it works correctly. With tips & information for success

Japanese Maple - Instructions for proper pruning

Japanese Maple - Instructions for proper pruning

Caring for a Japanese maple also includes making the right cut at the right time. We'll show you everything you need to consider and how to cut the Japanese maple correctly

Cutting gooseberries - the ideal time for cutting back

Cutting gooseberries - the ideal time for cutting back

Good care also results in a good harvest. Caring for gooseberries also includes cutting. We show what you need to pay attention to. Instructions for cutting gooseberries can be found here

How to cut climbing roses - to the perfect shape in 5 steps

How to cut climbing roses - to the perfect shape in 5 steps

In order for the climbing rose to grow well, it must also be well cared for. Care also includes cutting climbing roses. We show what you need to pay attention to and how best to approach it

Cutting thyme - tips to prevent it from becoming woody

Cutting thyme - tips to prevent it from becoming woody

Thyme is very popular in the kitchen. If you always want to have it fresh on hand, you should get a thyme plant. Here we will show you how to cut thyme correctly

Cutting hornbeam - When is the best time?

Cutting hornbeam - When is the best time?

Did you know that a columnar hornbeam can live up to 150 years in favorable locations? That's why it's worth taking a closer look at care. Here we explain everything about cutting the hornbeam

Cutting elderberries - you definitely have to pay attention to this

Cutting elderberries - you definitely have to pay attention to this

An elderberry in the garden is not only beautiful to look at when it is blooming, but the flowers and later the berries can also be made into delicious things. We show you how to cut the elderberry so that it sprouts well and stays he althy

Cutting butterfly lilac correctly - 3 steps to success

Cutting butterfly lilac correctly - 3 steps to success

With the right cut at the right time, you can not only control the growth of a plant, but also contribute to its he alth. You can find out how to cut the butterfly lilac correctly here

Instructions for cutting gorse - what should you pay attention to?

Instructions for cutting gorse - what should you pay attention to?

With the right cut, a plant can grow properly. Here we will show you everything you need to consider when cutting gorse. With our tips and information you will succeed

Drying coffee grounds as flower fertilizer - valuable ingredients

Drying coffee grounds as flower fertilizer - valuable ingredients

Coffee as fertilizer in the garden - that's what's in the coffee grounds - As a supposed waste product, coffee can still serve many purposes in the garden:

Cutting loquat - step by step instructions

Cutting loquat - step by step instructions

In order to enjoy a loquat for a long time, you also need in-depth knowledge about cutting loquat. We'll show you how it's done and what you need to pay attention to to avoid mistakes

Rock dust: Apply primary rock dust for roses and lawns

Rock dust: Apply primary rock dust for roses and lawns

Rock dust is neither fertilizer nor pesticide. Rock powder is used as a soil additive. Find out more about the components and uses of primary rock powder

Fertilize hydroponics - make effective fertilizer yourself

Fertilize hydroponics - make effective fertilizer yourself

It is very important to fertilize hydroponics because the expanded clay only stores water but does not contain any nutrients. Instead of special fertilizers, there are also many good home remedies for hydroponics

Worms in the potting soil of my houseplants - what to do?

Worms in the potting soil of my houseplants - what to do?

Worms in potting soil are usually very useful. But they are undesirable for houseplants. We will show you ways to remove creepy crawlies from the potting soil

Snail fence: copper or plastic? Which helps effectively

Snail fence: copper or plastic? Which helps effectively

A colorful flowerbed or a well-stocked vegetable garden is a real asset to any garden. And unfortunately also tempting for snails. We show how a snail fence can help

Get rid of snails in the garden - 9 effective home remedies

Get rid of snails in the garden - 9 effective home remedies

Tips for controlling snails in the garden. The article shows ways to prevent and combat snails in the garden using biological means and natural enemies

Fight snails - these natural enemies eat them

Fight snails - these natural enemies eat them

Not only gardeners and their families love fresh lettuce from the garden, too often voracious snails come. We show you the natural enemies of snails, which can also help you

Moss against snails - this is how moss extract helps with defense

Moss against snails - this is how moss extract helps with defense

Use moss extract against snails. The cold winter months are over and with the first rays of sunshine come not only the first bees, but also the snails. We show what you can do to protect yourself from snails

Berry fertilizer: Fertilize berries/soft fruits properly

Berry fertilizer: Fertilize berries/soft fruits properly

With an optimal berry fertilizer, all hobby gardeners / gardeners can reap rich harvests. We will show you what you have to be aware of. With this information and tips on liquid fertilizer etc., it will work for you in the garden too. Your team wishes you good luck with fertilizing

Recognize greed and fight it properly

Recognize greed and fight it properly

Which hobby gardener doesn't know this: you chop, weed, pluck and dig for hours and yet a short time later the weeds are just as thick as before. We show you how you can recognize groundweed and successfully fight it throughout the garden. Your team wishes you much success

Is broom poisonous? - Information about Broom Broom, Färberginster & Co

Is broom poisonous? - Information about Broom Broom, Färberginster & Co

Regardless of whether a broom is placed on the terrace in a pot or in the garden, if there are small children in these areas, you should know how poisonous the plant is. Answers can be found here

Peat in the garden: these plants like peat

Peat in the garden: these plants like peat

Peat is certainly one of the materials in the garden that is often used to improve the soil. We show how good, ecological and sensible this is in this article and tips & information

Is Ficus elastica / rubber tree poisonous? Information for children/babies

Is Ficus elastica / rubber tree poisonous? Information for children/babies

The rubber tree - Ficus elastica - can be found in many living rooms. It is important to learn how poisonous and dangerous it is, especially for small children. We will explain this to you and give you tips

Is bamboo toxic to humans, dogs or cats?

Is bamboo toxic to humans, dogs or cats?

Bamboo - Is it poisonous? – We take a close look and clarify the background. When is bamboo classified as a poisonous plant? Are pets at risk? Find out everything you need to know

Is fern poisonous? Information for room ferns, bracken ferns and lady ferns

Is fern poisonous? Information for room ferns, bracken ferns and lady ferns

The fern is a very decorative plant, not only in the forest. We'll show you what you need to pay attention to when it comes to ferns in your home and garden. How poisonous it is and what you should pay attention to when handling it

Cutting angel trumpet - instructions + information on leaf types

Cutting angel trumpet - instructions + information on leaf types

Cutting the trumpet tree - Pruning the angel's trumpet - The angel's trumpet is an impressive tree. Pruning is also part of its care. We give you helpful tips

Cutting hibiscus: Pruning the garden hibiscus in autumn

Cutting hibiscus: Pruning the garden hibiscus in autumn

Garden hibiscus blooms on the new, this year's wood. If you prune vigorously in spring, the plant will sprout more vigorously. Tips and information can be found here

Is the oleander poisonous to us humans - be careful for children

Is the oleander poisonous to us humans - be careful for children

As beautiful as oleander flowers, you should be careful with this plant. You can find out everything that is poisonous about oleander here. We show where you have to be careful and what to do if something happens

Cutting indoor hibiscus - instructions + tips for cutting

Cutting indoor hibiscus - instructions + tips for cutting

The indoor version of the hibiscus should also be cut back regularly. We will show you what you should pay attention to and how to properly cut back the indoor hibiscus, including tips & information

Build and set up your own hedgehog house - with these instructions

Build and set up your own hedgehog house - with these instructions

The hedgehog house is a great, cute and very decorative idea for garden and animal lovers. And hedgehogs will also enjoy it, especially in winter. Here you will find two instructions for building

Potassium nitrate fertilizer, potassium s altpeter - all the advantages and disadvantages

Potassium nitrate fertilizer, potassium s altpeter - all the advantages and disadvantages

In order to thrive, plants need not only the right soil quality but also the appropriate nutrients. You can find out here how to use potassium nitrage correctly as a fertilizer

Fungal infestation on plants - the most common fungi on houseplants

Fungal infestation on plants - the most common fungi on houseplants

Fungal infestation on plants - what to do? Plants delight us and enrich our lives. We will show you the most common diseases and how you can best combat them. Tips & Information for you

Effectively combat mealybugs and mealybugs on cacti

Effectively combat mealybugs and mealybugs on cacti

Mealybugs appear on many plants. They seem to particularly like cacti and orchids. The pests are often introduced through new plants. We show ways and means to combat it

Have turf laid - costs / prices with sample calculation

Have turf laid - costs / prices with sample calculation

Rolled turf is a great thing for anyone who wants to quickly have a thick lawn in their garden. Should you buy the turf and have it laid or lay it yourself? Info & tips on the topic

Fighting aphids on houseplants - 7 remedies for lice

Fighting aphids on houseplants - 7 remedies for lice

Aphids are annoying and not particularly attractive on houseplants. We'll show you seven remedies for lice on houseplants. Tips & Information against annoying pests

The little ABC: Sowing the lawn - timing, reseeding, mowing & fertilizing

The little ABC: Sowing the lawn - timing, reseeding, mowing & fertilizing

Here you will find our little lawn ABC. Everything about preparing, sowing, mowing, fertilizing and caring for lawns. Tips and information for a green and dense lawn as a highlight of your garden

Care of new turf - mowing and fertilizing in the first year

Care of new turf - mowing and fertilizing in the first year

Asen off the roll - Every garden lover whose lawn is a lush green and free of moss and other weeds such as clover is proud of this. Information and tips about rolled turf and finished turf

Garden marshmallow - location, care from A-Z and cutting

Garden marshmallow - location, care from A-Z and cutting

The marshmallow or hibiscus comes in many different flower colors. Here you will find out everything you need to know about care, illnesses, etc. Tips & You can find information from us

Recognizing Lawn Diseases - List of the most common lawn problems

Recognizing Lawn Diseases - List of the most common lawn problems

In addition to the car, the German's favorite child is certainly the lawn that adorns or at least should adorn their own property. Here you can find out what you can do against the most common diseases