DIY 2024, September

Laying TV cables and satellite cables - 5 tips for good reception

Laying TV cables and satellite cables - 5 tips for good reception

You don't always have a TV connection in the right place in your apartment and in new buildings it is usually missing entirely. We show you how to properly lay TV cables and satellite cables. Tips & Info

Painting tiles - application tips for tile paint

Painting tiles - application tips for tile paint

If you no longer like the current tile color, you don't always have to tear off the tile backsplash. Painting tiles is an alternative to making tiles look like new

Laying Fermacell panels - 10 and more tips for processing and cutting

Laying Fermacell panels - 10 and more tips for processing and cutting

Gipsfaster boards (often just called Fermacell boards) are very versatile. We show you how to lay the Fermacell panel correctly. Tips & Information for do-it-yourselfers and do-it-yourself builders

Renew carport roof - Costs for flat roof covering

Renew carport roof - Costs for flat roof covering

There are various options for covering the roof of a carport or other flat roof. We will show you which materials and methods are suitable and what they cost

Facing or painting the house base? Advantages and disadvantages

Facing or painting the house base? Advantages and disadvantages

Whether you should paint or cover the base of a house is not always just a question of your own taste. We show what you should pay attention to and the reasons why

Apply mineral plaster & - Instructions & Cost

Apply mineral plaster & - Instructions & Cost

Mineral plaster is a good way to seal walls and make them visually attractive. Here you can find out how to apply mineral plaster &

Build your own pedestal - with/without drawers - instructions

Build your own pedestal - with/without drawers - instructions

You can get a lot of space out of a small amount of living space. A platform in the apartment creates more storage space and is a visual highlight & you gain distance from the often cold floor

Build your own septic tank - What else is allowed?

Build your own septic tank - What else is allowed?

Can you build a septic tank yourself? What do you have to consider? What is allowed? We show you what you need to pay attention to so that wastewater runs its course properly

Insulate a damp wall - The best tips for interior & exterior walls

Insulate a damp wall - The best tips for interior & exterior walls

If moisture gets into the masonry, it can cause lasting damage and even make a building uninhabitable. We show you how to properly deal with damp walls. Tips & Info

MDF boards: thicknesses, dimensions & prices - All the properties of MDF board

MDF boards: thicknesses, dimensions & prices - All the properties of MDF board

MDF boards are very versatile thanks to their properties. We show what different MDF boards there are, what their special features are and where they are used

Expanded clay, expanded clay blocks, expanded clay fill - Advantages and disadvantages

Expanded clay, expanded clay blocks, expanded clay fill - Advantages and disadvantages

Expanded clay is a very versatile material. You can not only cast it in the form of stable stones or use it as a fill material. Here you can find out all the advantages and disadvantages

Mold removal by a professional - Cost & tips

Mold removal by a professional - Cost & tips

Small mold stains can usually be removed quickly, but this only addresses the surface. If you want to get to the bottom of the mold, you should call a professional

Create a shadow gap on the ceiling - Drywall & wooden ceiling

Create a shadow gap on the ceiling - Drywall & wooden ceiling

A shadow gap can be created on a wooden ceiling and also on a drywall ceiling. Here you can find out how to set a shadow gap correctly. Everything you need to consider can be found here

Laying and connecting underground cables - Installation depth & costs

Laying and connecting underground cables - Installation depth & costs

Electricity is a matter that should never be underestimated. We show everything that should be taken into account when laying underground cables

Base Color: Materials, Colors & Cost

Base Color: Materials, Colors & Cost

The base of the house doesn't look nice without paint. In this article we will inform you about materials, colors & costs of base paint

Inspection shaft for wastewater - which material is suitable?

Inspection shaft for wastewater - which material is suitable?

Wastewater also needs to be checked and so that you can check the regulated flow of wastewater yourself, there is an inspection shaft for wastewater

Lay and attach dimpled sheeting - This is how it's done

Lay and attach dimpled sheeting - This is how it's done

A house wall must be protected from moisture so that the masonry remains stable. One way to protect against moisture is to attach bubble wrap. Here are the instructions

Apply felt plaster - this is what you should pay attention to

Apply felt plaster - this is what you should pay attention to

Flizputz enchants with its special look. Plastering a wall with felt plaster is not the easiest option, but it is a very beautiful one. We show what needs to be taken into account when applying felt plaster

Apply structural plaster - Instructions for making your own

Apply structural plaster - Instructions for making your own

If you want to cover a wall with plaster, you have many options. Here you will find out how to apply structural plaster and how you can make structural plaster yourself. Lots of information and tips on the topic

Make your own sloped screed - not just for terraces and balconies

Make your own sloped screed - not just for terraces and balconies

Making sloped screed yourself is a good way to save costs. We show when it makes sense to create sloped screed yourself and how to do it. Instructions not only for balcony & terrace

Trench seepage - this is something to consider

Trench seepage - this is something to consider

When it rains heavily, the soil and plants sometimes cannot absorb all the water at once. Trench infiltration is a good way to allow rainwater to seep away in a targeted manner. Info

Hang up garden tools: this is how you bring order to your tool cupboard

Hang up garden tools: this is how you bring order to your tool cupboard

" Order is half the battle." This wisdom also applies in the garden and in the hobby workshop. We show how easy it is to hang up your garden tools, even without being a craftsman

Glue clinker brick slips - Instructions & Cost

Glue clinker brick slips - Instructions & Cost

You can decorate a wall very nicely with clinker brick slips. Whether inside or outside, clinker brick slips are a nice alternative to plaster and are also very versatile in appearance

Flush drainage & clean - Reduce drain cleaning costs

Flush drainage & clean - Reduce drain cleaning costs

To ensure that a house or an outside wall is not attacked and decomposed by moisture from below, there are drainage tubes. Here you can find out how to properly clean drainage &

Bosch cordless screwdriver: blue or green? - All differences explained

Bosch cordless screwdriver: blue or green? - All differences explained

Bosch is one of the leading brands of tools. Bosch offers two model lines, the green and the blue. We clarify the differences between the two product lines and reveal the secret behind them

Remove fiberglass wallpaper - this is how it works

Remove fiberglass wallpaper - this is how it works

Fiberglass wallpaper looks very decorative and is also very robust. But it is precisely this robust property that also brings disadvantages. We show you how to remove glass fiber wallpaper

Cladding a wooden ceiling with plasterboard: this is how you screw panels onto plasterboard

Cladding a wooden ceiling with plasterboard: this is how you screw panels onto plasterboard

Wooden panels on the ceiling are no longer to everyone's taste these days. A quick DIY way to get rid of the old look is to screw on plasterboard

Remove tile adhesive: Remove tile adhesive residue from the front

Remove tile adhesive: Remove tile adhesive residue from the front

Removing tile adhesive is not that difficult. We show you how to remove tile adhesive residue, including from the front of the tile

Lay the underlayment and attach it later - DIY instructions

Lay the underlayment and attach it later - DIY instructions

A not unimportant part of roof construction is the underlayment. We show you how to lay the underlayment correctly and how to attach it later

Quick cleaning strips: Attach and remove cleaning rails - instructions

Quick cleaning strips: Attach and remove cleaning rails - instructions

There are various options for plastering a wall evenly. Here we will show you how you can achieve a clean result with the help of quick cleaning strips

Difference between jam and knee stick explained simply

Difference between jam and knee stick explained simply

You come across the two terms Kniestock and Drempel again and again, whether when building a house or renting an attic apartment. We explain the differences and what you should pay attention to

Wallpapering OSB panels - instructions - Wallpaper on OSB - this is how it works

Wallpapering OSB panels - instructions - Wallpaper on OSB - this is how it works

You can achieve a lot when it comes to building your home with OSB boards. However, I don't like the look of these fiberboards. We show what options there are for wallpapering OSB panels

Refresh wooden table: sand and oil - Instructions in 4 steps

Refresh wooden table: sand and oil - Instructions in 4 steps

Instead of throwing a worn wooden table away as bulky waste, you can instead refurbish it with little craftsmanship (and little money). Sanding and oiling solid wood correctly takes a lot of work, but you can be proud of the final result - after all, a freshly polished dining table is the social center of many homes.

Laying ridge tiles - Instructions for attaching

Laying ridge tiles - Instructions for attaching

Laying the ridge tile is possible with the right instructions. We show what options there are for laying a ridge tile on the roof yourself. With our tips you can do it too

Glue Styrofoam strips, attach & cut - This is how it's done

Glue Styrofoam strips, attach & cut - This is how it's done

Styrofoam strips form a very nice finish between the wall and ceiling. We show you how to properly glue Styrofoam strips. Here you can find out the tricks and tips from the professionals

Rinse underfloor heating - How often and when necessary?

Rinse underfloor heating - How often and when necessary?

In order for underfloor heating to work properly, it requires some care and maintenance. Flushing the underfloor heating is an important task. We show what you should pay attention to

Cutting Styrofoam - Clean cutting made easy

Cutting Styrofoam - Clean cutting made easy

No matter whether you use Styrofoam for facade insulation or in drywall construction, whether for crafts or model making - it doesn't just require the right technology to be able to cut Styrofoam

Clean windows with alcohol - This is how windows get really clean

Clean windows with alcohol - This is how windows get really clean

A household chore that everyone has their own truth and opinion about is window cleaning. Every generation has its secrets. We show you how to use alcohol to clean windows streak-free

Covering house bases & blending - 11 tips for the perfect result

Covering house bases & blending - 11 tips for the perfect result

House bases can be covered and covered, not only to protect the house base but also to enhance the appearance of the facade. We show you how to properly disguise &

Remove scratches in laminate: 7 home remedies and tips

Remove scratches in laminate: 7 home remedies and tips

Nothing is more annoying than discovering a scratch in the laminate or even causing it yourself. We will show you what means you can use to remove damage and scratches from laminate flooring